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Posts posted by DavidP

  1. 1 hour ago, Freq_flyer44 said:

    Love it, all the moaning and poking at RSR's posturings but we all know that it will make absolute Bank (likely the biggest earning addon ever in the history of the flightsim universe, ever) and we will witness every single complainer complaining of the download servers being down or that their product key isn't registering within 5 mins of its release!! Oh, never change, beloved simmers!

    I really don't see any "moaning" in this thread.

  2. 1 minute ago, sd_flyer said:

    Just like in real life you crank engine with  by holding switch in "start position" until engine starts. You not suppose to crank long enough though! If engine doesn't start there are several possibilities: it's not primed enough, it's flooded , or in particular case of Duke oil pressure/temperature too low.

    Thanks, I am aware of all of that the problem is how do I actually hold the magneto switch in the start position until the engine fires using the mouse?

  3. Forgive me but this is probably a basic one and I have searched.......

    How do I hold the magneto switch down to start in the piston Duke?

    I have looked at the key bindings in MSFS and can operate both at the same time, but how do I start one at a time?

    I can use my mouse wheel to cycle through left, right, both etc. but can't hold it in the Start position long enough for a start as the switch releases.

    Sorry for the basic question, hope it makes sense.

  4. 9 minutes ago, abrams_tank said:

    On Discord, people are saying you need to right-click and run BeyondATC as an admin.  That's very weird that the BeyondATC team didn't check to see if you are running the app as an administrator. If it's required that BeyondATC needs to be run as an admin, the app should check this and give the user a message if they aren't. Maybe one of the first things that the BeyondATC team needs to patch.

    Didn't work for me.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 minute ago, Gilandred said:

    I don’t quite understand this sentiment.  FSL and Majestic have made fantastic aircraft for another platform that you can still use and enjoy today.  If you bought and paid for their products then that completed the transaction, and they don’t owe anyone anything beyond that.  I too wish they would develop for MSFS, but if that day never comes, I have no reason to hold it against them.

    I said nothing about owing anyone anything.

    I merely stated that I am undecided about supporting them if they come to MSFS.

    Not sure where you got that idea from?

    • Like 1

  6. 1 hour ago, thepilot said:

    Pretty much like FSL, really a big shame how some of the best P3D developers can't be bring themselves to give their long-time customers and supporters a candid update. 

    Yes, it's starting to become a major turn off. I have long supported FSL in particular but will seriously reconsider whether to if they eventually come to MSFS.

    Their attitude is questionable.

    • Like 4

  7. 5 minutes ago, Matchstick said:

    The Stalls don't seem too bad, they are aggressive and the left wing really drops but the there's a decent amount of warning both from buffeting and them from stall horn and recovery is pretty straightforward without that much height loss.

    But spins seem an entirely different matter. Easy to initiate with some rudder as the stall horn starts up and they seem to take an age to recover.
    Not fun and unless you have plenty of altitude you are in real trouble.

    I've instructed in them and the stall is nasty to the point that an inexperienced student could easily find themselves in one of those spins by slightly mishandling the recovery.

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  8. 3 hours ago, flightskyc said:

    Yup lol.

    People in this community are funny!

    “I’m gonna sign up to the beta! Dam you Microsoft, I’m annoyed at the bugs, in the beta” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    How about the idea that someone tries beta testing and decides it's not for them? Pretty funny, hey?


  9. 58 minutes ago, JRBarrett said:

    Most real propellor-driven aircraft will turn left due to engine torque - especially in a climb. You need to counteract it with right rudder (not aileron) held continuously. The effect tends to diminish as the aircraft levels off and reaches normal cruise airspeed. 

    It's a very overdone effect is MSFS

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