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Article Comments posted by hangar

  1. It may be a nice utility, but financially supporting it clearly will send the wrong message to MS.

    Don't get me wrong...it's not as if I want to see any 3rd party sellers suffer, but at some point in time you have to make a stand, otherwise nothing will change for the better and things will only get worse. This game has become one huge money sink hole and it's us, the players, who's fault it is to be honest. So, personally, I've decided to not buy in this time.

    I've had enough of the greed thing from multi billion dollar companies (who are just people and our neighbors treating us poorly).

  2. You know...honestly, I don't blame 3rd party developers for trying to cash in on such basic features as this which, IMO,  Microsoft never should have left out of their simulator to begin with. I blame Microsoft themselves for leaving it out (and other missing or broken features).

    After 30 years of this franchise being a money sink hole of sorts I expected a bit more of MS this time around...I have absolutely no issue with buying new aircraft for this sim and I have spent thousands over the years supporting 3rd parties... but the fact that MS thinks it's ok to release their sim with so many broken and missing BASIC features that are supposed to be there and working out of the box, and then have me pay extra for 3rd party to provide for them... I think it is too much for me this time around. I will not pay for missing features that MS needs to provide to us...new and improved aircraft? Absolutely.

    It's as if the money sink-hole mind set is now much worse at MS than it ever was 10+ years ago and their ability to provide a full featured simulator out of the box is simply out to lunch.

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