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Posts posted by spacedyemeerkat

  1. 16 minutes ago, Ant1975uk said:

    The surprise and wow factor of last nights trailer was completely lost in uncertainty. They should have showed the trailer and then said something like "And the great news is FS2020 players can carry on playing with the content they already own" or something simple like that, would have cleared up 80% of questions.

    It's been received incredibly well outside the hardcore flight sim bubble. It's a big world out there and we're not alone in it, fellow.

    • Like 2

  2. 12 minutes ago, BrandonJoh said:

    My husband's birthday is in February, he turns 40.I do not know what to give him, he has a hobby, he is a big fan of airplanes.

    Well, the quickest and easiest way would be to buy him an Xbox and then he could try out Flight Simulator using Gamepass. Much cheaper for him to try that way than buying a PC capable of running it assuming he doesn't have one already. I suspect he probably doesn't have either an Xbox or PC because if he's a big fan of aeroplanes, he'd probably already have Flight Simulator. And you'd have already lost him. Metaphorically speaking, of course 😉

    Good luck 😁

    • Like 1

  3. 10 hours ago, ryanbatc said:

    What kind of monitor are you running?  I seem to be get flickering but I'm wondering if that's because I'm also running a non gsysnc monitor alongside.  I should turn it off and experiment 

    I am running a Samsung Odyssey G9 which has a 5120x1440 resolution. It's only g-sync compatible rather than proper g-sync which means I get a slight flicker under some circumstances in certain games. FS is one of those. I usually notice it against a bright blue sky but generally only momentarily. I didn't notice it being any different with my 4090, for what it's worth.

    I love the monitor, particularly the super ultrawide aspect ratio. But I went through years of owning genuine g-sync monitors and I had to get used to g-sync compatibility really not being the same thing at all. I think the G9 Neo has a g-sync module, though, so maybe I'll take a look at that at some point.

  4. 16 hours ago, F737MAX said:

    Aside from higher ground in rural national parks and their surrounds, the UK sees very few days that are impacted by snowfall that settles and persists.

    Some gritting on the roads usually deals with the 2mm or so dusting of snow that we may get.

    I've literally got photos from about five of the seven years I lived in Long Buckby of snow that lasted on the ground for three or more days. I don't know the source of your information but it's very different to my personal lived experience.

  5. On 8/23/2022 at 1:34 AM, MrBitstFlyer said:

    Oh, that's interesting!  Outside of calibrating my monitor I don't have experience like yourself - I wonder why it looks pink on your display?  I calibrated to D65 so I am confused why there would be a difference.

    Sorry for the pile on but I can also detect a pinkish shade. It's only slight, though. At first I wondered if you'd take the picture at dawn or, more likely, dusk but that doesn't appear to be the case. My monitor is hardware calibrated, too, incidentally.

    So this Google imagery, I'm a bit behind the times for various reasons... where's it coming from?

  6. 7 minutes ago, SubtotalGuide said:

    Is everyone ignoring the fact that they introduced code changes in a WU when they said they will no longer do this?

    Did the content guys learn to code or what now? Will they fix their bugs? I'm so confused!

    Moan, moan, moan, moan, moan. Literally every post of yours in this thread is moaning about something. My goodness.

    Just go and do some flying, take your mind off it.

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  7. 8 hours ago, Mace said:

    Ok, it's you.  I definitely remember you, nice to come across you again.  Welcome back.

    In 2009 there was an "incident" with the server here and maybe those who joined before '03 disappeared -- could be that's what happened to your "wingnut" handle.  I've been here since they acquired the IUP file archive and that was in like...1997...for some reason I remember a lot of the names.

    I've been on Avsim since it was created although I took a long break from after FSX to about a year before FS2020 and now I know why my original account disappeared!

    But I don't think I ever knew they acquired the IUP file archive. Flightsim.iup.edu was the address, I seem to recall? With items downloaded from there, the possibilities seemed endless especially with the release of Flight Sim Flight Shop (I think that was its name?). They were such exciting days, the early/mid-90s, certainly in the world of flight simulation, coupled with the fact I was only in my early 20s. Loved the mIRC server, too. So many good times.

  8. 1 hour ago, flight_joke said:

    Not true, I am watching amazon prime on my second monitor plugged in directly to the graphics port on the ASUS ROG Stryx Z690 (12700K) mainboard. MSFS is running on GTX1070 on 4k monitor.

    So far I am very happy with the Fenix, fps capped at 30, no stutters.

    It is true for me and others, alas. Just tried plugging an HDMI cable into the motherboard and... nothing. Delighted it's not affecting your particular set-up, though, and great to hear it's working well.

    Edit: see here, for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/intel/comments/qp1o4w/asus_prime_z690a_quirks_enable_integrated/

  9. 1 hour ago, spacedyemeerkat said:

    This is interesting. I've got an i9 12900k but can't see an option in the BIOS to enable onboard graphics. Wondering if they're therefore enabled by default. Anyone know, please?

    Looks like it isn't currently possible to turn on integrated graphics on the ASUS Z690 series of boards if there's a GPU installed. The option simply disappears from the BIOS, according to various searches. Harumph.

  10. 7 hours ago, Aamir said:

    For those with i5s, i7s, i9s etc - you have integrated GPUs on your chips that are never utilized, and it's worth turning them on in the BIOS and using this to render your displays, it's a huge performance gain.

    Alternatively, just switch it to your GPU. MSFS uses system resources differently across different systems, and you'll do better on FPS selecting a render method that suits your system better.

    This is interesting. I've got an i9 12900k but can't see an option in the BIOS to enable onboard graphics. Wondering if they're therefore enabled by default. Anyone know, please?

  11. 7 hours ago, Nyxx said:



    My FPS are locked at 31 and this is a hard hitting airport all Ultra setting never droped 1 fps below by locked tartget of 31.

    All views set up. Now am going to have a late night and do a first flight.

    Wonderful screenshot. What airport was that, fellow?

  12. 7 minutes ago, JYW said:

    I don't think I can bring myself to watch any of these streams because I guess I'm old and grumpy and just flat out adverse to the streamers' "personas".  It's agony sometimes.  I'd just as soon kiss a wookie than get through more than 2 minutes of Chewwy's content (like the way I used a Star Wars line reference there?).   Katie seems nice but her voice is so high pitched, my dogs go crazy.   And et al, et al.  I'm not really denigrating these people; I'm just not their audience. 

    Although I love the guy, I can't even watch Q8s streams any more (although I do watch his prerecorded vids) because 50% of the stream time is thanking people for donations and welcoming people with names like "Superflyer Bob" for joining the stream.   I'm old, intolerent and can't tune into the young dudes content..... is all.  😄

    What I am looking forward to is anecdotes, feedback and reviews from fellow AVSIM members here.   Although I could be one of those people; as I think the apparant quality of this means it could be a day one purchase!*

    *As long as Aamir removes that Chewwy logo from the coffee cup holder.   Really, that has to go.

    I'm sure Into the Blue Simulations (YouTube) will do one at some point. He's probably more up your street. Although, ironically, I can't get through any of his videos because while the content is superb, I can't abide his talking like a pilot (yes, he always talks in *that* pilot voice) the entire time! Funny how it goes 😁

    • Like 2

  13. 1 hour ago, Steve Dra said:

    I smell something fishy too...but never one to imply anything...

    That's awful and you knew what you were implying. Really disappointing from such a respected member of the community.

    Good luck to Just Flight with this release. It looks fabulous. I'm not really one for so-called study level aircraft but I am tempted by this.

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  14. On 3/23/2022 at 3:15 PM, CombatCustard said:

    Also, Also, I use it on a 34 inch Ultra Wide with nary a hitch so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Can confirm Tobii works fine on my 49" super ultra wide, too, and plays nicely with glasses when I wear them.

    TrackIR's good, too. But I don't miss having to wear a hat when I fancy flying (or driving, or anything else that uses head tracking!).

    • Like 1

  15. 2 hours ago, Sesquashtoo said:

    Two major issues since update.

    1.   MSFS will not shut down...it hangs, and I have to use the Task Manager to kill it.

    This was being experienced by some before SU8, me included. It continued through SU8 beta for me and then suddenly stopped happening. One workaround for some people was waiting a couple of minutes before exiting (this worked for me on several occasions but not all).

    It was nothing to do with my community folder, incidentally.

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