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Mr Unicorn

Black screen after using editor

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After creating a custom pushback route out of gate C39 at Flightbeam Denver, I couldn't get out of the editor. When ever I would click anywhere after "creating" my custom route, it would go right back into the birds eye view. I clicked on "minimize" something and then my screen in the sim went completely black and does not recover. Restarting the sim is the only thing that fixes it. I am on the latest UGCX version on P3D v4.5 with the hot fix.

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3 hours ago, Just Caliber said:

After creating a custom pushback route out of gate C39 at Flightbeam Denver, I couldn't get out of the editor. When ever I would click anywhere after "creating" my custom route, it would go right back into the birds eye view. I clicked on "minimize" something and then my screen in the sim went completely black and does not recover. Restarting the sim is the only thing that fixes it. I am on the latest UGCX version on P3D v4.5 with the hot fix.

I got it!...I just tested on another machine having Windows 10, and I got it right away. There seemed to be a Windows update, because I test it on since 2-3 weeks ago and it was working fine on Windows 10, under the same machine, but today, got this issue you got, plus others, which I'm now tracking down to fix.


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What name are you setting to the custom pushback?...I think this is related to the way or the name you set to the custom pushback route. Can you remmember the name you used on that route that let to that black screen?.


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16 hours ago, Manuel82 said:

What name are you setting to the custom pushback?...I think this is related to the way or the name you set to the custom pushback route. Can you remmember the name you used on that route that let to that black screen?.

I just leave it as custom pushback (face "direction") But I am glad to hear that this can be replicated! 😄

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I got it too.  Firstly I was unable to move instruments in the cockpit with the mouse, then the screen went black.  Kill all operations in the UGCX menu doesn't fix the issue and I am unable to open any of the P3D menus with the mouse.

To be honest, for me the update made the program much more cumbersome to use.

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This is solved in a new update we are almost ready to release. This new update makes the top-down simulation view as optional, plus fixes the CTD, black screen and weird Windows issues has been appearing since first release. Also it automatically deletes the top´-down view, (no longer need the user to manually delete it)...plus 4-5 more fixes. We are waiting on some translations to then release. These fixes has been tested with users that reported them, since during BETA these things weren't spotted. But Finally we got them sorted out.




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