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3.01 has a problem - post it here

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Version 3.0 had no problems on my system. After upgrading to 3.01 controllers only gave "Flight Levels" for altitudes. "Climb and maintain Flight Level 7"...for 7,000'. It wasn't that way before.Odd...Mike Lyons

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Guest RobA

Mike, On your next flight be sure to check the options carefully after loading your flight plan. You'll need to specify the Transition Alt again for dep/ctr/arr. Make sure all the other options are as you want them too, including on the controllers page. :-)Best, Rob

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Guest Scott Campbell

You'll need to specifiy your transition LEVEL again. They're on the controllers page, and they're set to 0 when you first use 3.01. In the US, set these to 180. Europe varies, but it's in hundreds of feet (60 is Transition Level at FL60, or 6000' at 1013 mb - 29.92 in/hg).This is done because TL is saved now each time you use RC and load a new plan.

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Hi,I still have occasions where the controller will announce the altimeter setting while cruising about 3 times in a row. I'm using Active Sky 1.15.Is this something I'm doing wrong? Thanks,Sean

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are they different settings?that should be fixed. an announcement every 10 miles, when the pressure difference is greater than .04is this in departure, arrival or enroute?jd

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Hi,No they are the same reading 2 or 3 times in a row.This is all happening within 1 or 2 miles with no pressure difference.This is enroute.Thanks,Sean

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I have the flightplan used also.A flight from KJWN to Knoxville Downtown (forgot the ID) Flew it twice and recieved the duplicate sometimes triplicate altimeter readings both flights.I used the DR400 and Reality XP's Garmin 530 for the flight.Sean

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Guest Scott Campbell

JD,I also get this as I'm leaving SXR or KCOS to the mountains. There's one place where I'll get a spurious 3 altimeter calls with the same setting. I keep meaning to send you a dat, but I've been distracted.Now that I'm actually testing ACLoader, I'll fly it and save a dat on DEP before contacting Center. It's always right after contacting Center, and always in the same place.This is almost always as I'm flying a prop, not so much a jet, with cruise set <12000. However, I have had this once or twice in a jet >FL350 - again after the DEP/Center handoff.

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Guest Lobaeux4

Here's a problem I keep having:On two separate flights, EDDT-LGRP, and KPHX-KLAX, on a couple of waypoints, RC never switches over to the next waypoint. I thought it might have only been the first 3.01, but it's happening in the second release as well. The PSS A320 and the DF737 both fly over the waypoint, the FMC switches to the next waypoint, RC never switches. I have to manually ask for a dir wpt to the next one.Also, I haven't got it figured out yet, but on my Suncom throttle I use the radio button to pull up MS ATC box to switch over to the next ATC, to hear MS ATC on Com 2. Ctrl-Shift-Y, is what MS sees this button as, yet running RC I can't get it to work. When I switch the open ATC box to another key, then I can't get the '1' or '2' key to work using MS ATC to autotune radios. This didn't happen with original 3.0 I checked the custom key option, but I don't see a key set that uses Ctrl-Shift-Y at all.Have you received reports of these problems. Going to try two more flights tomorrow, I'll see if the same thing is happening. Running RC off of WideFS, no slow voices!!Thanks,Lobaeux

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Guest GaryB

I'll give that a go tonight....ThanksGary

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I also got the 3 altimeter calls during a flight after installing 3.01. I was flying from KIDA - KBOI @ 16000 ft enroute somewhere over the mountains when it occurred, about half way through the flight. All three calls were the same. I am also using Active Sky 1.15.

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Guest Lobaeux4

Tried another flight, KLAX-KPHX, got a runtime overflow error, after I took off. I've had nothing but problems with 3.01, 3.0 was so smooth. How can I go back, or should I just tough it out?Lobaeux

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replace the v301's rcv3.exe with your backup. you made a backup right? :-)i'd really like to see a dat file prior to you getting a run time error. try the flight again, do everything the same, save the dat prior to when you think you will get the run time error. send it to me, with the associated .flt and .wx files, so i can smash that elusive little bug.

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Guest Lobaeux4

LOL, yeah, I've got a backup. I'll try it again, and see if it works. Not sure why it would pop up now, it's been working great until two days ago. I may try and install again. Lobaeux

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