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    FSFlyingSchool Pro v 1.1 For P3D


    FSFlyingSchool released of a new version of their add-on for Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D. The release also Contains demo's of new add-on products, the Mooney Detail Pack and On Approach PLUS Pack.


    This new add-on for FSFlyingSchool Pro offers extra detailed treatment when flying this marvellous airplane.

    Your instructor know the details of this machine and will expect the same from you!

    The product has the instructor reading Mooney Bravo checklists to you, and watching your performance .


    In addition to FSFlyingSchool Pro's detailed analysis of your flights, you'll hear extra advice and warnings all specific to the Mooney Bravo. Stall speeds, use of fuel boost pump, cowl flaps, propeller control, rate of climb, angle of climb, flap speeds, run up procedures, fuel, starting the engine, landing techniques, mixture control and much more.



    As well the release contains a demo of new add-on product for FSFlyingSchool Pro: 'On Approach PLUS Pack'

    The pilot can now begin an approach, at any runway in the world, on a path that will intersect the final approach path.

    The intersecting path can be from the left or the right of the final approach and the pilot can choose to set the length of the intersecting path in nautical miles, or can alternatively let FSFlyingSchool Pro set the length based on the pilot's initial approach speed.

    This new feature is a handy way to practice intersecting the glideslope and localizer, or for just practicing "getting onto final".

    You can now optionally set the altitude for your approach if you do not wish the program to compute it automatically.

    A new set of filters allow you to set the minimum and maximum length of a randomly chosen runway. This is a great way to practice short field approaches... or to make sure there is enough room to land that big airliner!

    A new filter allows you to set surface type of a randomly chosen runway. How about landing on sand today and planks tomorrow?

    The pilot can now choose to set the surface wind for the approach relative to the runway rather than as a compass heading. This makes setting up crosswinds even faster!




    Further features : Pause IT!

    The pilot has the option to have FSFlyingSchool PRO automatically pause the flight in P3D when something occurs that the instructor judges to be important.

    The pilot has the option to have the pause occur on serious events and/or less serious events, so that the experience is at the level desired by the pilot.



    Instant Help


    Instant spoken help you can use immediately while flying in Prepar3D. The Instant Help option at the Settings Screen of FSFlyingSchool PRO adds a whole new level of fun and learning to your flights with P3D. You hear and see help and tips for controls, instruments and switches immediately while you are flying.


    If you prefer, you can turn off the voice completely and just retain the text captions for reference during your flights. Alternatively, you can turn off the captions and just listen to the voice of the instructor.


    P3D Keystrokes explained in captions when you need them



    GPS Interaction


    This latest version adds another layer of interaction between the pilot and the instructor as FSFlyingSchool now monitors GPS operation.


    FSFlyingSchool Pro now gives you the option to use your GPS during the flight in a way that interacts directly with your instructor. These have been developed using the (simulated) Garmin GPS 500 and the Garmin G1000 Glass cockpit, but other GPS simulated units are also likely to work.


    Some of the optional features of interaction with the GPS are:


    If the pilot uses the GPS to indicate a "Direct To" flight plan (fly direct to an airport or NAVAID) this will clear any flight plan loaded into FSFlyingSchool and, if it is an airport, will set the destination airport in FSFlyingSchool to the one selected with the GPS.


    If the pilot selects and activates an "Approach" with the GPS, then this will clear any flight plan which was loaded into FSFlyingSchool and set the destination airport in FSFlyingSchool to the one selected with the GPS.


    The instructor is watching and commenting on GPS operation by the pilot and calls out such actions as changes to "Direct To", selection or loading of an approach and which waypoints are coming up.


    Extra Voice Commands


    Have you ever wanted to ask "What's that airport over there..." or "Where's the runway I'm trying to land at..." ?


    Well now you can, with the updated Voice Command Pack for FSFlyingSchool Pro. Just ask your instructor and he or she will tell you what you need to know.


    Saying (for example) "Airport 2 o'clock?" into your microphone will have the instructor reporting the nearest airport at that bearing. The instructor will identify the airport, its distance, runway elevation, length and surface type. This is an handy, easy way to become familiar with your surroundings!


    ­"Where's the airport?" will have the instructor identify the flight plan destination airport and its bearing in the "clock" format, e.g. "10 o'clock", and the distance to the airport. This can be very handy when, for example, you are trying to find a grass strip with no lights even during the day, and equally when looking for a larger busy airport which is far away or just hard to see.


    The Voice Command Pack contains dozens more helpful commands that your instructor is eager to help with. Just ask and you'll get help on traffic proximity, weather, V speeds, ILS, flight plan details and much more.


    Aviation Tips in Quiet Periods


    FSFlyingSchool's chief instructor Mr Smith wants to make good use of your time on those quieter periods when you are cruising the simulated skies.

    Get ready to benefit from his knowledge and wisdom as he describes over 50 new aspects of navigation, communications, instruments, controls, procedures and switches, all while you are flying quietly along with little else to do.


    As with most of FSFlyingSchool's features, this is of course an option, so you can configure things the way you want.



    Panic Button


    This latest version adds a "Help Me!" panic button!

    Sometimes, things start to get a little out of control and we could all use some help way up there in the simulated skies.


    If you as the pilot think that things are getting out of control and you just cannot recover, a recovery may be possible by asking your instructor for emergency assistance via the new FSFS Pro "Help Me" panic button.

    If this is pressed when the aircraft is airborne, the instructor will immediately try to configure aircraft in an attempt to get things back under control.

    The "Help me" keystroke can be pressed as often as desired.

    We can't guarantee that your instructor will always be able to save the day, but if things are not too far out of control, he/she will certainly try!

    To find out more, watch movies, download free demo, etc, visit the FSFlyingSchool


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