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Posts posted by Sartanius

  1. Examples are 33,010, 37,010, 39,010. And this is with the Barometer set to STD. This isn't really a terrible problem but its always been an issue with my installations, even with FS2k, FS2k2, and now FS2k4. I assume this is normal and likely a simple flaw withing FS itself.Is this correct or is there another explanation?TIA!DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz/533FSB)1GB Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.5)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  2. Since the vast majority of my flight plans were created using the PSS FMC, does anyone know if there's a converter out there to convert them to FS2004 format for use with ActiveSky MR2?I certainly have no problem recreating all of them in the FS2004 flight planner, but if I don't need to I'd rather not :)Thanks!DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz/533FSB)1GB Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.5)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  3. I prefer the PSS 320 since it works like a charm in FS2k4. dilloll0: I'm not sure what problems you're having but it has worked flawlessly for me since the first install.DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz/533FSB)1GB Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.5)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  4. I'm with StoneCold on this one. It's a minor annoyance that can be quickly corrected with a slight pause. I hope as well that this problem is correted in FS 2006.DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz/533FSB)1GB Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.5)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  5. It is possible the AFCAD for KBDL is not designed for multiple simultaneous runways. I'm really not too sure about this but that may be the case. ATC will only offer other runways that are near to the wind direction it "sees" at the moment.DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz/533FSB)512 Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.3)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  6. I discovered the problem, Charlie. I inadvertently downloaded an earlier version of the program before it had that capability :(Problem solved.. and I like the program very much! A very big help for me!DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz/533FSB)512 Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.3)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  7. Charlie,Please explain what services FSAutoStart manages outside of what you accomplish with msconfig? Also, how is FSAutoStart set up to do that?DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz/533FSB)512 Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.3)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  8. I'm a bit confused here... I just downloaded FSAutoStart and really like how it allows me to start FSMeteo along with FS2004. I've been through all the documentation and the program itself and cannot find any evidence that it does anything else other than allow other applications to start and stop with FS2004. If you can explain how to affect msconfig-like changes to the PC prior to a reboot using FSAutoStart I'd really like to know.Thanks!DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz/533FSB)512 Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.3)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  9. Jim:I've embedded my comments in with your original post.>Ah-ha! Somehow this doesn't surprise me. ;) I'd be interested>in hearing what your FS2004 settings are. There have been a>few people that have said that going from 512 MB's to 1 GB of>System RAM wouldn't make much difference in FS2004. I think>whether or not it makes much difference may depend on how high>of settings you set the sim at. In my 'FS2004 and WinXP>Optimization Guide V2' I recommend that people use 1 GB of RAM>if possible. It's just a recommendation is all. I have always>had 1 GB of RAM for FS2004 and have never had much of a>performance issue after 'tweaking' my Sytem and FS2004. Here's>a summary of my settings and performance. And btw, I don't use>the 'TERRAIN_USE_VECTOR_OBJECTS=0' tweak. I do use a modified>'default.xml' file though that helps a little with the known>Autogen bug/performance issue. Now that you've got the extra>RAM you might want to consider turning the Vector Objects back>on and see how it is. I will switch the vector objects tweak as you suggest and see how it looks. >>----------------------------------------------------------------->>My settings are 1600x1200 resolution, 4X AA, and 16X AF with>Quality on. I use MyTraffic 2004 with AI Traffic at 100%.I use all the above but I use Ultimate Traffic at 50%.>Everything in the sim is turned up and on, sliders full right>except the following...>>Terrain Complexity(Mesh): 85% I have it at 100% >>Scenery Complexity: Very Dense Yes >>Autogen: Very Dense (I'm also using a file in the Avsim>library named: fs9xml.zip) Set as Sparse with tweak above. >>Not all my Weather sliders are full right...>>Sight distance: 100 mi. I use 150 >>Cloud draw distance: 60 mi. Yes >>3-D cloud percentage: 100 Yes >>Detailed Clouds checked. Yes >>Cloud coverage density: Maximum(100%) I use Medium Also I have Water Effects "off"Dawn/Dusk textures checkedExtended terrain textures checkedSun glare checkedLens flare NOT checkedAdd-on Dynamic scenery NOT checkedGround scenery shadows NOT checkedI have MipMaps set at 4HW Rendered Lights at 8Global max Texture Size at Massive>>>My average FPS is usually 22. I have it locked at 24. If I>lock it a little higher I get some more FPS but then the FPS>jumps around more. I do not get an average of 22 FPS when I am>around large cities with complex airports, but it is still not>too bad even in those areas, certainly flyable for me.>Simflyers airports and even FlyTampa's Miami(KMIA) are another>story. My FPS stay nearly pegged at 25 (where I have them locked) most of the time unless on final at Atlanta, Chicago, LAX, or any other large airport. In those cases the FPS hover in the 16-19 territory. Even when taxiing at large airports the FPS stay in the 22-25 range all the time. Judging by you specs we have essentially the same PC. It is encouraging that our performance is compatible as well.DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz/533FSB)512 Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.3)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  10. Bigshot,Well hallelulia! That's has got to be one of the best all time expenditures of $210.00 I've ever spent! FS2004 runs like it's on steroids now with practically nonexistent pauses and stutters. Switching views is now instantaneous at any time during a flight as well as hopping out to spot view. Taxiing is smooth at all times no matter how many AI are in the area! This is like having a brand new PC! I could'nt be happier!The addition of 512MB of RAM to bring me to a total of 1GB was the trick!Thanks again for all your comments and suggestions!DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz/533FSB)512 Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.3)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  11. Machine came with 2 x 256MB sticks of 16-bit Samsung PC1066 (for 533 FSB) RAMBUS. I just purchased two additional 256MB sticks for $210 at ZipZoomFly.com today. Should be here on Tuesday... I hope :)Yes, I changed AF to Performance (for 3D and OpenGL) and there's a slight improvement. Terrain mesh is now 90 but I don't see much difference in eye candy or performance. Yes I'm using Chris' clouds and density is set to High. I have AI on now at 50% I just have to have traffic :)Fastwrites has been off for a while and the default is 4xAGP.Thanks for helping me along... your suggestions have been a big help and performance has improved measurably! I am now beginning to enjoy flying FS9... but there's still a ways to go. Looking forward to seeing how 1GB of RAM improves things!

  12. Actually I finally figured out how to get the horizon looking great... whew! An ugly horizon can really ruin an immersive flying experience :)I went and downloaded DXTBmp and converted all the PSS Airbus textures and performance did improve a bit (great tip!). I also did the autogen fix (removed default.xml file) and changed the "TERRAIN_USE_VECTOR_OBJECTS" line in the FS9.cfg file from 1 to 0. Yes performance has improved a bit and the sim is almost playable... However, those nasty stutters and interminable pauses are still there, especially when changing views inside the 2D cockpit and when jumping out to spot view. The hard disk thrashes (I see the light flashing furiously) all the while (which is likely why the sim pauses so much). Do you all think upgrading my RAM to 1GB from 512MB will help to reduce the hard disk accesses? When I check how much RAM is left while FS9 is running it is usually in the 16k to 45k arena with a sizeable page file. Will adding more RAM relieve some of the stutters by allowing caching of more textures?Thanks, all, for your time and suggestions... we're actually making progress here! :-cool

  13. Sorry to disappoint, folks. Deleting the FS9.cfg file and restarting (FS2004 creates a new one) did absolutely nothing for my performance. I still have awesome frame rates but the sim just stutters and stops/starts whenever you turn or change viewed from within the cockpit. For instance, when I change the view to the forward left quartering view the sim will stop for about 2 full seconds them start and stop once or twice as it tries to catch up with itself and then when it does everything becomes smooth again. Then when I change the view again to 90 left or right or just anywhere else the pausing and stuttering happens again until the video sort of catches up with itself and then things are smooth again. VERY frustrating. My machine handles FS 2002 like a walk in the park with no performance problems at all... frames are very high and no pauses or stutters at all.I'm afraid it's back to FS2002 for me. This is all very perplexing... having a very high end machine that just can't seem to keep up with the FS2004 demands is truly disappointing. Only thing I can think of at this point is to try the latest top-of-the-line GeForce card. Maybe NVIDIA has a leg up on ATI for this sim... Any opinions on the NVIDIA vs. ATI issue?DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz)512 Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.3)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  14. L.Adamson:I did the F-16 test out of Seattle and the frames were as expected... 20+ (Locked at 20) all the time. Frame rates are never a problem with this rig. Still even though the F-16 was not loading down the system there were still many pesky stutters and pauses (1-2 seconds in duration) during turns but sometimes also when just in level flight. The pauses and stutters were not nearly as bad as they are with the PSS 319/320 but they were still bad enought to really rob the joy of this sim. I'm afraid I'm going to have to go back to FS2K since I've literally tried everything I can find here and at other forums. No tweak or combination of tweaks has been able to solve the horrible stutters and pauses.Thanks for listening... not sure there are too many more possiblities here. Just likely a bad combination of hardware that only rears it's head when loaded down. Maybe my next computer will work better!DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz)512 Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.3)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  15. L.Adamson:Thanks for the suggestion about trying the F-16 to compare performance with your system. I'll d/l tonight and try it tomorrow sometime. I'll report back after the testing.BTW... Is there in fact a general opinion here that the NVIDIA cards produce much better horizons than ATI's cards?

  16. >Mine's smooth in every situation. Even in a 9g turn with a>jet with terrain in view. Never used to be. Now it is. I run>4xAA & 16xAF (Performance) at 1400x1050x32. I also use>nothing but DXT3wAlpha texture formats with mipmaps and have>done both autogen fixes (the vector line change in the cfg>file and renaming the default xml file in the autogen folder>and I use Chris' clouds). The 32bit textures will chock you>system. A gig of ram will not change that. Give it a try!Thanks Bigshot! I'm not following the DXT3wAlpha texture formats issue. Is there an easy way to explain this to me and show me what I have to do to make the changes to my system? Also, the renaming of the XML file in the autogen folder and Chris' clouds issues are new to me.Please if you have the time... a little more guidance. I'd love to make this sim more useable! Your time is appreciated!Thanks!

  17. All: If anyone out there has a similar system (see specs below)please help me understand what the problem might be. I have all the latest drivers for the motherboard, display adapter, and Audigy 2 sound card. Start WindowsXP Pro with most services and all third party startup services disabled. System running on essential minimums. FS 2004 assigned to its own CPU via task manager (hyper-threading enabled). Frames are actually quite good throughout FS2004 (20+) but the stuttering and awful pauses during turns (both taxiing and flying) are real show stoppers (literally!). A typical taxiing scenario... at KATL tuning onto 09L for departure the entire sim stops for about 2-4 seconds and then starts again... and many smaller duration stutters as well throughout the turn. When airborne the same thing happens during turns. No matter what FS2004 configuration tweak I try there is no improvement... and I've tried them all, particularly all those listed in the many threads here at Avsim and elsewhere.What gives here? Are NVIDIA cards better than ATI for FS2004? Do I need a more powerful video card (9700 Pro is no slouch!)? Can't get a much faster processor at the moment so there aren't too many folks out there running FS2004 well with faster PCs.Is it possible that sometimes the combination of hardware and associated drivers in a specific configuration will just never work well? Or maybe there is a solution that corrects the horrible pauses and stutters. I'm getting tired of trying to find a solution and just may have to go back to FS2k until FS2006 comes out. Not my first choice, though, since I really like the overall rich look (except for the hokey horizon) of FS2004.TIA for any suggestions!DougDell 8250 (3.06GHz)512 Rambus RAM120MB ATA 100 (7200 RPM)ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 4.3)Audigy 2 Sound (latest drivers)MS Force Feedback 2WindowsXP Pro (SP1)DirectX 9.0b

  18. >I had the same problem, go to the AVC control panel, if you>are using DirectSound for the output device change it to wave,>or vice versaThanks all for the responses.Sorry I wasn't clear when I presented the problem. The ATC I'm refering to is the default ATC in FS2004. I don't do any of the online ATC at this stage. I already reduced the DirectX sound acceleration in increments and was not able to correct the stutter at any of the reduced positions. At this stage I'm not sure what the solution is. If having one of the very the best sound cards available (IMHO) along with the latest drivers won't do the trick, maybe there isn't a solution and I need to learn to live with it.Anyone else out there with a good idea?TIA... Doug

  19. Finally decided to dive back into flight simming after about a year away. Currently running FS2004 on the following system:Dell 8250 PIV 3.06 with hyperthreadingATI Radeon 9700 Pro with Catalyst 4.3sAudigy 2 Sound with latest driversWindows XP ProDirectX 9.0bMS Force Feedback 2I've spent a good part of this weekend searching Avsim for FS2004 tweaks and have managed to improve system performance (FPS) quite repectibly but am still plagued with the dreaded sound stutter whenever ATC starts to say anything. Very distracting :(One of the tweaks I read is to turn down sound card acceleration from full to basic... but this did not correct the problem. Besides when you're running the latest sound card with the latest driver it sure does seem strange to reduce acceleration to try and improve sound performance.Is there anything else out there that some of you have stumbled upon that corrects this disturbing performance problem?TIA for any suggestions/advice!Doug

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