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Tiles / Squares on ground

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I am writing because I have a problem with Prepar3D. I have FS Global + OrbX FTX (with Europe and America LC). In these regions, Europe and America, no problem with ground textures, but in other regions (Africa, Asia, Oceania) ground shows with tiles / squares. If I disable FS Global and OrbX FTX in Scenery Library the problem persists.

Here you can see 3 pictures showing the problem:


I have created new Shaders, scenery.cfg and terrain.cfg, but these are not related to the problem.

The order in the scenery library is correct:



-FTX Global Libs

-FTX Global openLC Regions

-FTX Global openLC Base

-FS Global

-Default P3D sceneries

-FTX Global Vector

-"Base" sceneries

-FTX Global Vector AEC

-"Default scenery"

-"Default terrain"


So do you know how to solve this problem?

Thank you so much!!

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Try uninstalling Global Base through FTX central and then reinstalling.

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Try the "verify files" button in FTX Central for each of the ORBX products you have installed (including LC and vector). I've seen this after a P3D version update.

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Verifying files does nothing, however I ran "Migration troubleshooter" and it tells that I have a lot of files in /Scenery/World/Texture with missing migration. I ran "Force migration" but does not improves anything...

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