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Working Title CJ4 Lower Data Knob

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Scripting newb here and I'm trying to get hardware buttons to increase and decrease the lower data knob (below the MFD) in order to move the checklist cursor around the check lists using the simvars H:Generic_Lwr_data_INC and H:Generic_Lwr_Data_DEC.  I got a hardware button to work to check a list item complete using the H:Generic_Lwr_Data_Push simvar using the script "1 (>H:Generic_Lwr_Data_Push)"  and I assumed I could use the same format for the increase and decrease, but that's not working.  Any advice for this beginner?  Thanks

George Shimada

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bLindyee provided me with the answer; I was using the wrong sim variables.  If anyone else is trying to do the same, use H:Generic_Lwr_MENU_ADV_INC and H:Generic_Lwr_MENU_ADV_DEC

George Shimada

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