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Article Comments posted by pracines

  1. 1 hour ago, Crabby said:

    and this ignorance of our Bill of Rights is a prime cause for all the craziness we see today.

    Not to get off topic too much, but this statement is not true.

    Sin is the prime cause of all the craziness yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

    The Bill of Rights is new on the human scene relatively speaking, and there has been some serious craziness before the Bill of Rights came along. 

    In context of this topic and the differences in the discussion, there would be no differences (at least on my part) if it were not for sin. Mistakes and errors I can handle and forgive quickly, but consistent misrepresentation (sin) needs to be corrected. The problem in this case is that for some, sin is acceptable, and to others its not.

    On a world scale this is the craziness which leads to wars and eventually death. I for one am glad sin will lose in the end, that is why I will not side with or be acceptable to consistent/blatant sin.   

  2. 12 hours ago, rstough said:

    My purpose here is to protect those that have worked countless hours to produce products that please the people and not let others to misrepresent the character of the people of REX.

    Hello again Reed 🙂,

    To be fair, flight simmers work hard for their money to be able to buy rex products, so the "work hard" bit can be left out.

    Your purpose is understood. But what is not understood is we people are not misrepresenting the character of the people of rex, rather, rex is misrepresenting what they actually provide/do according to what is stated in the feature lists and the documentation (specifically, smooth wx transitions that are said to exist, that have not and still do not at this point in time). We people are just pointing that out. If ones character allows one to deceive others then that character needs to be corrected or even attacked if needed. If there is an error exposed (like way over bloated and false exaggerations in advertising), just correct the error, and stop doing it! When it happens over and over, company character NEEDS to come into question; people run companies so their character is in full play. It has to be this way to prevent corruption as much as possible.

    Clearer and more honest language in the representation of rex "weather generating" products would solve the issue. I and likely everybody else agrees that rex textures are excellent and deserve high praise. 

    For the record, I do not enjoy having to expose lies and deception, but I'm compelled to do so when the facts are plain. This tiny community cannot afford to have its major companies deceive their way to success. It will always come back to bite. 

    FACT: most skyforce users use AS for weather, but if the skyforce product worked like the documentation claims, there would be no need for AS. But in the end skyforce users paid for "AS like" features, yet still have to use or even buy AS to benefit. This should be terminal for rex business, and for the life of me I cannot understand the tolerance of such a situation when it spans over the course of several products and several years. The only explanation I can come up with is the textures are very good and it out weighs the problem to the less experienced or what I dub the "screenshot takers" who primarily fly out side of the cockpit.

    If rex has solved smooth wx transitions then that is wonderful and congratulations. If not, I again for the 3rd time suggest that rex stick with textures alone, it would be better for everybody including rex.

    For now I will trust what you say Reed, wx transitions in env force is solved.🙂

    Best wishes,


  3. 15 hours ago, kingm56 said:

    Mr Reed,

    I'll offer the following post (I wrote last year hoping you would respond) as a tangible example of how your hyperbole advertisement does not align with your products capabilities; if necessary, I could provide several more examples (Latitude is probably the best example); yet, I think this will suffice to showcase my frustration with the advertisement arm of your organization.  Plus, I typically do not critique products without tangible examples to reinforce my claims.  To be clear, I would expect ANY company to enthusiastically push their products; however, IMO, you have routinely misrepresented (unintentionally) your software capabilities. I have come away feeling 'cheated' from your last two releases; not because the products were bad, but because they failed to correlate to the description you fabricated.    


    Taken direct from your website last year:

    "Integrated within Sky Force 3D is a powerful and robust weather engine (used bold font on your website) that takes full advantage of all the new features to give the best experience of our new weather system. The IWX (Intelligent Weather) Engine focuses on two simple, but powerful things: Accurate Data and Accurate Experience, which sets the bar when it comes to data and experience in ONE integrated system."

    My questions are the following:  If your weather engine is as "powerful" as you tout, why is there is a need to use another engine?  Upon reading this description, do you really think its unreasonable for customers to believe we're getting the most accurate weather engine on the market? Does this sound like the weather engine isn't a "core" element of this product? Does it sound like you're advocating for the use of different weather engines?  Moreover, you state REX set the "bar when it comes to Accurate Data and Accurate Experience"  However, it appears the weather injected fails to correlate with reported METARs.  Concerning the latter claim (Accurate Experience), how does the abrupt climate changes correlate with this feature?  In all your hype, where do you mention SDK/simconnect limitations? Reviewing your advertisement page, I see phrases like "BREAKS THIS BARRIER," overcomes "constraints of the simulator SDK." In fact, here's a direct quote: "Even with costly similar (italicized on your website) aftermarket products installed, weather systems severely lack due to the constraints of the simulator SDK. SKY FORCE 3D BREAKS THIS BARRIER." I'm sorry, how are you making it clear that SF3D's weather engine is not a core feature of SkyForce 3D again? 

    Now we get the following explanation:

    "The abrupt updates are because we are using the standard simconnect process.  No way to smooth out without hooking the system memory.  We are working on Weather Force which will provide us a means to do much more.  It is not ready though so it will be coming later."

    So, we have to buy another product to ensure this "revolutionary" product works as advertised on YOUR webpage?  Where was that stated clearly, prior to release?  BTW, the requirement to buy a new application adds to the aggregate SF3D cost, which nullifies the assertion quoted above (e.g. your product is better and cheaper than competing products). [I believe this is now a free upgrade to SF3D...thank you for doing the right thing here!!]

    I'll close by saying I think SF3D is a solid, but hardly a "revolutionary" product that "breaks the barrier."  In short, like almost every other REX product, it doesn't live up the advertisement hyperbole littered throughout the manual and/or website.  To that point, I would not 'attack' (did someone really tell a poster 'good luck with their own weather engine') the overwhelming critical comments within this thread, as they're based on REX's performance to date (obviously doesn't apply to your textures, which are second to none).  I know my comments seem overly critical; however, I think they're justified based on the claims made regarding SF3D capabilities, coupled with my past experiences with REX products (e.g Latitude, WORLDWIDE AIRPORTS HD and Overdrive).  IMO, these product also failed to live up to the hype you helped generate.  To be fair, I'm only one customer; I know you have plenty of die-hard customers that love your work.  Therefore, speaking for myself only, you have some work to do earn my dollar back; then again, you could also 'wish me good luck on creating my own weather engine.'  Nevertheless, I wouldn't dismiss these critiques...



    Years ago and up to the release of sf I tried to communicate the very same thing and have been shut down by Avsim, rex, and other simmers every time. I'm actually totally banned from rex forums.

    In a stark contrast, years ago I offered criticism of STB and a specific function that did not work correctly for a long time, yet the claim was there. I was likely the only one who made a big deal of it; not because the function did not work, but because there was an unfulfilled claim. I simply stated that the feature should be removed from the feature list so potential future customers are not deceived. Initially Simon did revise the feature list until he could fix it. Eventually he fixed it, because he wanted STB to do what it originally claimed....integrity at its best. To me Flying W is like TOP 5 flight sim companies; the product (STB) is awesome and unique, the price for STB is a great value, and the customer service has always been excellent.

    I swear I would not intentionally expect too much from any company so as to slander or troll. I let them make their claims, and I assess, to verify honesty. Its really that simple.  

  4. 8 hours ago, MrSpeaker said:

    But I agree the way they describe their products is a bit dramatic. But hey that advertising lol

    If dramatics or advertising with archaic cave paintings was the problem, I would have no issue. When the advertising and feature lists are NOT totally true, which has been a very bad habit of rex for almost a decade, then there is a serious problem. Not funny at all.

    Consumers paying for consistent empty promises is very foolish.👨‍🎓

    I wonder how much environment force will cost (compared to what we already have), and will it finally deliver smooth wx transitions? Yes the textures are likely to be great, but lets see if all the features are true.

    -- drum roll 🥁

    I will intend on returning to this conversation after seeing the reviews on how smooth the env force wx transitions are. I hope that rex finally gets it right. If not, will it be funny, once again, to have been deceived?

    -competition needs to be competition to be considered competition.


  5. 1 hour ago, Mark Niebauer said:

    They are far from a leader in the industry!  What false advertising!  They treat their customers very badly. I would never use their products!


    1 hour ago, kingm56 said:

    They simply can't help themselves, Mark.  Every release comes with the same rhetoric: "one-of-a-kind" and "first time we have seen these kind of features."  However, they ALWAY fail to deliver on their hyperbole marketing; to that end, it's disappointing to see them continue to dramatically overhype their software.  Until this changes, I'm not going to purchase their products either.     

    Hopefully the truth of these comments will compel rex to finally do what they claim; until then, the hot air continues. 🤢🤮 

    All I can do is look forward to when I can be a rex customer again, its up to them.🧐

  6. 4 hours ago, markadeane said:

    Pracines, the latest preview video suggests it'll be driven by the default P3D nav database. However, if you have a navigraph subscription AND an FSaerodata subscription (which can update the default nav database using the navigraph data) then I expect this will mean we can have full and up-to-date procedures in the DA-62, albeit at an extra cost.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm not on the beta team or affiliated with Vertx so this is speculation on my part!

    I have seen this new video, and the maker of the video must have read my post here or was told about my post here by the way he responded in the video.

    So far it looks very good, and could be a day 1 purchase for me as well, however:

    I have FSAerodata as well and it appears that the implementation of the MFD will take advantage of this. So now this begs the question: what date are the actual procedures in their version of the G1000 going to be from? In other words, since Vertx obviously went through a lot of trouble to duplicate the G1000 so excellently, and since FSAerodata/Navigraph have formed an excellent basis of an updateable database (available for years), why leave that portion out of the realism,... at least as an option? 

    Yes, I use Little Nav Map as well and yes I can copy procedures over to create SID/STAR waypoints during preflight planning. Does not weather change? What if we are in-flight or even on approach and suddenly a STAR to another runway is given, and its a new STAR from 2019 for example? We will have to re-file a flight plan? Not very realistic, I never even pause the sim. The point of completeness or accuracy of data is not the main issue, the issue is, are the procedures in the G1000 current or not. 

     Maybe it will be an option, but the navigation data date was kept out of sight and the communication against an updateable database was plain enough. FSAerodata by itself is only designed at this point to enhance/update the default GPS units of FSX and P3D. If by chance FSAerodata can update this new G1000 then problem solved, but I did not get that understanding. 

    I only take this as far as I do because, what good is an outdated Nav database (these days) (procedures in particular) in a top quality aircraft simulation, especially for a simulator that is NOT intended for entertainment?

    So, at this point for me, the price of the product, and final feature list will determine the value for my purposes.

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