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ENVPLUS HDR Night Brightness and dusk colour- experiences?

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Hi all,

I use RDShade with 5.4 EA on at the moment, but actually revert to original shaders with the “ozone fix” to stop dawn/dusk looking too green at dusk/dawn/night (https://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=144145).

Basically I have two questions:

Does ENVPLUS HDR night brightness give one the ability to get nice dark nights?

Does ENVPLUS include the ozone fix so sunsets/sunrises aren’t too green?

RDShade is good but doesn’t fix the ozone issue and also doesn’t give the ability to control much about night as far as I know.

Any advice and experiences are welcome…



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Hi Rudy,

Are you talking about the clouds being green at dawn and dusk? If so, then yes, Envplus corrects that, I spent quite a lot of time adjusting this and I can understand why RDshade did not do it because I was about to go crazy when working on this 😅
About the dark nights, it's not controlled by HDR anymore on v5 (due to how HDR now works) but you can indeed get nice dark nights 🙂 

In case you test and you would not be satisfied then please mail me 😉

TOGA projects


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