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Dissapointed with GTN 750

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I will admit that it looks great in the xplane 11 c172 cockpit, but the only way I got it installed in it was to go to the xplane 11 website

and download a modification for the aircraft and install that to get it to install it to the 3d cockpit. WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DO THIS!!! 

The second issue that I have with these instruments,  although they look great in the aircraft is that they will not install into other aircraft that I have,

and by this I mean is they are not part of the 3d cockpit and I am still looking for other mods so I can do that again WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DO THIS!!! 

          The third and final issue I have is that customer support cannot respond to any email address that is comcast.net,  afterall

comcast is a major player in the internet provider marketplace and I can't get customer support to respond to that email.

  To say the least I am very dissapointed with the operations of reality XP and when I or anyone else spends in excess of 70$ USD

on instruments they should work in any aircraft anytime and you should at least get them to respond to your email whether it is

comcast or not!

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On 8/7/2020 at 8:29 AM, n5952c said:

I will admit that it looks great in the xplane 11 c172 cockpit, but the only way I got it installed in it was to go to the xplane 11 website

and download a modification for the aircraft and install that to get it to install it to the 3d cockpit. WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DO THIS!!! 

The second issue that I have with these instruments,  although they look great in the aircraft is that they will not install into other aircraft that I have,

and by this I mean is they are not part of the 3d cockpit and I am still looking for other mods so I can do that again WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DO THIS!!! 

          The third and final issue I have is that customer support cannot respond to any email address that is comcast.net,  afterall

comcast is a major player in the internet provider marketplace and I can't get customer support to respond to that email.

  To say the least I am very dissapointed with the operations of reality XP and when I or anyone else spends in excess of 70$ USD

on instruments they should work in any aircraft anytime and you should at least get them to respond to your email whether it is

comcast or not!

First -- You are a little over the top on this....I think you also need to maybe start out with a more reasonable set of questions than BLASTING off.  All Caps in Bold and wit Red backing is basically the equivalent of shouting and screaming at people....probably not going to see many people help you out.


Now let's talk about a thing called "copyright" law....guess what it applies to people work and how they license that work.  I suggest you spend a few hours on software licenses.  In this case as a "commercial" developer you would run afoul of almost every copyright out there if you were to take the "work" of Laminar and then distribute that work...even if it is modified and supplied with "good intent".  Even Carenado has had weird "exceptions" to people modifying their aircraft to support things but have seemed to leave individuals alone that make Config Mods but those still stop short of supplying Model modifications at the 3D level...

If the Vendor of the Aircraft does not supply the model with a 3D model that incorporates this then you have to modify it yourself.  Reality XP offers all of the items needed for the 3rd party developer to incorporate them into their models.  There are plenty that do this now and it would have been great if they also offered 3D models of the cockpit that would have not included the Avionics as part of the model -- example with many if you try to put the Bezel into the VC the issue is that it is still below the 3D Model of the AC.  For some with say a 430 and you replace with another unit lot's of the Knobs are 3D and will protrude through and you can not get rid of them.

If you want to have the "easy" way and not have to do some of this then you need to purchase only the Air Craft that the developer have incorporated the models and support directly into them -- or you will have to Mod them / only use the 2D pop ups.....


Issue number 3 -- You are barking up the wrong tree here.  In experience with the company that I work for we had an issue where Comcast decided to put us on a "blacklist" and block our emails.  They are the ones that are blocking RXP not that RXP just decides that they do not want to email to those addresses.......In our case this happened because when we had signed on mailing lists we had quite a few customers with comcast emails --- because they were our customers and signed up for notifications :).....

Well apparently Comcast does not like Emails that it think are "spam" because they were sent to multiple people.  We had to contact them and work through all kinds of hoops (luckily one of our large customers being NBC they were able to "interject" on our behalf) at the end we were warned against any further emails with multiple users on it....Hungh??? The approved method for this meant we had to use an "approved" email list vendor...... Yes you read that correct we had to go and pay a service to be our email "list" distributor and only then would we be able to have comcast email addresses on large mailings???

If this is the similar predicament that RXP has run into (which I can see is possible) then maybe they don't see the "value" in having to spend lot's of money on paying a 3rd party mailing service that is approved by comcast.

If you are mad that you can not use your Comcast email then maybe take it up with your provider and not yell at RXP whom is unable to send emails to that address.

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Les O'Reilly

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