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In game animations not working MSFS 2020


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Im flying MSFS 2020 with the honeycomb bravo/alpha. When I assign anything such as a throttle or a button, it changes in in game state like increases the throttle, but the throttle leavers wont move. So the animations do not work when using axisandohs. 


  • MSFS 2020
  • Windows 11


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Then you are using the wrong method. It always depends on the specific aircraft and what events/variables or scripts are being used.

Technologically the state of the aircraft system and the animation are not related. Depending on how the aircraft devevloper coded the model, just triggering a K: event may not be enough. Look for input events/BVars instead.

A concrete example would be nice, it is easier to explain when you can see it.

In general, AAO is simply a translator between your hardware and the MSFS SDK. When the aircraft developer is creative and works outside the box, you have to do the same in AAO (=figure out and use the correct procedure/BVar/script by anayzig the behavior code of the model). This will become a little bit easier in SU13, when the MSFS input events become accessible.

Btw, the opposite is true as well. It is possible to trigger only the animation without affecting the associated aircraft system.

Edited by Lorby_SI


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