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Posts posted by planenut

  1. Once I remove the flight control lock and move the yoke in the roll direction the yoke deflects to the right about 20-30.degrees.  Will not center.  (autopilot and pitch trim off),  Turniing the pitch trim switch on and engaging the autopilot will cause the yoke to deflect all the way left.  What am I missing or doing wrong here?  Thanks for any quidance.


  2. Recently got a new computer, and loaded Steam.  Selected MSFS and redownloaded the planes I had purchased.  Sim was working fine until I had updated various system drivers.  Then I couldn't start the sim and would get a fatal error questioning if my hardware could support this app.  Couldn't go any further.  Tracked it down to GPU driver not showing up in Device Manager.  Any how I corrected that problem and can now load the sim ok.  Now the  problem:

    When I start the sim (through Steam), it loads ok up to where the screen shows the Welcome, Profile, and Options tabs.  Also the world map, Activities, Flight Training, and  Market Place blocks.  When I select any of these and try to select for example:  Options - General Options, Assistance Options, or Control Options (as well as any of the three tabs at top) I get a blurry large box with  no image.  Can't go any further.  I suspect something is missing or I have a corrupted file.

    If I wind up having to reinstall the sim, how do I do that?  Hope I have explained this clear enough.  Having a major brain cramp.  Thank for any advice.


  3. Am reinstalling MSFS through Steam after old computer died.  Upon accessing the sim, it calls for an 128gb upgrade which I am in the process of doing now.  First of all I have an extremely slow internet so it takes a long, long time to do a download this size.  My question is why the progress bar will show a certain persentage of completiion and then later on it will show a lesser persentage.  For example, when I went to bed last night it showed 55%.  This morning it was at 77%.  An hour later it was back down in the 50's%.   I admit that I haven't paid as much attention to the actual  value as opposed to the percentage.  Seems like it's taking two steps forward and one step backward.  Is this normal?


  4. Steam sent me a code to use to log in.  That worked ok.  I finallly found the 40th anniversary edition in the store but when I selected it i got a fatal error basically saying the drivers may not be compatible (or something like that) or missing.  Apparently the new computer didn't have all the required drivers for something .  Installed drivers and was finally able to select MSFS.  Right now it's updating.  Thanks for the advice.


  5. My computer that had MSFS (bought through Steam) has died.  Of course it took MSFS with it.  I have bought a new computer and am attempting to reinstall all my stuff but having a problem trying to redownload MSFS.  I downloaded Steam and can log into my account ok but can't find MSFS to re-download .  Nothing in the library or any where else that I can find.  Sure can use some guidance on this.  Thanks.


  6. Hey xenonsk,

    Thought I'd go to the Hondajet to see if anything was abnormal there.  Well, the Speed tape and Altitude tape readouts are all X's, no digits.  Same with the standby instrument.  In addition, nothing can be adjusted by the autopilot.  Tapes digital readout (X's) won't move.  How did you reset the mouse?  Did you just make sure it was in default?  Something is attacking my instruments  but not on all planes.  Not sure what to do next.  


  7. I have problems with the glass displays on three planes - the CJ4 (with or without the WT mod), the Carenado CJ12, and the Kingair.

    The CJ4 PFD only shows part of the info required but is mostly black.  The MFD is all black with the exception of a blue display across the top which says "Chart Main Index".

    The Kingair PFD is half black with some info. The MFD is also half black.

    The PC12 EADI is mostly black with some info.

    All had been ok previously - don't know what caused this.  Just seems like these displays didn't fully develop on start up.  Would appreciate any help.  Using Steam.


  8. Using the Bravo TQ.   No matter what slot the #1 throttle and mixture are in, they jump back to cutoff (not together).  Even on a 2 engine jet with the #1 throttle in the second slot (speed brake in slot#1) same thing happens.  The prop levers never do that nor do the #2 throttle and mixture.  In the controls option page the white bars are solid and steady.  In other words the slots in the tq seem to be ok - just the #1 throttle and #1 mixture selection.  I'm in the beta mode now but due to not much flying prior to beta I can't be sure if the problem existed or not but I don't think so.  Any ideas?  Thanks.


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