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Strange Axis behaviour with Turtle Beach V1F Yoke

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I have recently had AxisAndOhs pickup my V1f Aileron and Elevator axis values as something way off what it should be. -16384/0/16384 should be the range (FSUIPC confirms this is the range)  but it in AAO it shows as 8320/26239/50822, and time I move the yoke these values are different. Has anyone else experienced this?

I have been away for a while and everything was working fine. Now all my aircraft are unflyable as the axis are way off.

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Make sure that you don't confuse the input value coming from the controller with the output value that goes to the simulator event or variable. 

  • The input range of a joystick axis is usually 0 to 65535.
  • The output range is determined by the "Axis Min" and "Axis Max" settings on the Add/Change Axis dialog in AAO. 

At runtime, AAO reads the input value and translates it to the output range, appyling your dead zone, margins and detents.

Depending on what exactly you are looking at in AAO, you see the one or the other. Make sure that your "Axis Min" and "Axis Max" are set correctly for the event or variable that you are using for the axis assignment. And double check that nothing else is operating the axis (MSFS internal axis assignment or FSUIPC) at the same time.

Edited by Lorby_SI


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All presets now seem broken until I go into each one, set it to Isolate the Aileron and Elevator axes and then resave that axis assignment and profile. Strange.

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I am still having issues with this. Is there something I can do to try and troubleshoot what might be causing it?

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Posted (edited)
On 2/25/2024 at 11:24 AM, thestuntman said:

but it in AAO it shows

Where? How? What axis specifically with which aircraft in what simulator? Can you please post screenshots of what you are seeing where? I don't really understand the problem I'm afraid.

As explained above, AAO will always "pick up" a joystick axis as 0 - 65535. That is what Direct Input yields as the value range of a joystick axis. What you are hinting at is the output value - which can (must) be set by you, as required by the simulator "thing" that you want to actuate. Those are "Axis min" and "Axis max" on the Add/Change axis dialog, which AAO will preset for the event or axis that you select. But I cannot be sure, as some of the controllers out there are actually gamepads and not joysticks (I think those are cross compatibile with the XBox?)

Also, use the "Hardware->Device Blacklist" dialog and move all devices into the list on the right with the "Ignore" button that aren't game controllers that you want to use with AAO. All mice, keyboards, HIDs, whatever should be ignored. Only joysticks, yokes, rudders, TQs remanin in the list on the right.

Edited by Lorby_SI


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