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Posts posted by rdb

  1. I have to agree with Tony here... 
    It looks to me like Aerosoft partnered with guy named Omar Masroor recently to update/convert some of their airports for X-Plane 11. He already did some work on Dublin (EIDW), Lugano (LSZA) and now converted GAP Team Stuttgart (EDDS) for X-Plane 11. Apart from Dublin (that doesn't have up to date airport layout), Lugano and Stuttgart are medicore at best IMHO. I mean it's still better than default scenery, but overall both look bland to me. I bought nearly every payware airport scenery released for X-Plane 9/10/11 in the last 5-6 years and i'm disappointed by recent change of Aerosoft release policy. They did really good with Bergen (ENBR) or Maastricht (EHBK) for example and now they're running for easy money. Saddening :dry:
    Oh, and by the way - Lugano zip file is 43 MB, Stuttgart is 36 MB - that gives you an idea what to expect. I'm not buying anything else from them unless it doesn't have "Omar" name attached to it, sorry.

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  2. I own almost every payware scenery released for X-Plane 10/11 in the last 4-5 years and JustSim is one of my favourite developers. I buy everything from them as soon as it's released and never been disappointed.
    LOWL and LFMN are slightly more demanding on my system than the average, but on the other hand LBWN is propably the best performing payware scenery i've seen so far (and looks great).

  3. On my 3930k@4.2Ghz (6 physical cores, 12 logical) i have always found Threaded Optimization OFF advice INOP. On my system i get extra FPS by leaving TO ON. This is a significant boost (around 20-25%). Only drawback is that scenery loading during flight takes much longer and can pause sim for a couple of seconds. Since X-Plane scenery load is always using up all cores nicely+full load, this would explain the longer load with TO ON per Ben comments.

    (previously GTX 980, now GTX 1080)

  4. Well, like I suspect many other current X-Plane pilots, I'm very disappointed to see no fundamental change to the weather engine. C'mon Austin, you know this is important! There is no excuse for a weather upgrade languishing this long in the dev cycle, and instead pushing mainly eye candy in this new version. We don't buy sims like this just for eye candy.

    Couldn't have said it better myself...

    Also it seems they are not porting to Vulkan but instead adding new eye candy to the already CPU bound, aging OpenGL engine. Isn't it going to be harder to port later after adding new fancy gfx stuff?

    I guess our CPUs will be busy calculating geometry for years to come (i hope i'm wrong).


    Not that the new fog or reflections doesn't look good, but ...

    • Upvote 1

  5. ARGH!


    I have uninstalled the infamous KB3176938 update about three weeks ago and forced it from re-installing by using Microsoft "Show or hide updates" utility.

    Everything was fine until now - flying around DD Moscow City X scenery in the excellent REP C210 i alt+tabbed in and out of X-Plane for like 50th time and suddenly my FPS goes from 50+ down to 2-3 fps...


    Looks like Microsoft "included" that stupid OpenGL bug in a newer update that replaced KB3176938. What a great multitasking OS... tired of this  :mad:


    EDIT: the newest Win10 update that breaks OpenGL is KB3189866 (on some systems it's installed as KB3193494)

  6. After release they provided hotfixes at the speed of M0.75 ;) but then it suddenly stalled - the last 1.0.7 update was in June.

    According to thread at X-Pilot forums team should resume work this month. At this point you need to be careful with FMC and set up everything in correct order, otherwise chances are high you'll see Gizmo "soft error" or VNAV issues.

    The current count of acknowledged bugs on the forums is 1917. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  7. But let's be honest: 90% of the time (judging from recordings, live streams and forum posts) people only use 10% of the systems


    I have to admit i've never been a fan of and get the idea behind streaming. Everytime i watch a random flightsim stream i have a hard time believing what my eyes are seeing. Majority don't care if they bust flap speeds, fly unstabilized approach or do a barrel roll in 747 on final. What counts most is the amount of subs and donations. Yet, i hope it's not representative of an average flight simmer ;)

    For me flight sims have always been source of satisfaction. Entertainment factor is a "side effect". Think that's why we call them simulators, not games right? If it wasn't for these selected few developers who came up with more and more complex, realistic add-ons, simming would become boring too soon and i would have never ended up in real aviation, propably ...

    To make matters worse, my previous job was in computers (still coding in my free time for fun). This makes my evaluation of every new payware add-on i buy and install very instant and strict. Usually if i don't find anything out of place or buggy in the first 5 minutes, chances are high it's an exceptional add-on (wish it would happen more often!) ;)


    Seeing how much praise good developers (minority) get on the forums i think it's not all lost yet. The key - in my humble opinion - is for the customers/reviewers to call a spade a spade.


  8. I totally agree with you, ayousry.


    I have been simming for about 24 years now and totally converted to X-Plane 5 years ago. I can't go back to FS now because of the flightmodel and the overall "feel of flight" (also as you mentioned sloped runways etc.). On the other hand i feel sick looking at x-plane payware developers. Apart from very few exceptions (IXEG, LES, PMDG, Simcoders) - this will sound harsh to many - i consider majority of them SCAM. They build the hype, release very buggy/unfinished products, do not provide enough (if any) support. And then same developer months later announce another super-realistic airliner that gets released under the same "business model" as before (get the money and basically disappear). The reviews are praising them on release, as if none of the reviewers ever read any POH (with understanding) in their life.

    I'm sure many will disagree with me and jump in to defend their developer of choice. But that's the way i see it and i finally had to let it out. I have tons of payware aircraft addons laying on my HDD that i don't even bother to install anymore...

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