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  1. output of ldd littlenavmap : bodo@localhost ~/Downloads/LittleNavmap-linux-18.04-2.8.0.beta.tar/Little Navmap $ ldd littlenavmap ./littlenavmap: error while loading shared libraries: /home/bodo/Downloads/LittleNavmap-linux-18.04-2.8.0.beta.tar/Little Navmap/././lib/libmarblewidget-qt5.so.25: file too short bodo@localhost ~/Downloads/LittleNavmap-linux-18.04-2.8.0.beta.tar/Little Navmap $
  2. Good day, I run Gentoo Linux and got now an error. Before i had to link the lib's to my lib directory where the libQt5*.so.* have been placed by the system : bodo@localhost ~/Downloads/Little Navmap $ ./littlenavmap Empty version QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled static void NavApp::initSplashScreen() [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: ================================================================================ [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Starting "Little Navmap" version "2.8.0.beta" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Organization "ABarthel" domain "littlenavmap.org" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Application file path "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/littlenavmap" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Application dir path "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Application arguments ("./littlenavmap") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Current working directory "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Library paths ("/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/lib", "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Log file 1 "/tmp/abarthel-little_navmap.log" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Default text codec "UTF-8" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Locale BCP47 name "de" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Locale name "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Locale decimal point ',' [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Locale group separator '.' [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: UI languages ("de-DE") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: ABI "x86_64-little_endian-lp64" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: build CPU arch "x86_64" current "x86_64" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: kernel "linux" version "5.15.69-gentoo" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.049 INFO ]: product name "Gentoo Linux" type "gentoo" version "2.8" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.049 INFO ]: Qt version 5.15.2 [2022-09-29 21:58:22.049 INFO ]: "RenderOpt none" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.049 INFO ]: "High DPI scaling enabled" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: atools revision 18f52a28 Little Navmap revision fe600d41 [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: DesktopLocation ("/home/bodo/Desktop") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: DocumentsLocation ("/home/bodo/Dokumente") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: FontsLocation ("/home/bodo/.local/share/fonts", "/home/bodo/.fonts", "/usr/local/share/fonts", "/usr/share/fonts") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: ApplicationsLocation ("/home/bodo/.local/share/applications", "/usr/local/share/applications", "/usr/share/applications") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: MusicLocation ("/home/bodo/Musik") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: MoviesLocation ("/home/bodo/Videos") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: PicturesLocation ("/home/bodo/Bilder") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: TempLocation ("/tmp") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: HomeLocation ("/home/bodo") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: DataLocation ("/home/bodo/.local/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/usr/local/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/usr/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: CacheLocation ("/home/bodo/.cache/ABarthel/Little Navmap") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: GenericDataLocation ("/home/bodo/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: RuntimeLocation ("/run/user/1000") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: ConfigLocation ("/home/bodo/.config", "/home/bodo/.config/kdedefaults", "/etc/xdg") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: DownloadLocation ("/home/bodo/Downloads") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: GenericCacheLocation ("/home/bodo/.cache") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: GenericConfigLocation ("/home/bodo/.config", "/home/bodo/.config/kdedefaults", "/etc/xdg") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: AppDataLocation ("/home/bodo/.local/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/usr/local/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/usr/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: AppConfigLocation ("/home/bodo/.config/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/home/bodo/.config/kdedefaults/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/etc/xdg/ABarthel/Little Navmap") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: Settings path "/home/bodo/.config/ABarthel" filename "/home/bodo/.config/ABarthel/little_navmap.ini" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.159 INFO ]: SSL supported true build library "OpenSSL 1.1.1o 3 May 2022" library "OpenSSL 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.159 INFO ]: Available styles ("Windows", "Fusion") [2022-09-29 21:58:22.159 INFO ]: SimConnectData Version 11 SimConnectReply Version 5 [2022-09-29 21:58:22.159 INFO ]: QT_OPENGL "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.159 INFO ]: QT_SCALE_FACTOR "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.168 INFO ]: UI default font QFont(Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0) [2022-09-29 21:58:22.168 INFO ]: Screen "DVI-D-0" size QSize(1920, 1080) physical size QSizeF(521, 293) DPI ratio 1 DPI x 96 y 96 [2022-09-29 21:58:22.184 WARN ]: Empty version [2022-09-29 21:58:22.184 WARN ]: void migrate::checkAndMigrateSettings() No version information found in settings file. Updating to 2.8.0.beta [2022-09-29 21:58:22.223 INFO ]: void migrate::checkAndMigrateSettings() Adjusting map font [2022-09-29 21:58:22.262 INFO ]: Settings dir name "ABarthel" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.262 INFO ]: QPixmapCache cacheLimit 10240 KB [2022-09-29 21:58:22.262 INFO ]: Loaded font "Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" from options. Stored font info "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.263 INFO ]: Loading translations for "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.263 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "littlenavmap" not loaded from dir ":/littlenavmap" locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.263 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "littlenavmap" not loaded from dir ":/littlenavmap/translations" locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.263 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "littlenavmap" not loaded from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.283 INFO ]: Qt translation file "littlenavmap" from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/translations" installed locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.283 DEBUG]: Translations for appPath "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" lang "de_DE" loadDefault true [2022-09-29 21:58:22.284 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "atools" not loaded from dir ":/atools" locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.284 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "atools" not loaded from dir ":/atools/translations" locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.284 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "atools" not loaded from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.299 INFO ]: Qt translation file "atools" from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/translations" installed locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.299 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "qt" not loaded from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.322 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "qt" not loaded from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/translations" locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.322 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "qtbase" not loaded from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.322 INFO ]: Qt translation file "qtbase" from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/translations" installed locale "de_DE" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.330 INFO ]: Locale QLocale(German, Latin, Germany) [2022-09-29 21:58:22.330 DEBUG]: Locale after setting to "de_DE" QLocale(German, Latin, Germany) decimal point "," group separator "." [2022-09-29 21:58:22.331 INFO ]: void lnm::loadHelpUrls() Loading urls.cfg from ":/littlenavmap/resources/config/urls.cfg" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.331 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() Start ====================================== [2022-09-29 21:58:22.331 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============ [2022-09-29 21:58:22.331 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Dir is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.331 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) "FSX" base path not found [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "FSX" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initSceneryLibraryPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Scenery path for "FSX" not found. [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============ [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Dir is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) "FSXSE" base path not found [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "FSXSE" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initSceneryLibraryPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Scenery path for "FSXSE" not found. [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============ [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Dir is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) "P3DV3" base path not found [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "P3DV3" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initSceneryLibraryPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Scenery path for "P3DV3" not found. [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============ [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Dir is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) "P3DV4" base path not found [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "P3DV4" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initSceneryLibraryPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Scenery path for "P3DV4" not found. [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============ [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Dir is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) "P3DV5" base path not found [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "P3DV5" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initSceneryLibraryPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Scenery path for "P3DV5" not found. [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============ [2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::xplaneBasePath(const QString&) Checking XP path from "/home/bodo/.x-plane/x-plane_install_11.txt" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::xplaneBasePath(const QString&) Cannot open "/home/bodo/.x-plane/x-plane_install_11.txt" error "No such file or directory" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Found "XP11" files path "/Output/FMS Plans" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============ [2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::xplaneBasePath(const QString&) Checking XP path from "/home/bodo/.x-plane/x-plane_install_12.txt" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::xplaneBasePath(const QString&) Cannot open "/home/bodo/.x-plane/x-plane_install_12.txt" error "No such file or directory" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Found "XP12" files path "/Output/FMS Plans" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============ [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Directory "/LocalState" does not exist [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "MSFS" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() Done ====================================== [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 DEBUG]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::logAllPaths() ==================================================== [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: PROGRAMDATA "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: APPDATA "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: LOCALAPPDATA "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: ALLUSERSPROFILE "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: FSX - Microsoft Flight Simulator X [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Base is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Scenery.cfg path is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: FSXSE - Microsoft Flight Simulator - Steam Edition [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Base is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Scenery.cfg path is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: P3DV3 - Prepar3D v3 [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Base is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Scenery.cfg path is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: P3DV4 - Prepar3D v4 [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Base is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Scenery.cfg path is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: P3DV5 - Prepar3D v5 [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Base is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Scenery.cfg path is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: XP11 - X-Plane 11 [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Base is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Files "/Output/FMS Plans" exists false [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Scenery.cfg path is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: XP12 - X-Plane 12 [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Base is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Files "/Output/FMS Plans" exists false [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Scenery.cfg path is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: MSFS - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Base is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: Scenery.cfg path is empty [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: msfsCommunityPath "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: msfsOfficialPath "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.366 DEBUG]: Marble Local Path: "/home/bodo/.local/share/marble" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.366 DEBUG]: Marble Plugin Local Path: "/home/bodo/.marble/plugins" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.366 DEBUG]: Marble Data Path (Run Time) : "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.366 DEBUG]: Marble Plugin Path (Run Time) : "" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.367 DEBUG]: Marble System Path: "/usr/share/marble/data" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.412 DEBUG]: Marble Plugin System Path: "/usr/lib64/marble/plugins" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble Local Path: "/home/bodo/.local/share/marble" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble Plugin Local Path: "/home/bodo/.marble/plugins" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble Data Path (Run Time) : "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/data" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble Plugin Path (Run Time) : "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/plugins" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble System Path: "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/data" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble Plugin System Path: "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/plugins" [2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::XPLANE_11 FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""] [2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::P3D_V4 FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""] [2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::P3D_V5 FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""] [2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::XPLANE_12 FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""] [2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::MSFS FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""] [2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::FSX_SE FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""] [2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::FSX FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""] [2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::P3D_V3 FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""] [2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) fs type atools::fs::FsPaths::NONE [2022-09-29 21:58:22.467 FATAL]: Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.15.2) with this library (5.15.5) So, should i link the libs in the lib directory of Little Navmap to the libs on my system ( /usr/lib64 ) ? Kind Regards Bodo
  3. Hello When i connect to IVAO i have the problem, that no button is clickable in the overhead, when i switch to the 2D-Panel, everything is working fine. As soon as i fly offline, everthing ( 2D panel, virtual panel ) is fine an everything is working. This sound's very strange for me.Any idea's ? Thanks Bodo
  4. Not really. I just look it up at the compatibility list from Asus. The "P8Z68V pro" should run without any problems : http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Intel_Socket_1155/P8Z68V_PROGEN3/#CPUS Bodo
  5. Hello, I have Windows 7 ( Intel Core 9770X cpu, 6GB Ram, 480 GTX Gainward ). When i try to open the pmdg_7378NGX_fuselage_master.psd with paint shop pro i got an memory error, that my system has not enough memory to open the file. Can anybody please tell me, what to do ( perhaps other people have also the problem ) Thanks Bodo
  6. Hello, My friend in Mexico City has the problem, that if you move over e.g. a clickspot, the text ("L:Pedalstep/R:Radios") doesn't appear.His graphic card is an ati 5800 and cpu is i5-2600k I have a nvidia card ( GTX 480 ) and i have not the problem. Greetings from Hannover, Germany Bodo
  7. Thanks for the correction,I really didn't saw the full presentation ( because I was late ) and I regcognised that the presenation was helt by Lefteris Kalamaras and I attached him to the PMDG team, because last year he held the presenation about the MD11 in Paderborn.Bodo
  8. Hi Folks,J just came back frome the Flightsim Conventation in Paderborn ( Germany ). I saw there a presentation from PMDG about a concorde. This presentation was really great. I am looking forward to have it soon on my pc :DGreetings from HannoverBodo
  9. HelloI have the 747 boxed version. On my Computer I have the FlightSimulator X ( Drive C ) and the Flightsimulator 2004 on drive E. But somehow the installer doesn't recognize the path of the Flightsimulator 2004. Instead he is copying all the files to drive c where the Flightsimulator X is installed.What can I do ?Bodo
  10. Thanks a lot for the answer,well, during a long flight, I do not want to hold my jostick all the time in my hand. So I put it on the carpet, next to my pc. That's why it could happen, that i touch the stick with my foot, if i don't care ;-)Thanks again for the response. I didn't know it.Bodo
  11. Hi folks,I have a litte problem with my joystick and the AP from the PMDG 737/738. When I fly and LNAV,VNAV is enabled and then suddenly touch my jostick with my foot, then VNAV and LNAV Buttons turn's off. Is this normal ? I always have to disable my stick in the flightsimulator.Greetings Bodo
  12. Hello,I just fly from Frankfurt to HongKong. The Destination on the PROG Page is a different from the first Page at the RTE-Page in the FMC. RTE Page says that the Original Airport is EDDF and the Destination VHHH. But when I click on the PROG Page, the Destination is UAUU. Why ? I do not fly there, and I didn't it entered it as alternativ airport.GreetingsBodo
  13. Hi Jim,yes, i am running the freeware anti-virus programm Antivir. The funny thing is, that it had worked some days ago, I did not change anything ( well I have update the virus definition of Antivir , that's all).It sais fail to download the data, and always try to reconnect to the server.Bodo
  14. HelloI am unable to connect my ASV to the Hifi DataNet. I have disabled all firefalls, restartet ASV. Few days ago, it worked very well.Any solution ?Greetings from GermanyBodo von Thadden
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