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  • Sim-Wings La Palma Professional Released


    Sim-Wings' La Palma scenery has been released for Prepar3D version 4.

    The latest in Sim-Wings' Canary Islands series to get the P3Dv4 treatment, La Palma is the most north-westerly of the Canary Islands.


    With a population of around 85,000, La Palma's main claim to fame is as the home of a number of leading astronomical observatories sited on its highest peak, the Roque de los Muchachos.


    The climate and location of the island means any cloud generally forms below the 2,423m (7,949ft) summit, leaving clear skies for stargazers. Europe's second-largest optical telescope, the 4.2m (165in) William Herschel telescope, is amongst those sited on the mountain.


    La Palma Airport, on the island's east coast, is equipped with a 2,200m (7,218ft) main runway and handled around 1.3m passengers last year.


    Although the airport is mainly served by inter-island services which operate year-round, during the summer holiday season larger aircraft operated by the likes of easyJet and TUI bring tourists from further afield.

    Sim-wings' rendition includes a detailed 3D model of the airport, including optimised 3D runway lighting, dynamic vehicles and Aircraft Parking and Information System (APIS).

    Full details of the release can be found on the Sim-wings Facebook page.

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