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    FSiPanel Announces A2A Cessna 172 Support


     The development team at FSiPanel is proud to announce their software now features support for A2A Simulations Cessna 172 for FSX and P3D.

    FSiPanel is a new software for serious flight simulator enthusiasts. It allows the pilot to train like professional pilots do.

    It consists of an instructor panel with a weather engine allowing the pilot to train any kind of IFR approach in any airport within FSX/P3D.


    FSiPanel will do the following actions:

    - Position the aircraft on Final, Downwind, Base, Vectors or T/O position.
    - Spool up the engines
    - Trim the aircraft
    - Set your NAV aids for the approach.


    When everything is ready, the pilot is informed and can take over the control to fly the approach. FSiPanel can be used as a single station or as a client / server to allow a fully loaded experience.

    When flying a new airplane or to keep proficiency on type, pilots train the most critical phases of the flight over and over. With FSiPanel, these phases can be simulated within a few seconds and can be repeated quickly varying weather, type of approach, initial position, etc.

    This software is designed for serious flight simulator enthusiasts willing to practice approaches and different other scenarios without losing precious time, exactly like the pros!


    FSiPanel supports most high end aircraft that are currently available:
    - NEW! A2A Simulations Cessna 172
    - Majestic Q400 (FSUIPC Registered Version Required)
    - Aerosoft’s Airbus X (FSUIPC Registered Version Required)
    - iFly’s 737NG (All Variants)
    - PMDG’s 737NG (All Variants), 747 / 747F, and 777-200LR / 777F
    - Level D’s 767


    Additional aircraft will be added based on user requests. For more information, screenshots, and to purchase this great product today visit the FSIPanel Homepage .

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