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Posts posted by mauriceb

  1. 12 hours ago, Garys said:


    I agree, I'm also looking fwd to VR for the exact same reasons. 

    Ps...I did not know about the urbandictionary definition of J/K, but I did guess it meant Just kidding. My question are you kidding? was not really a question at all, It was just my way to put down cockpit building as a hobby 🤣🤣🤣

  2. 2 minutes ago, Garys said:

    If you came back to cockpit building you wouldn't have to worry about this. J/K of course. I cant help with your problem but I hope you are doing well.

    Are you kidding? The reason I dumped my old cockpit was precisely because it was riddled with problems. These MSFS problems are peanuts by comparison &  once they add virtual reality, this will be a lot more fun, especially bush flying 😁 . Also, not stuck flying the same type of plane all the time. Variety is the spice of life 😂

  3. 8 hours ago, Mace said:

    @MauBen et al I think I found it -- 

    under "CONTROLS" --> "Camera" --> "Cockpit Camera" -- relevant command is "Reset Cockpit View"

    ...I see default bindings as Joystick Button 2, and/or Keyboard command Ctrl+Space or "f" it seems.  I tested joy btn 2 and it did indeed reset me back to a straight-ahead/default view even if I had translated around with the arrow keys or similar already.

    Ok, but that is not what I was asking. I don’t think I made myself clear, so here is exactly what I would like:

    How I can assign ONE button on a joystick (call it button A) to do the following function...Bring me back to the default pilot view EVERYTIME, no matter what my current view is, whether it is inside, outside or in one of the Showcase views. 

    But there are conditions, so these are the conditions:

    You MUST start in the default pilot view, go to an OUSIDE view and FROM THERE, go to any SHOWCASE view. Once you are in a showcase view, ONE click and ONE click only on Button A should bring you back to the default cockpit view.  I don’t care how you get to the outside or showcase view, whether with a button or from the top menu

    In other words, I don’t want to fumble with views by pressing on more than one button to get back to the default cockpit view. I really do not think this is possible right now.




  4. 8 minutes ago, Mace said:

    Ah, I see what you mean.  It seems that if you move around much, it takes you where you moved to, not necessarily a "default" seating location.  I haven't messed with MSFS enough yet to know if there is a reset view command.

    Yeah, that was part of my point...it does not always return to where you want it to return 🙂. There is a reset view command, but I wanted just one button push to get back to default position and that is not always possible. I wish there was the program I use in XPlane to switch views...X camera. With that one, one click is all that is needed from anywhere. 

  5. Is there any way to assign one key on any controller to always bring you back to the default cockpit view, no matter what external view you are coming from. I have literally spent hours upon hours to find it to no avail.

    So, does anybody know if there is a ‘magic’ key assignment that can always bring you back to the default cockpit view? Toggle VFR Cockpit mode does not do it, Cockpit/External view mode only works if you are in the regular external view and not in an external fixed camera view,  and VFR pilot view reset does not work either. 

    In fact, I often get in situations where the only way to get back to the default cockpit view is to do it via the top menu bar on top of the screen, which is rather awkward on short final.  There must be an easier way.

    Thank you.


  6. 7 hours ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

    Chroma 4:4:4 tends to be supported in TVs that can show HDR. They'll be 4K too. The better makes such as Samsung, Panasonic, Sony will have it but you have to look in the detailed manual. Avoid cheap as chips TVs. Chroma 4:4:4 is not a factor for monitors, only TVs.

    What make of 32" monitor do you have?

    I have a Samsung. It is quite good, but I was just wondering whether it was worth replacing it with a bigger TV. In hindsight though, it may be stupid to do that since I will shortly (I hope) receive the Pimax virtual headset I ordered last November 🙄, at which point the monitor will likely only be used while settings things up. Still nice to have a bigger screen, but not really necessary.

    Anyway, thank you for your feedback.


  7. 1 hour ago, Ray Proudfoot said:


    When considering using a TV as a monitor it should be able to support chroma 4:4:4. That makes text as sharp as possible. If it can’t support it then text will not be as sharp.

    I’ve made that as objective as possible.

    Sounds like keeping my monitor is the best option since I have no idea if chroma 4:4:4 is ever mentioned in the TV specs. None of those I see in Amazon mention that particular value as far as I could see.

    Thank you for the feedback.

  8. I know there are countless articles and opinions about that, but ALL I want to know is if you can read the text in small instrument gauges just as well or better on a 4K large TV (43”) vs a 4K 32” monitor. I just bought a 32” 4K monitor and I’m thinking I should have bought a 43” 4K TV instead and considering returning the monitor. 

    Please respond only if you have personal experience with a large 4K TV and flight sim.

    Thank you

  9. Hi,


    If your just looking for an increase in performance, stick with the 690 over the black... The slight increase in performance doesn't justify the $1,100.00 cost.

    My bank account (and my wife) thank you profusely :-) .

    I came very close many times to biting the bullet and spending that money but a little voice inside me kept saying this was not the magic bullet I was hoping for.


    Thank you again.



  10. Hi,


    I'm using three Samsung Syncmaster T260HD monitors at 5760x1200 via EVGA Titan Black Superclocked. I'd never go back to a single monitor again.

    Hi Mike,


    Did you notice an improvement over the GTX 690 you used to have? I still have a GTX 690 running three TVs at 5760x1080 and I am wondering whether the switch to a Titan is worth it.




  11. How stable is this bird (172) in Prepar3D? Have either of you done legitimate long flights (2-3hrs?) with it without issue?


    No I haven't. A 2-3 hours flight in a Cessna would bore me to death I think :) . But I don't really see any reason why there would be any problem. I haven't yet played with the radios or GPS so I can't comment on those but they worked ok when I still had FSX.

  12. My only problem with the 172 is that I cannot get the rudder centered.

    I seem to recall I had the same problem at the beginning but I don't know/remember what fixed it. Are you setting up your controls with FSUIPC and are you using Saitek rudders (I am)? If you are using FSUIPC, there may be a conflict between FSUIPC and the in game controls.

    Anyway, the rudder does work ok so I'm sure there is way to fix yours.

  13. Just a couple of short videos to show that the A2A Piper J-3 Cub and the Cessna 172 work quite well in P3d at a resolution of 5760x1080


    This is default scenery + FTX Global only. These are instant replay videos so any jerkiness in the videos showed up only during the instant replay and not during the actual flight.


    Both landings were deliberately done with aggressive forward slips to lose altitude and without using flaps in the Cessna (Piper Cub has no flaps). I just wanted to see how both planes behave while doing a slip.

    Note: the speed gauge in the Cessna does not move during the instant replay but the rate of descent gauge works ok.


    All & all, great GA airplanes for P3d & perfect for learning to fly.






  14. I see the same thing as well. This is a total guess on my part but I believe this is totally normal because at low altitudes, you don't see as far in the distance and the autogen is able to load enough objects so that they do not pop up constantly in front of you.


    At higher altitudes, autogen is not able to load objects as far as you can see so it ends up loading them in big blocks as you get closer


    For me at least, the popping of autogen objects is much more disturbing at low altitudes than at higher altitudes so I'm quite happy with the way P3d handles autogen at low altitudes. But as I said earlier, I'm really just guessing but overall, I find P3d immensely superior to FSX when it comes to autogen

  15. Very welcome. :)


    On side note.. I tried it for P3D myself and quickly removed it.. It works but the screen flickers every time you change a camera view.. That screams of compatibility problems to me.. Not taking the risk. :lol:


    Strange! I did not notice that myself but I only did a quick try so far. Unless the flicker is pretty bad, I would still use EZCA because the benefits outweigh the flickering, but time will tell :)

  16. The Flight1 wrapper (not what it extracts) WILL ALWAYS require a key or signing in to re-install no matter how many times you ran it before.. It counts your installs to limit you to 5 or 10 (which you can easily re-acitvate online w/ your order number)..  Don't run what it already extracted.. Run the Flight1 installer..

    Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!! That was it. EZCA is now working properly after using the flight wrapper and validating the order info instead of just using the extracted executable. 


    Many thanks again,



  17. It works fine for me in P3d v2. I installed it using EMT tool - Make sure your add the necessary entries to your dll.xml files / and run the configurator so it will build your database for aircraft.Tom

    Did exactly all you mentioned but ended up with different result. Ezca starts ok, configurator works ok but no joy. Something else is missing here and it could be the installation key for Ezca. Will try re-installing again soon as I can.



  18. You may have something here. I had previously installed EZCA with FSX and I had to supply the key. But then, I formatted the drive, reinstalled Windows and only P3d. But when I installed EZCA, it did not ask me for the key which really surprised since this is a brand new registry.


    So, my problem now is how to force it to ask me for the key. I did one uninstall already and it did not ask me for the key when I re-installed it. I wonder if it just verifies the installation by sending machine info over the Internet for verification. In which case, I'll uninstall again, kill Internet access and see if I get asked for the key next time.


    Thanks for the tip whether it helps or not but will let you know either way . I was glad to know I'm not going crazy except of course for having any involvement in flight simulation. :)



  19. I have followed all the steps outlined in the Tips and Tricks forum and I am still not able to configure the cameras. When I hit Num 2, I hear the bell but I cannot adjust the cameras with any of the usual keys. Everything seems like it is working up to this point except adjusting the cameras. The aircraft.cfg files have the required CameraDefinition.201. So I must have missed something somewhere.


    When I start a saved flight, the first view that briefly pops up is with the same zoom factor I saved the flight with, but the zoom factor instantly jumps to a very wide angle view which means EZCA is changing the zoom factor but yet I cannot modify that view either.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated






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