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Everything posted by Midcon113

  1. Hello everyone,I didn't know about FSHotSeat until I saw the announcement of the upgrade to FS9. I've flown a few hours in it and despite some shortcomings, it really fulfills some wishes I've had for a long time. I haven't purchased yet, but I am leaning that way. I do have four questions that I'd like to get user's opinions on:1) In FS2004, ATC gives step climb instructions, but the demo expects me to dial in the cruise altitude before I taxi out. How do I resolve this? Do I loose points for following ATC's instructions?2) I do a lot of flying in the default 737 - how does the checklist match up for this aircraft?3) Has anyone successfully added more SAPI 5 voices to FSHotSeat? A quick search on Google revealed a few more voice sets that are available, and the demos of those voices sounded awfully good (and they better be - they're expensive!)4) I have my MP3s in folders sorted by album name - is there any way to have FSHotSeat scan a folder AND subfolders to find MP3s, or am I stuck listening to one album at a time?Thanks in advance for any advice,Mark
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