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Posts posted by hitter439

  1. I have an older PC (i7-8700K, 1080TI video card, 32GB ram, 27 inch non-4K monitor) and am currently using XP11, however I am definitely interested in MSFS, especially the upcoming MSFS 2024.  Trying to decide whether to purchase MSFS 2020 now to get familiar with the simulator or wait to purchase a new PC upon the release of MSFS 2024.  Are my PC specs strong enough to reasonably run MSFS 2020 and maybe an add-on or two or will I be limited by frame rates (i.e. less than 30 or so), graphic settings and disk space (I would be able to free up about 230GB on my NVMe drive)?

    Thank you very much.

  2. Hi Marius,

    I have the Thrustmaster T.16000M joystick and really like it.  I had been using a CH products yoke but the pots became very spikey (did have good service for a number of years though) making straight and level flight a challenge.  The T.16000M utilizes Hall effect sensors, the joystick really allows for fine adjustments to the pitch and roll axes.  I do have a separate set of rudder pedals so cannot comment on how well the "twist" feature works as a rudder. 

    I was also a bit skeptical initially of the joystick's quality due to its price but have been using it for approximately a year and have had no issues so far.  IMHO it does not feel at all like a low priced product.  Additionally, as you mentioned, there are lots of programmable buttons so no worries there.  Hope this helps you in your decision.

    • Upvote 1

  3. On ‎6‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 3:38 PM, NismoRR said:

    Here's the Thrustmaster info I just got in an email.


    Thrustmaster is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of FlightSimExpo!

    As 1,000 of the most loyal members of the flight sim community prepare to take flight into Las Vegas for the inaugural Flight Sim Expo, Thrustmaster is also gearing up for what will be what may be its most exciting year ever for flight simmers.

    In the next week, Thrustmaster will announce three new flight products designed for the elite sim gamer. One of which will be a total game-changer for simmers looking to recreate an accurate in-home cockpit experience. And attendees of FlightSimExpo will have a global exclusive first chance to try it for themselves! 

    Thrustmaster hardware will be demonstrated at the following booths:

    Aerosoft (Booth 504): The Hotas Warthog and an exclusive chance to try our brand-new elite flight hardware.

    X-Plane (Booth 501) and MilViz (Booth 307): T-16000 Hotas

    Watch for an extra chance to win your own Thrustmaster gear from FlightSimExpo!

    This event is the first stop on Thrustmaster’s Summer of Flight. We’re thrilled that FlightSimExpo will be the first stop. Follow the official Thrustmaster social network for more hardware details the week before the event. Happy flying!

    Hi Nismo,

    Are you aware if Thrustmaster actually announced / demonstrated at FS Expo any new flight sim products as they indicated in the email you received?

    Thank you.

  4. On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 1:09 PM, KTU said:

    So I like Xplane 11 and how it flies. The only let down is the default scenery or lacking of it. When I fly over Atlanta, nothing resembles it, nothing. When I fly in Fsx or Fsw, I can instantly identify certain buildings and scenery where I live. I've been researching Ortho scenery but it seems it is very involving to add and use. Is there any easier solution for this? I've been playing fsw for the most part and would like to start using Xplane so that it wouldn't be wasted money. Thanks

    I also agree that the default scenery is a bit lacking, however it is default.  I recently downloaded AI Pilot's HD Mesh V4 Scenery and it really improves the default significantly.  Great work and contribution!  If possible, t would be great to have some significant landmarks depicted such as professional sports stadiums, unique buildings (i.e. the space needle for Seattle), prominent golf courses, etc.  Maybe there is a limitation in the landclass / objects representation for X-plane scenery or conversely a significant amount of work involved.   Also, am not seeing white sand beaches, multi-colored water in various coastline areas - maybe there is an add-on to purchase / download?


  5. I will be purchasing X-Plane and would appreciate any comments as to whether it is best to order the DVD's or purchase the download version (I do have a pretty fast internet connection - 100mbps).  My query mostly pertains to whether it is necessary / desirable to maintain a "back-up" of the program and if so which format is the easiest / most preferable to do so.

    Thank you very much.

  6. Thanks everyone for your advice. 


    If I understand correctly, P3D should not be installed in the Programs (x86) folder however ASN 2016 should be.  All other add-ons can be installed to their suggested default location. 


    Another question if I may - do all Flight Sim related programs need to reside on the same drive or it doesn't matter.  Sorry for the ignorance, I have only had PC's with one drive before so multiple drives will be a bit new to me.

  7. Hi everyone,


    I will be purchasing a new PC and have decided to migrate to P3D vs. FSX as my flight sim (i currently use FS9 on my old PC).  The new PC will be Windows 10 and will have a 256MB SSD and a 1TB mechanical drive.  I have read various previous posts regarding how / where to install P3D and any preferred add-ons for best performance but am still a bit confused - hence my post today.


    I would appreciate advice on where to install the following anticipated program purchases as to drive and potential directory / file path:


    1) P3D - latest version

    2) UTX & REX or ORBX scenery / textures

    3) ASN 2016

    4) Add-on aircraft (A2A, Alabeo, PMDG, etc.)

    5) AI traffic add-on (not sure which one yet)

    6) ATC program


    Thank you very much.










  8. Hi all,

    I am a RW private pilot and currently use FS9 for both GA flying/ IFR practice and the occasional for fun airliner flight, however I will be purchasing a new PC and most likely transitioning to P3D very soon.  I have always used 1 monitor for flight sim but find that when trying to fly a simple traffic pattern (i.e. VFR or on a circle-to-land IFR approach), switching back and forth between front and side views on a single monitor to maintain airport / runway positional awareness and aircraft control can be difficult. 


    At this point I do not wish to invest in TrackIR, but would rather try and solve this issue with an additional monitor or two (preferably one).  My thought is to purchase a 23" - 24" main monitor and and use a spare 19" for the side view when desired and / or to show a particular instrument or display, i.e. GPS, etc. 


    I would appreciate any information regarding whether I can relatively easily utilize two monitors in the manner described above, or if not, suggestions on how I can accomplish same.  Almost forgot to mention that in the new PC build I will most likely select a 3GB Nvidia 780 GTX card as the video card (my understanding is that P3D currently does not officially support 2 video cards).


    Thank you very much.



  9. I am considering purchasing a PC from Digital Storm (to be used for both general purposes and FSX) and would appreciate any advice / comments regarding the following related to overclocking.


    Two options are provided by DS to overclock a 3770K processor - Level 1 @ 4.0 - 4.4ghz and Level 2 @ 4.5 - 4.8ghz. The difference cost wise between the two levels is only $20 - so not an issue. From my research on the forum it appears that the 3770K generates significant heat when overclocked. Would a level 1 overclock with this processor be sufficient to run FSX really well or would a Level 2 overclock be necessary (assume Level 1 would generate less heat than Level 2)? Also would watercooling be necessary or would it be OK to air cool with a product such as a Noctua DH-14? Not interested in de-lidding as I am not that tech savvy.


    They used to offer a i7 2700K processor for the configuration I am interested in but don't seem to anymore.


    Thanks very much.

  10. Greetings to all!I have decided to build my first PC with the hope that i will be able to switch to FSX and run it better (and at less cost) than upgrading to another pre-built PC (currently have a Dell). I am not that PC literate but have been reading / researching the posts on this forum for a couple of months to get better educated and help make the decision(s) on which components to purchase. I do not need to have all sliders set max to the right, but do wish to have a system that can take most of what FSX (including some add-ons) can throw at it and perform quite well. I have decided to purchase an i7-2600k and a GeForce 570 or 580 video card. From reading the forum posts it appears a general concensus is that it would be necessary to overclock the 2600k processor to 4.5 or 4.6 ghz to obtain a very nice FSX experience. With the aforementioned in mind, I am unsure what other components (i.e. power supply, motherboard, RAM, cooling fans, etc.) would be a good match for the 2600k at 4.5 - 4.6ghz (don't want to get too agressive) and the GeForce card. I have been reading various posts concerning RAM timing, max voltages for overclocking, BIOS settings, motherboard issues for the SB processors, etc. and have frankly become a bit concerned that I would purchase incompatible components and / or not "set" them correctly.So, if there is a fellow simmer(s) that has the same processor / overclock setting and video card enjoying a nice FSX experience that wouldn't mind sharing your other system components / settings, I would very much like to duplicate them (once the system is built I also plan to use Nick N's FSX guide). Thanks very much for your help.

  11. I would like to thank each of you for your responses. I do enjoy both GA and airliner flying....was hoping to buy some good payware aircraft in both genres. It appears that the primary differences between the sims are a bit more eye candy in FSX vs. an enhanced FS9, expecially for low and slow GA flying, but with FS9 having superior system performance over the range of aircraft / scenery. System performance is important to me, so it looks like I should give FS9 a bit of a facelift with some good payware and see how it goes....maybe will even extend the life of my current PC a little.Thanks again everyone!

  12. Was wondering if the opinion of most users is that they would like to migrate to FSX but are remaining with FS9 due to PC limitations and / or their current investment in FS9 add-ons. My current PC specs are: P4 3.6 mhz, 3GB ram, with an ATI X800 XT 256MB vidcard and a pretty basic FS9 installation. I would like to purchase some payware aircraft and scenery enhancements (UTUSA, GE Pro, FS Genesis mesh,etc.) but am not sure whether the investment in FS9 add-ons is worthwhile if I plan to upgrade my PC in approx. 12 months to a more FSX capable machine.Thanks.

  13. I just purchased the 76m mesh for FS9 for the US and say it has a very good balance without airport on plateaus etc. Not saying you wont see some (such as KDEN) but overall I'm very happy with my $9 purchase for the US at 76m.I had purchased the 38m for FSX but the plateuing was just too much for me so I uninstalled it.Just my $9 worth of infoSean
    I just purchased the 76m mesh for FS9 for the US and say it has a very good balance without airport on plateaus etc. Not saying you wont see some (such as KDEN) but overall I'm very happy with my $9 purchase for the US at 76m.I had purchased the 38m for FSX but the plateuing was just too much for me so I uninstalled it.Just my $9 worth of infoSean
    Hi Sean,Thank you for your reply....sounds like the 76m mesh is a good compromise at a great price. Jeff

  14. I currently do not have any scenery enhancements for FS9, but would now like to purchase a select few. I have read previous posts regarding FsGenesis terrain mesh and for the most part have found very favorable responses. However, there appear to be a number of flightsimmers who eventually removed the terrain mesh due to its resulting in numerous elevated airports, lakes, etc. A common thread seemed to be their utilization of the 38mm terrain mesh. Has anyone utilized a lesser detailed mesh from FsGenesis (i.e. 76mm, 153mm, etc.) to determine if there may be an optimal balance between improving the FS9 default mesh while also minimizing the elevated airports, lakes, etc.?Thanks very much.

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