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not really but you can simply enable and disable airport or some navaid. This will trigger a display refresh.

Normally it's not needed to refresh manually. Do you see kind of a display issue?


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thanks Alex. i have noticed when online VATSIM aircraft are sometimes missing or not mapped until Little Navmap redraws the map [locally, at an airport and enroute] 

for example an aircraft will stay at one place until map refresh. i will see it taxi and line up and then not until it is airborne and away from the field.

i will use your suggested technique and see.


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Hi Joe,

this is an issue with the VATSIM updates and has nothing to do with the map. The VATSIM data is only downloaded every two or three minutes.

Have a look here in chapter "Simulator and Online Aircraft Duplicates". Fixing the duplicates might also solve the problem with the slow updates. I cannot give a general procedure for this since it depends on the used network client (like IVAP, etc.).


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