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  1. Hi, I have several doubts with LINDA. I don´t know if it is normal or they are errors: -I can´t find a BUS TRANSFER assignement for PMDG 737NGX. -Disengage bar don´t synchronize correctly with PMDG 737NGX. When I press Disengage bar sometimes don´t produce any effect on the MCP of the airplane, and another times one press produces several ON and OFF movements on the lever of the airplane... -LDG ALT don´t synchronize correctly with PMDG 737NGX. When MCP shows 0 overhead panel shows 150, when MCP shows 50 overhead panel shows 200, and so on. Thank you.
  2. Problem solved !!! The problem was in config-vri.lua file. It comes like this when unziping LINDA 2.7.0: VRI["ENABLED"]=1 VRI["TYPE"]=0 VRI["DEBUG"]=0 VRI["COMPORT"]=1 And it should be: VRI["ENABLED"]=1 VRI["TYPE"]=2 VRI["DEBUG"]=1 VRI["COMPORT"]=6 (or the port you have defined in FSUIPC4.ini) Changing to that values LINDA loads correctly.
  3. No problem, I will wait for your answer. As a further information, if I restore to my 2.6.4 files (from my backup) it works ok, but if I install a fresh version of 2.6.4 I have the problem again. So it´s very strange... Thanks.
  4. I have MCP2 Boeing type. Problem with 777 resolved (I had some files with .default extension instead of .lua), but now the behaviour is the same for both airplanes: the odd characters on the MCP display. This is the list of folders and files I have installed: /linda /aircrafts /FSX Default /PMDG 737NGX actions.lua ident.lua readme.txt user.lua /PMDG 777 actions.lua ident.lua readme.txt user.lua /data /libs /lua /system /linda-cfg /aircrafts /FSX Default /PMDG 737NGX config-mcp.lua config-mcp2.lua config-mcp2a.lua config-user.lua /PMDG 777 config-mcp.lua config-mcp2.lua config-user.lua /data /libs /lua /system ipcReady.lua LINDA.exe linda.lua linda2.log I have FSUIPC version 4.939e, is this correct for the versions of LINDA and airplane modules I have? Or do I need exactly the last version? Could it be an incompatibility between LINDA 2.7.0 and the last versions of PMDG 737NGX and PMDG 777 modules? Thank you again.
  5. Hi, I have updated LINDA to 2.7.0. I use the last modules for PMDG 737NGX (version 3.4) and PMDG 777 (version 1.2). To install them, I simply copy the contents of LINDA 2.7.0 in the /Modules folder and copy the specific airplane module files to the /Aircraft folders linside /linda and /linda-cfg. When I start FSX and load the airplanes: -For PMDG 737NGX I get odd characters on my MCP display: F:00A:0 F:00g Type v1.100 Sel100 YA:0 Air000ft 100 FLY No0 -For PMDG 777 LINDA console says it can´t find any MCP configuration and doesn´t load. I never have had such errors, do you know the possible cause? Thank you so much.
  6. My FSX keeps with "Fatal error" when starting LINDA and Level-D 767. I cant understand, with PMDG 737NGX is all ok...
  7. I can see that MCP works without LINDA application started, but some Joysticks need the LINDA application started... It is very strange, I read both manuals but I think they miss important aspects, for example how you have to do when starting all ths systems (FSX, LINDA, etc...), because I find a lot of variability...
  8. Thank you, I presume that it was the port COM that it was not the same in FSUIPC4.ini and in LINDA application. What I can't understand is why LINDA/LUA module is loading automatically when I choose my plane in FSX! It detects my plane succesfully! I like it this way, so no problem, but I would like at least to know which is the reason if possible... Because I have the option "Start with FSX" in LINDA unmarked.... Perhaps some configuration in FSUIPC4.ini, or FSX.cfg?
  9. I don´t know what is happening, it´s incredible... This afternoon I got back to initial configuration, simply copying again all the LINDA files (that I saved to another folder just in case) to Modules folder to see if it works with Level-D 767, and MCP is loading LINDA! It seems to be running correctly with both planes! The only difference is that now I don´t load LINDA GUI when loading FSX, as FSX loads LUA automatically, but I don´t understand why... Do you have any idea? Which is the reason? Thank you so much.
  10. Dear everybody, I use PMDG 737NGX. I have "Everything is ok" in all sections of LINDA, and FSX shows a green message telling LUA module is loaded correctly or something similar, but MCP displays doesn´t change, and the knobs and keys don´t respond. I can´t figure out this problem... Thank you.
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