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New User Question - Radio Controls

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I'm on my trial membership here and experimenting to see if P2A will meet my needs for the way I use my sim.  I've read all the documentation and watched a ton of the tutorials online.

I'm currently playing with P2A in the newly updated Just Flight Warrior II.  I noticed that P2A doesn't seem to play well with the Warrior II radio stack and was wondering if this is typical for all aircraft?  Or this is just an issue/bug unique with the Just Flight Warrior II.  I'll describe the issue:

The radio stack in the Warrior II, like many GA aircraft, has a radio stack with a mic select switch and several radio select switches.  With the radio select switches in the middle AUTO position, the mic switch position (COM1/COM2) will set which radio is transmitting and receiving.  The user can also flip the select switch to either "Phone" or "Speaker" to specifically receive on that radio.  For example, you can have TWR tuned on COM1 and your mic switch on COM1, and have ATIS on COM2 and you'll only hear COM1.  Flip the select switch for COM2 to either "phone" or "speaker" and you'll now hear COM2 so that you are hearing both COM1 & COM2 and transmitting only on COM1.  You can mix and match what you receive this way.  Each radio also has a dedicated volume knob.

In P2A, when I turn any volume knob in the warrior up or down it does nothing to the P2A ATC or ATIS volume.  If I mix and match the aformentioned radio select switches they don't seem to affect what I am receiving in P2A...only the general mic select switch in the Warrior II seems to work.  So it doesn't seem that I can set the mic select switch to COM1 while I have the select switches so I can receive mulitple radios.

I realize that I can set these manually from the P2A interface and I'm also aware of the volume controls for the radios in P2A.  However, I'm a VR user and, after setting up my flight in P2A, I don't look at it again.  I wish to use the aircraft controls to control the radios, not the P2A interface.  After reading the doc, it sounds like this is the way it should work.  So I'm not sure if maybe it just happens to not be working with the Warrior II, or maybe it only works with stock MSFS aircraft and not add on aircraft, or maybe its a mixed bag and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, or maybe there is something I'm supposed to be setting up or doing in some *.ini file or something that I need to do.  Or maybe this used to work just fine but I know the Warrior II was JUST updated a couple days ago and maybe that changed something that used to work.  Unfortunately, I only just now started flying the warrior and using P2A so I'm not sure if the radios ever worked with P2A or not.

I'm sure most would tell me just to use the P2A controls but that isn't the way I intend to use P2A.  Right now, I'm using it largely in VFR for practicing ATC comms in a VFR aircraft and learning to multi-task so I need to use the aircraft radio controls and the stuff in the cockpit instead of outside interfaces.

Thanks so much in advance for the help and advice 🙂  Please forgive me if its a silly question.  P2A has a large learning curve and I'm working my way through it.

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P2A is limited to Transmit/Receive on one channel at a time.  You cannot "monitor" the other channel as you describe.

Volume control is limited to the P2A interface due to limitations in what is controllable in FSUIPC7.

So, you can set the volumes to a comfortable level before starting VR.  Then change frequencies and channels using the VR aircraft radio interface.


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2 hours ago, Dave-Pilot2ATC said:

P2A is limited to Transmit/Receive on one channel at a time.  You cannot "monitor" the other channel as you describe.

Volume control is limited to the P2A interface due to limitations in what is controllable in FSUIPC7.

So, you can set the volumes to a comfortable level before starting VR.  Then change frequencies and channels using the VR aircraft radio interface.


Thanks so much for replying Dave.  That saves me alot of trouble hunting around trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong or what I need to fiddle with to get it to work.

Thank you 🙂

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