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    Reviewed by: Marlon Carter







    + Cockpit filming using up to 7 cameras for great views on takeoff & landing!

    + Pilot Presentations

    + Flight Preparations

    + External Walkaround

    + Cockpit set-up

    + Briefings & Checklists

    +Departure& Arrival Airport Charts

    + Great scenery




    Flight Information





    Flt Time




    AT 200



    CMN Casablanca, MOROCCO

    JFK New York JFK, USA



    AT 203



    JFK New York JFK, USA

    CMN Casablanca, MOROCCO






    Video Preview







    After viewing this 3:30 hour long video, one can’t help but to have a better appreciation for the hard working pilots who cross the Atlantic each day. For example, as the pilots review their dispatch documents, conduct an exterior inspection and prepare the flight deck for our flight to New York, their thoroughness in carrying out their duties shows that Royal Air Marocstrives to maintain a high standard in aviation safety by ensuring that their pilots are the best of the best.

    After departing Morocco and settling into the cruise segment of our flight to JFK, some of the highlights that stood out were presentations on the function of the CPDLC and the Electronic Flight Bag. These presentations were quite thorough and it provided a sneak peak in to the many advanced features of the 787. Additionally, the presentation by the Captain on her career and being one of the first of two women to be accepted as a pilot with the airline was quite inspirational. Additionally, the First Officer also shares how she got into aviation and I think that anyone interested in aviation or interested in joining this airline will find these interviews very enlightening.

    After enjoying a scenic approach and landing at JFK, this video quickly transitions to the preparation for our return to Morocco. As the pilots prepared for departure it was quite interesting to see the flight initialization process and all of the other procedures to be followed prior to pushback. Once completed, we join the long line-up of aircraft waiting to depart JFK from runway 13R. After departing into a broken cloud covered sky, we settle into the cruise where there were a few more presentations of interest to the viewers. For example, the Captain takes the opportunity to provide a few details on ETOPS and the benefits of operating the 787. Additionally, prior to our landing back at Morocco, the final segment of this video features the cabin service onboard the 787 which is sure to entice future customers to this airline. In the end, I think that this presentation on the operations of Royal Air Maroc and their fleet of 787s was informative, scenic and inspirational. The professionalism of the entire crew was quite outstanding and I think everyone will find this video presentation a pleasure to look at for a long time to come. If you are a fan of the 787 and you are interested in becoming a pilot, this video is definitely for you!


    For further details and download visit the JUST PLANES ROYAL AIR MAROC 787  Product Page.

    Edited by Chuck_Jodry-VJPL

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