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Posts posted by Lairyliam

  1. amazing post! Although,It looks a bit complicated where can i find flows management,weather avoidance routes etc?



    You need to keep an eye on the AIM (its link is 5 lines long! - Left hand side of the link above, 8th block down.) all info regarding airports and airspace is listed there. 


    If there are issues with airspace being overloaded, or an airport needs to slow the arrival rate, then that's when you will be told what time you can take off and issue the flight with a slot. 

    If they need to reroute you, the aircraft operator may get issued with a re-route option, with a time limit to its validity, it's all based on real time info and is sent direct to the owner of the flight plan. 


    In the AIM you will find info that's live for the day for instance, Spain was having a sector overload today so they put a restriction of handling x amount of aircraft per hour... so they issued this. 
















    If you have a flight plan in the system that has a relevant flight related they will send you that message, via the method that you filed the flight plan. it's the responsibility of the operator to refile accordingly your (ATC Slot will have the ID:FL5DGU18 .) so then you go look at the AIM, find the reason for the slot delay and then re file as needed. 



    I was just browsing around on the site, and at the top, i found this under Initial Network Plan (right at the top in the middle) its for the next day, based on current issues that may arise.



    Hope this gives you an idea.  - The AIM/ANM is the on going live info.



    and then right at the bottom of the PDF i linked above i found this gem of info... https://www.public.nm.eurocontrol.int/PUBPORTAL/gateway/spec/_res/1802_1430_1902.pdf

  2. There is one in Europe, it's called the called the NOP (Network Operations Portal)  by CFMU (Central Flow Management Unit)/ Eurocontrol.
    Access is restricted to the real juicy stuff (only airlines and maybe ground handling have access is via a user account and a one time key that changes every 15 seconds.) 


    But there is a large portion of it that is available to the public.  https://www.public.nm.eurocontrol.int/PUBPORTAL/gateway/spec/index.html

    Its a flight simmers dream if you have access as I once did.  - if it flies through any part of European airspace, its flight plan will be in the system. it offers info into management flows, flow rates, restrictions, flight plan reroute options and a whole host of other functions that i probably don't know about now.

    In Europe if a ATC sector has an issue, The flight (if its still on the ground) is issued a (CTOT) Cleared to Take Off Time (Slot), the plane has a 15 min window to take off at that time so that it arrives into the affected airspace/airport at a time based on the EET/speed of the aircraft as filed on the flight plan. If the airspace is closed, then the flight plan is suspended until its re filed around the airspace restriction. (noted on the flight suspended message) also on the site above on the left hand side listed under AIM. 

    Hope this helps

    (Former) Navigation Services Officer/Tactical Flight Planner, British Airways Citi Express 

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  3. I have flown FSX, FSX-SE, and P3D for years and never had an OOM or VAS issue until flying PMGD aircraft. Let me preface that by saying that most of my flying before PMDG was done on the Twin Otter Extended and other bush planes. Strictly bush type scenarios and over-water island hopping.

    Now I've graduated to more "sophisticated" flying and started with the NGX and now the 747 v3. I fly with FSGlobal 2010, FTX global, vector, Europe LC, ASN, etc.. But no individual airports. (I prefer the whole experience as compared to the start and finish) I have my settings pretty high (see Matt Davies' settings) and I have the best of the best in terms of hardware.

    The only OOM I have had s far was flying into default EGLL, and we all know what a PITA EGLL can be with OOM issues. So here's my point..... We are all bound by the 4gb limit and if you do the slightest bit of research into this issue, it becomes readily apparent that VAS and OOM issues are directly correlated to incredibly complex add-on scenery and eye-candy like photorealistic home and destination airports. I can do full 12 hour flights in the 747 v3 without any VAS or OOM issues as long as I leave EGLL out of the equation. And if I do fly into or out of EGLL, I simply save, exit and reload the flight to restart the VAS. Flight swimming has never been better and the PMGD aircraft have taken this hobby into the next level.

    I went to the doctor the other day and complained to him that I OOM'd while flying into EGLL. His response was don't fly into EGLL.......

    Folks, it's an easy answer to all your problems. Work the sim and don't let the sim work you....

    What Matt Said... 


    I just landed into FACT from FNLU after 3 and a bit hours (with a go around) , and still had about 1 - 1.2GB VAS remaining.... 

    and that's with FTX Global, ASN, REX clouds, Textures and Airports HD.  


    With 4GB only being available, sadly you cant have your cake and eat it. 

  4. I just typed my departure airport into "Origin" in the FMC, and hit request and then it shows all the routes in the database for 73, 77 and 74 aircraft types, take the route you need and your good to go.

    I took the 777 option in the video i'm currently uploading (@14:20 for the 1/2 shameless plug) and it loaded straight into the FMC


  5. I think i read in the notes its a double press..
    (oh, or "greater pressure than the autobrake is currently applying")

    Not sure if i am allowed to copy paste the Intro Manual, But page 150 under the heading "Hardware toe brakes" tells you how they need to be released and why. 



    To this point:

    what's the best way to confirm the autobrakes are working? Speed trend vector is delayed and it would be good to get an immediate feedback, especially on limiting runways.

    Obviously, on the real a/c you would feel the brakes.

    So some kind of visual feedback would be good



    Mark Foti


    I wonder if its possible to get an FMC option added for a red coded "AUTOBRAKES" to appear when they work in place of "BRAKES, its not a bad idea given we have no idea if they are, tho i guess you (and i really hate the word) assume that NO EICAS message of failure means they are engaging? 


  6. I landed on a 15000ft runway yesterday and without reverse the plane decelerated in a manor i would expect.
    my breaks were at 2 once i got to the stand. 

    Maybe fly into a super long runway and see what happens without reverse. see what happens? 

    Artur, Sounds like you were maybe at flight idle and not ground idle? there's an option for that in the FMC IIRC to help with that.


  7. This is the same reg as the PMDG  UPS 747F

    Could anyone do the "used" version? Would love it



    Thats Filthy!!! Id love an overlay if anyone can produce anything close to this My Girl is waaaaaaaaaay to clean.

    I unvailed my first full repaint today. in the past, iv cheated and used other parts of planes, and templates that are already there. but i built this lass from scratch. 


    Had a little Help from Steve.... (Thanks fella) 


    But here she is...Bravo Whisky Yankee.





    note the roookie posting pics waaaaaaay to big... ill sort them in  a bit!!

  8. Cargo hold capacities are in relevant documentation defined by volume not weight.


    We apportioned distributed weight in cargo holds based on those figures, max allowed structural payload and expected CG limits.

    Cool, but i cant find those weights in the FCOM - Limitations?? (I can't find the Empty or DOW for that matter - I know to take out all the pax and fuel and you have The DOW) The manual only ever talks about RAMP, MTOW, MLDW and MZFW, as per L.10.2, but i'm pretty sure every plane i'v dispatched or been the load controller on has had a limit to how much volume/weight it can actually hold. obviously The load sheet never weighs Cargo in Volume, only in KGS/LBS. which more often than not is air-frame specific, because as we know every planes DOW weight is different. Least they were when my name was on the top of the loadsheet... 


    Please don't get me wrong. it's not about that it appears to be missing or that i cant find it, i'd just like to use the numbers PMDG did when they programmed it. the level of everything that i have is more than i could ever wish for, and this plane will be talked about for years to come.  and i actually would hate if PMDG thought i was complaining  - FAR FROM IT....   Its just whoever programmed the FMC must have had a number that brings up the error of.... 


    OK, so 30 mins later of chasing the numbers and I have those max numbers, and thus the max weight/Mass that the PMDG 747 can take into the holds...


    Max Cargo in the 109 Version  is  45243KG (as per FMC) The Max each hold can take before INVALID ENTRY displays. 

    21949/19225 Bulk 4069.


    Which leads me to  


    I simply set MZFW and add up the three cargo weights to get the number to use in PFPX, or just leave it blank.  The only number that is meaningful for our purposes is the ZFW.


    Yep, you cant take more than the MZFW, I agree and ZFW is all I really care for in the FMC. 

    However, that number in the MZFW in the FMC is only 30719 yet the PFPX profile i am looking 747-400 RB211-5 says 50802... That's a lot of mass/weight that's being missed and thus made me wonder how two separate sources can be 20,000kg different....


    So obviously, you have to go with what the PMDG FMC says, so at least when you tell PFPX that to randomize The load it works on the basis that it has a MAX of 420 PAX, and 45243 KGS of cargo to play with, it can then randomize to its hearts content and use the full amount of weight that's available in the aircraft up to the MZFW. I can then take the ZFW and pop it into the FMC, what the FMC does with the weight is up to the plane. ( Thats kind of your point isn't it.....................) - tho when it comes to offloading due being overweight, or runway limitations its easier to bin off stuff from the hold than it is the punters who pay the bills. (yeah, sorry, your bags coming via timbuktoo... next month......)


    I realize were only discussing 15000kgs of weight, and it really doesn't matter in tems of the actual ZFW, in the absolute grand scheme of things. and having read this a dozen times now probably seems silly to most, but I guess i got fixated on the wrong thing. 


    But hey, at least we now know that in PFPX we can put 45243 into that Cargo box..... 


    In fact here's the numbers i'm working with



    Empty Weight: i was going to say 175500 but that's a guess based on 13 crew and a couple of tonnes for catering/potable water, - but actually it doesn't matter... were probably never going to need it anyway!!!!!


    DOW  178,800 - I put this into the Empty weight box

    MZFW 246100

    RAMP 395532

    MLDW 285763

    PAX: 420

    Cargo: 45243

    Fuel: 173425 - although we should now be aware of density as per the Manual.


    I Really hope someone finds this post useful LOL, i have put 2 hours into it! 





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