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VirtualCol Dash 8 Series

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Hello pilots! I have some issues with these models! In Dash 8-100 I can normaly select the course button but I cannot see what number (direction) I put! I can see only HDG direction on my instruments! Another serious issue is that when trying to land the nose is down and if I try to pitch it up it doesnt descent, fly forever even with engine power down!!! What I do wrong? 

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For the floating approach, when you turn onto final, pull the condition levers back as far as they'll go without shutting the engines down, as well as throttles to flight idle. I shouldn't think it's at all realistic but it does work for me.

(You could also add a bit of weight - some fat passengers might help!).

Off the top of my head (lunch break at work), I think the course should appear on the PFD somewhere. If it doesn't then you're stuck with the 'needle' on the display.


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I've just had a quick look now that I'm home and I have the Q400. If the 100 is the same then you can see the CRS setting. You have to change what the PFD displays:

Shift+7 should open a panel called "ECU and EFIS". The second knob down from top left selects what is shown by the PFD. Switch it to "HSI" and your PFD should show a compass rose with CRS in the top left corner.

Alternatively, in the virtual cockpit on the pedestal, next to the FMC, you should see the same knob.


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No -100 is not the same, my mistake that I didnt mention that FDE problem is for -400! The problem with -100 is only that I cannot see the CRS numbers anywhere! 

Anyway, for -400 I create new FDE and now works perfect!!! You can find the file in Avsim Library if you want! 

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