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AxisAndOhs version 2.70 released


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  • Commercial Member

Hello @ll,

AAO version 2.70 has been uploaded to the shops today

Here is the change log:

- Change: Added ViGEm Interface, so AAO can be used to control games that rely on XBox controllers (SnowRunner and the like)
- Change: Added Virtual Mouse
- Change: Added P3D Camera/View SimConnect methods
- Change: Added new logic for filtering potentiometer noise for axis
- Change: Removed the obsolete LED on the button dialogs that assign virtual events
- Change: AAO can run without the ViGEm or vJoy DLLs being present (in case they are blocked by AntiVirus)
- Change: Expanded Hardware Change dialog
- Change: Added extra button to remove non-existing devices from the blacklist
- Change: Web FIPs: instruments can be called separately using their index, gauge name or file name
- Change: PMDG: data structure adapted for MSFS 737 SDK
- Change: MSFS: Integrated new (SU11) SimConnect DLLs, updated event and variable lists from the SDK v.
- Change: Added option to start the sim automatically before connecting

- Change: RPN: %1 - %9 / %s1 - %s9 dynamic parameters can be used with all AAO commands
- Change: RPN: Additional parametrized "(CALL:scriptgroup-scriptname)" command to call other scripts from RPN code in addition to (>K:scriptgroup-scriptname)
- Change: RPN: Added mousex, mousey, mousecmp commands
- Change: RPN: Added option to replace a color when using LOADIMAGE (useful for gauges)
- Change: RPN: Added (REPLACECOLOR:) command
- Change: RPN: MSFS: added option to use native parametrized events over SimConnect (K:2:, K:3:, K:4:, K:5:)
- Change: RPN: output from testing scripts is no longer written to the clipboard, but to the debug window instead

- Bugfix: Deleted Buttons and Axis were still active until config was reloaded.
- Bugfix: Add Axis crashing when entering an LVar before a controller has been assigned
- Bugfix: Midi axis to vJoy axis doesn't work with direct assignment
- Bugfix: script variable not working for axis assignments
- Bugfix: Changing an existing axis assignment to vJoy leaves the previous varible/event intact.
- Bugfix: Add/Change Axis can leave invalid Axis Min/Max values
- Bugfix: Add/Change Axis can result in the "None" event being assigned
- Bugfix: Dialog for "Hardware change" is ignoring templates
- Bugfix: FSX/P3D not detecting cloned aircraft configs correctly.
- Bugfix: RPN: GOTO not working correctly in multiline scripts



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