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Guest pstlpete

Save / Load

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Guest pstlpete

In going through tutorial 2, KBNA - KMEM, I got to the point to pause the flight, press ;, and type the title. Did all that and then exited RC. Brought RC back up, clicked on "Load RCD's" and the following dialog box listed no .rcd files. I then did a system search using *.rcd which recorded no files with that extention......what did I miss?????Regards,Pete

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Hi Pete,The .rcd file is not created until after you unpause FS.Hope this helps.Personally I don't bother to pause FS, just hit ; and save the flight. (or you can use the keystroke ctrl shift ; which automatically saves a file with a long, strange name RC gives it.All the best,John

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Guest pstlpete

Thanx John.....I'll check it out.

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doug had a good question. is the documentation wrong? are we telling people to pause the sim before hitting the ; key?jd

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Guest hrogenes

Hi !I found this thread when looking for an explanation why I couldn't load the .rcd file while following Tutorial #2.Just to make sure...* If saving a flight with FS9 paused, unpause is required to generate the .rcd file while RCv4 is still active ?* Shutting down either FS9 or RCv4 right after saving will not give the .rcd file ?

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>i've made the correction.>>jdCorrection need to be made throughout tutorials, everywhere it says pause, save "tut xxxx", etc.dh

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