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About Josepla

  • Birthday 02/26/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Los Realejos 38410 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Espa
  • Interests
    Flight Simulation in general.

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  • Online Flight Organization Membership
    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
  • Virtual Airlines

About Me

  • About Me
    Using the FS almost at the first version. :-)
  1. Hi: Well, I did not do anything new. In fact I did yesterday a new flight from SABE (Aeroparque/Buenos Aires) to SAME (El Plumerillo/Mendoza), and all worked fine. The other flights were in Canary Islands and in this last flight, in Argentina, and in this last one, I did not use the Vspeed Calculator script ... Can be that script who makes the CTD? I will try new flights... Thanks
  2. Hi all: The last 3 flight, the FSX has CTD. The error seems to be in the FS2CrewQ400Voice.Gau file. This is the faulting module: Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FS2Crew2010\Versions\MJCQ400\Gauges\FS2CrewQ400Voice.GAU Have anyone the same problem? I have the the fsx with the aceleration pack (with the 2 SP). I use active sky Next, and connected to IVAO. Thanks.
  3. Hi all: I disabled the linda software... and now works fine... I think Mick is right. The problem is with the linda program and the MCP.
  4. I have installed the latest Linda version, and still the same. Of course, i Added the Majestic Dash 8 Q400 profile (the same I had before). So it is posible the problem is in that config file.
  5. Ohh thanks.. I will install the new Linda version right now.
  6. Yes.. I have it.. with the vrinsight MCP COMBO ORIGINAL... I do not use allways.. but the programs Linda start.. so... ir is posible an key assigment... ? thanks
  7. ups.. sorry... I only have used the voice version..... but.. it seems also happens with the button version... if you see the other people here.... i will probe it
  8. Hi all: I have reinstalled and still the same... :-) Now, i have not changed the voices so, I received the US sounds... a man, not a woman... but it happens at the same place... when doing the after star checklist, Just when doing "Engine Rating"... and again ... it does not continue after transition level... :-) strange ..... but I suppose it is a key assigments... or something similar.... Thanks in advance...
  9. I am flying right now, and well it started just after start engines.... and before do it the after start checklist. and stopped just after Transition Altitude (when I speak "1013 set crosscheck").
  10. Well,definitely, I do not press any button or change the Control to PA position..... and disappear when I am near cruise.... and start again near final..... I will see the exact point when It start to say "Hello". Thanks
  11. Hi all: It is the same sound exactly when you choose PA..... and can choose diffent things from the PA Panel... as coffe.... it is exactly the same sound... for some reason... it is like... I go to the radio panel.. choose PA and press call... but ... it not appear the PA panel.... only the voice... and it still continue calling "Hello".... till I get to climb for the cruise ..... then, when I start the approach.... it sounds again.....:-) very strange thing..... Today I noted.... it does the same even not connected to Ivao ... would it be some programmed key in FS2CREW or something like that? It is from FS2Crew sure.... If I do not use it..... It does not sounds.... :-) Thanks...
  12. Normally, just on ground, and normally after the engines are running... even on taxi..... and continue with the plane in the air... Thanks
  13. Hi all: I've been looking at this forum, and I have not found the response, So sorry if someone has answered before. The problem is someone from the crew says "hello", without been asked, and I don't know what I have answer. What I have to do?. It is exactly the same "hello" that happens when you Call "PA" to ask for something, such as a a cup of coffe.... But it appeared without been asked. Thanks in advance... José Manuel Plasencia. Santa Cruz de Tenerife Islas Canarias
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