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Posts posted by kmanning

  1. Hi,

    I have a few buildings that I want to delete in FSX but I'm not sure where they're stored. The city is called Downtown Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama. There are some buildings that are not quite in the correct locations and I have downloaded exact models of these buildings from a 3D warehouse store. I thought at first installing these models would simply write over the default buildings but it does not work that way. There was one building in particular that installed just fine but it was swallowed by the default building which was a larger, and of course is not the correct size. I know this because I had to delete several buildings, including the airport terminal, in ADE. These were library objects and generic objects and they would overlap the new terminal that I had created. Before you suggest that I use ADE to delete these office buildings, that will not work. These office buildings are 3 to 4 miles S.W. of the airport and ADE does not have anything to do with them. I assume they're bgl files or they are autogen. So, what I want to know is how do I go about deleting these default office buildings and where are they're stored?


  2. Hi,

    I've noticed that at some of the airports the tower view is not correct. Examples are Orlando international and Hartsville International. I have the latest AFCADs that I can find. I've checked the tower locations in ADE and they are correct, according to Google Earth. The one thing I found that is not correct is at Orlando International, I've noticed that I had 2 control towers, but Orlando International only has 1 large and very tall control tower. So I deleted, or removed the tower that was not supposed to be there using ADE. Regarding the other tower, the location appears to be correct in ADE but the tower view is still not correct in FSX. I'm not inside the control tower, and at the correct height as I should be. Regarding the correct tower view height, I've been reading suggestions on here where one can use ADE to set the correct height. Editing the altitude using ADE does not change your perspective in reference to how high you are in the control tower view. If you edit the altitude from 0 to 200', it places the entire control tower 200' above the ground, that is, the tower will be suspended 200' above the ground. Zero is the correct altitude, meaning that it's on the ground. There's a zip file called "Creating a Proper Tower View" for FS9 but I haven't seen anything for FSX. So, I'm thinking the only way to set the correct tower view is editing the Camera file. But the problem with that is you would have to go back and forth between editing and checking the tower view in the simulator, which seems to me would take way too much time. In other words, it's trial and error when there should be some way of editing the tower view where you can see exactly where you are in that view. Is it possible to set the correct tower view in FSX using the same technique as in FS9?


    Ken Manning

  3. Hi,

    I've posted here not too long ago, in another thread, about how my aircraft was not lining up with the runway correctly. I was told to download and run the registry fix and the ILS/Runway Regional Updates for world. The first time I had this problem, I would get a localizer green, or capture, and the ND would indicate that I was not lined up with the runway and I was to the left of runway centerline. After running the registry fix, that seem to have solved the problem. This time, I'm making an approach to JFK International on ISL runway 22R. I've tried this on 2 different aircrafts and it does the same thing. I'm flying on auto-pilot and get a localizer capture. This time, the ND indicates that the aircraft is perfectly lined up with the runway but I am way to the right of center. A few seconds after glideslope capture and the airplane has stabilize on the approach, the airplane starts to buffet, or rock round, as though I was flying in some turbulence, which I'm not, and all of a sudden takes a dive to keep up with the glideslope beam. I know full well that the ILS glideslope at JFK does NOT have this type of characteristic and my aircraft should stay at a constant 3 degrees angle without having to make sudden moves and being way off to the right of centerline. The new problem I have is that the airplane would all of sudden start buffeting, or rocking around as though I'm flying into turbulence, and I do not have my Weather settings set for that. What's the problem here? I hope I don't have to re-install the simulator just to fix this problem. By the way, I did install a demo of JFK but I uninstalled it and I'm now using the stock airport


    Ken Manning

  4. It doesn't seem to me that the ILS Runway Regional Update would be the cause of the problem, although I guess it's a good idea to install it. What makes the ILS Runway Regional Update better since we have the Navigraph FMS Data updates each month? Should that keep the ILS correct and up-to-date? Or, would that have anything to do with it? I noticed the problem after I've installed some new liveries for the PMDG 747-400X, and I got to say that I haven't flown it in some time. As I said, it does it only on the PMDG 747-400X. The PMDG 777, PMDG 737NGX, and all others work fine. The registry would seem to be the problem, so I'll run the registry repair first. I don't see that full names are necessary and has no benefit to the forum.


    Ken Manning

  5. For some reason, the PMDG 747-400X, for FSX, is not lining up with the runway correctly. I've tried this at 2 airports and it does the same thing. The ND shows localizer green but it still does not line up to the center. After the auto-pilot has captured the localizer, the magenta indicator does not line up to the center but it stays to the RIGHT of center, meaning that I'm too far to the LEFT of the runway centerline. This only occurs with the PMDG 747-400X but works fine when I fly the PMDG 777-200 or the PMDG 737NGX. What's the problem here?



  6. Hi

    Most of the time, I fly my simulator at night, and I usually set my simulator for the Summer season during the daylight hours. I change the month to the current month and now I no longer get the error message. But I have always set it for the summer season in the past and I don't recall ever seeing that message. The correct month cleared up the problem but the time has no effect on it. Even though it's night, I can set it for day light hours and it works okay. But as I said, I have not had this problem in the past, and now all of sudden, it comes up. But the message is gone now.



  7. Hi Robert,

    Have y'all thought about developing the new PMDG MD-88, which is the 80s series of the DC-9. I've bought a few of these, such as the MD-82 or 83 from Just Flights, or something like that, but they're not that great. Some of the switches and controls do not really work and their flight characteristics is not that great either. I sure would like to have a PMDG version of the MD-88.



  8. Hi,

    I have the latest cycle installed but the FMC is still saying "Nav Date is out of Date." The FMC show the correct cycle and the active dates, which is from April 28th through May 26th. I use the Navgraph Date Manager to install these updates. So, why am I still getting that message "Nav Data out of Date?"



  9. HI all,

    I want to know why the nav radio in the PMDG 737NGX only shows 4 digits instead of 5. What I mean is that, for example, if the ILS frequency is 110.75, I can only dial in 110.7. There is no hundredth digit. All the digits were there at one time and now all of a sudden, it's missing a digit. What's the problem?



  10. Hi Peter,

    Yes, when I press the APU on the AIR panel, the APU Available light does stay lit. The APU Start/Stop switch on the APU overhead panel does not go from ON to OFF. It just stays ON. Even after I taxi to the runway for take-off, which takes about 5 minutes if not more, the APU switch on the overhead panel still says ON.



  11. Well,

    I've tried those suggestions and the APU is still not shutting down after I press the APU on the AIR panel. I start the APU by using the APU PWR switch on the electric panel. When the APU is available indication is shown on the IECAS, I press the APU on the AIR panel. Then I start the engines. After all engines are running, I press the APU on the AIR panel. But the APU continues to run and there is no blinking or flickering lights on the APU overhead panel. Something is not working right.



  12. Thanks Guys,

    I remember a couple of times I did press the APU PWR switch after pressing the APU on the AIR panel. If I remember correctly, I think Ruud Bakaar stated that the APU is automatically switched off by the environmental system from the ITVV MD-11 video. So I must have been switching the APU back when I pressed it again. So, all I need to do is press the APU on the AIR panel. I'll try that and see what happens.



  13. Hi Peter,

    Before engine start, what I do is press the APU PWR switch on the electric control panel. Then on the AIR panel, I press the APU button, which I assume is for the bleed air. After the engines are stabilized, I press the APU on the AIR panel. But I may be forgetting to go back to the electric panel and press the APU PWR switch. So, I need to remember to go the electrical panel and press the APU PWR switch, correct? By the way, am I pressing the correct switch on the AIR panel? I thought that's what the manual said.



  14. Hi,

    I want to make sure I'm correct about something here. After the engines are started up and stabilized, am I supposed to shut down the APU myself or does the environmental system shut it down? I always thought the system shuts it down automatically but when I checked the overhead panel, I noticed that the APU would still be running and I have to shut it down.



  15. Hi William,

    Here's another one that's strange to me why they would list these weights differently. Is the principal here still the same? These weights are from the Wilco PIC 737-300:


    Aircraft maximum weights from the aircraft.cfg file:


    Max Taxi Weight:            135,500 lbsl

    Max Take-Off Weight:     135,000 lbs

    Max Landing Weight:      114,000 lbs

    Max Zero Fuel Weight:   106,500 lbs


    Aircraft Maximum Weights from the Manual:


    Max Taxi Weight:             131,000 lbs 

    Max Take-Off Weight:      130,000 lbs

    Max Landing Weight:       114,000 lbs

    Max Zero Fuel Weight:    105,000 lbs



  16. Okay. I think I understand it better now. I've always interpreted the maximum gross weight as the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft. I've noticed right next to this, it says max ramp weight but there's no value listed. So, is the 633,500 lbs the max ramp weight of the aircraft? I figure it must be since during taxi, the fuel is burn down to the maximum take-off weight of 630,500 lbs. That's quite of bit of fuel to burn during taxi, and I guess the MD-11 would burn about 3,000 lbs if it had to wait in line at busy airports. Am I understanding it correctly now?


    The reason I ask about editing the PMDG MD-11 load manager is because since there are different weight specifications for a variety of MD-11s and different ZFW values, one could edit that.



  17. I don't know if some of you have noticed but I have found weight discrepancies, for example, with the PMDG 737 and the PMDG MD-11. I'll use the PMDG MD-11 as an example. In the MD-11 aircraft.cfg. file, it shows the maximum gross weight is 633,500 lbs, In the PMDG MD-11 Load Manager, it shows that the maximum weight is 630,500 lbs - marked in blue. That is a difference of 3,000 lbs. I don't think the max gross weight shown in the aircraft.cfg means the maximum ramp weight and it would have stated that. You'll notice that the load manager assumes 1,500 lbs for taxi fuel so using the 630,500 lbs as the max for take-off, the max ramp weight would be 632,000 lbs, or 635,000 lbs using the max weight in the cfg file. So that being the case, why is it that the maximum weight is 630,500 lbs in the load manager and the maximum weight is 633,500 lbs in the aircraft.cfg? Is the max gross weight in the aircraft.cfg file the same reference weight as the load manager? if so, they should be exactly the same. Also, how do I go about editing the the max weight in the load manager program?



  18. Yes, and they're looking into it. By the way, I finally found the file I was looking for. It was on my old external drive. I think what is happening is that they have deleted the old version and I happened to notice that they no longer have the Airbus deluxe vol 1 Series. They have the Evolution Series that one can purchase. One can either purchase the upgrade, which is $16.00, and add it to the Airbus Deluxe Series, or purchase the full version, which is $24.00. But the old version Deluxe Series must be un-installed before installing the new full version Evolution Series.



  19. Hi,

    I noticed that there are 2 different values for the MZFW of the 747-400. In the Load Manager, it shows a MZFW of 542,500 lbs. In the PMDG Limitation Manual, it says the MZFW is 535,000 lbs. Why are there 2 different values? I also have another question. When I select full passengers in the Load Manager with the Tri-Class Configuration, it indicates a passenger weight of 76,680 lbs. When divided by 180, which is what the Load Manager uses to calculate the average weight for each passenger, the answer is 426 passengers, which I assume is the maximum number of passengers seats in this configuration. But in the aircraft.cfg file under General, it says nSeating: Typical 3 Class Configuration - 416. Why are these 2 different? 



  20. Hi,
    I having a problem with my Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback 2. When I press buttons 3 or 4, which are the trim controls, the trim indicator starts to move on its own and will not stay where I want it. It's either all the way to one end. I was flying the Cessna 172 and when I brought up the radio stack, I noticed that the auto-pilot was turned on or engaged, and that seems to explain why the indicator was moving on its own so I turned off or disengaged the auto-pilot. When I press the buttons 3 or 4 again, the auto-pilot also re-engaged. For some reason, buttons 3 and 4 are performing 2 functions at the same time and I can't understand why. I checked the assignments to make sure that buttons 3 and 4 were not assigned 2 different assignments. They are only assigned trims up and down. But when I press these buttons, they turn on or engage the auto-pilot. I've already re-calibrated and there's nothing wrong with buttons 3 and 4. So what could be causing this?



  21. Hi,

    I having a problem with my Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback 2. When I press buttons 3 or 4, which are the trim controls, the trim indicator starts to move on its own and will not stay where I want it. It's either all the way to one end. I was flying the Cessna 172 and when I brought up the radio stack, I noticed that the auto-pilot was turned on or engaged, and that seems to explain why the indicator was moving on its own so I turned off or disengaged the auto-pilot. When I press the buttons 3 or 4 again, the auto-pilot also re-engaged. For some reason, buttons 3 and 4 are performing 2 functions at the same time and I can't understand why. I checked the assignments to make sure that buttons 3 and 4 were not assigned 2 different assignments. They are only assigned trims up and down. But when I press these buttons, they turn on or engage the auto-pilot. I've already re-calibrated and there's nothing wrong with buttons 3 and 4. So what could be causing this?



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