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Frank Dhont

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Posts posted by Frank Dhont

  1. Hello Brendan,I felt so sad when Rich had to leave us to soar into other skies.I'll always remember Rich's enthousiasm during betatesting the latest Fly!II version.Rich gave so much to the flightsim community.That flightsim community is trying to give something back to Rich by keeping Fly! alive.A new Fly! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy series.That's magnificient.Cheers,Frank

  2. Robert,According my opinion, it has nothing to do with the "Non-Z buffering".I didn't encounter yet this problem of the transparancy not working above the roofline.Apparently, the transparent textures don't work.Not sure if I can help, but it might have someting to do with one of the following:- Render.ini configuration (did You also try the render.ini included)- Graphics card and/or driver: a recent card.- Direct X version? DX8.1 or DX9 should work.- Graphic option T&L in the startup menu: I have DX8 T&L selected. Best Regards,Frank

  3. For Your information, a brief description how I proceed to design the scenery.In attachment screenshots of horizon textures designed this week.Best Regards,Frank* Collect information about the airport (E.g. Orthogonal aereal color photo, other color photo's, charts, ...)* The ground textures. In a 2D drawing program (E.g. Paint Shop Pro) I prepared texture tiles from the large orthogonal photograph of EBKT. I divided the lage photo in smaller tiles of 256x256 pixels. I saved all the textures as ".tiff" (256 colors) into the ART folder of Fly!2. In a scenery design program (Terramodels 2.2 from Allen Kriesmann) I start a new project (E.g. EBKT). I used the complete aereal photo of EBKT as background image. For each tile: Using the "Create an irregular ground poly" option, I defined a ground polygon (256x256 pix). I assigned the appropriate tile texture to it. I selected the "Non-Z buffered" option for those polygons to make them appear in Fly!2. (Fly!2 version 2.5.240 has the possibility to display polygons as Non-Z buffered) I saved the project, and the resulting files go into the DATA and MODEL folder of Fly!2.* The horizon textures. In a drawing program (E.g. Paint Shop Pro) I prepared textures from photographs. The area's I want to be transparant in Fly!2, need to be colored black (R=0, G=0 B=0) (E.g. for the sky). I saved the textures as ".bmp" 512 x 512 pixels and 256 colors. In a 3D design program (E.g. Zmodeler) I defined the rectangular 2D shapes for the horizon. I assigned the textures to the horizon 2D shape. 5UV mapping) I exported the result as ".smf" file. The resulting files go into the MODEL folder of Fly!2. In a graphis convertor (E.g. Fly graphics from Franck Racis): I converted the bmp. textures to RAW format. The resulting files go into the ART folder of Fly!2. In a text editor (E.g notepad) I make a ".mdl" file to allow the editor in Fly to represent the 3D objects. I save this file in the DATA folder of Fly!2.* Positioning of the textures in Fly!2. In Fly!2 I go into the editor: I add and place the objects into the scenery and save my work. The editor creates an appropriate scenery file in the DATA folder of Fly!2.* The taxiways. In the root directory of Fly!2 is a subdirectory "Taxiway", containing a magnificient taxiway editor. The resulting files go into the data folder.

  4. Hello Alejandro,The last photograph is indeed a flat texture.This allows to keep the framerate up (between 14 fps and 33 fps on a P1,4Ghz), and gives the illusion of being there because this flat texture is at a reasonable distance from the airport.The wonderful "Terramodels" of Allen Kiesman allowed me to define the polygons and to put the trees at their exact locations.An additional screenshot at 1000 ft AGL and at 14000 ft AGLCheers,Frank

  5. Hello,With the latest Fly!2 final patch it's possible to put very high resolution textures as "Non-Z buffered" objects on the ground.To show this interesting feature, I started making scenery of belgian airport EBKT.This is a first version of EBKT, with very limited 3D models.It covers an area of 4 x 4 Nm with EBKT at it's centre.It uses real aereal photograph (Property of the company Eurosense)The resolution of this scenery is only limited by the memory on the video card. (At least 64MB is needed for video memory).I expect to upload it before end of this year.And of course it's freeware.Hope You enjoy this upcoming scenery of EBKT.Frank D'hontFly!2 beta team.

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