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Posts posted by tknudsen

  1. Hi My reason for starting this thread in case someone was wondering, I could not help to see that PMDG 737NGX is filed under support forum and thetopics in the thread is more about the huge big release and so forth, not indirect support related to the aircraft (not yet released) As we all are looking forward to the huge release, might i suggest one thing that might improve this forum? Removal of all topics and threads not directly related to NGX support, might make the forum a lot more cleaner to navigate inwhen we finally have bought the airplane. Suffice to say, the aircraft will be perfect of course he he, but nevertheless, in case of some sort of child diseases (one hope not of course)it would have been a tremendous good feeling of having an clean and well organised support forum that again is easy to search and navigate in? Just an idea, don´t kill me yet :) RegardsTom

  2. About the eyebrow windows, it has been mentioned in posts from the PMDG team that you can config your 737 in a lot of ways, just as a real customer does from the boeing factory, and also chose if you want eyebrow windows or not.
    Genius call.. Hope they do this with color schematics also, get the option to choose wither you want to have a standard color or the optional blue environment seen in many aircrafts.

  3. Captains-Since we've been having a conversation about "diving deep into the details" I thought it might be rewarding for those of you who "dive deep into the threads" if we tossed a few full cockpit images down here...We have a full Virtual Cockpit preview thread in the works- but here is just a sample of what you'll be getting in the NGX.
    Quite stunning, this is what I was talking about, real screens of something that almost look real.PS..How come it still have the eyebrow windows? Isn´t that old, by that meaning new aircrafts are produced without???? Just wondering
    Hey, I used that book in my marketing class! Nice book... but that was many years ago. Marketing it is though, you're right Tom.But still, it is quite fascinating what PMDG is trying to do. Though it looks like you read many more of these "updates" than I have since I think to just avoid these endless postings until we see the final product. So lessee... where iz it? John
    I totally agree John, fascinating as it is, I would argue the statement of PMDG saying that every company out there would kill for the hits they receive on this forum.Somewhat they are right, but my argument is that they did not factor in the majority of those that visit the same forum several times a day..As a former Administrator here at AVSIM and I might be remembering this all wrong, but I bet you that this forum statistic just count hits not IP addresses as individual hits.This meaning that one person could visit this forum 10+ a day and each visit is counted as an single hit generating lots of statistics.So my argument is not in favour of PMDG this time, as a marketing statistic this "hit counts" is not a valid (correct) amount of data to be used as a marketing asset.

  4. Glad you're not looking forward to it, that being said, I'm sure because you're not looking forward to it, WE will not have to read any of your awaful posts, anymore.There is a company named Ariane....they have terrible customers service, awful over-priced products and they never preview future products, I think you'd sit well with them. If you dont like how our Capitalist friends at PMDG are previewing there product (however they want too) then why are here? Why are you sick of s talking about it if your don't care...hmmmmm?Ron Hamilton
    Have been a PMDG fan since the beginning, that said it must be allowed to express an democratic opinion, call it a feeling if you must about the long awaiting of this product. I can bet every cent i ever spent on PMDG products that you all can relate to the feeling of waiting for this product to show its lovely face in the store right? Because you all want it right?Me included!All I am saying right about now is that I am sick to my stomach of all this waiting, in my mind we would with exceptions of some be better of waiting in the dark until the final stages of the development. That means we will not be talking about this product day after day like chewing on a really bad stake. Now iFly will make there product into FSX and it is a real contender to PMDG, not saying it is a better choice (knock on wood) but a contender both in aesthetics and in system simulation, bet you even in performance as well.So, before you all kill me, understand that I am nothing more than an frustrated fan that sadly lost the joy of waiting due to an endless discussion and preview period.

  5. preview preview and once again previewtalk talk and guess what, we talk some moreGetting pretty tired of hearing all about this wonderful product that comes sometimes in the futureWhy not paying attention to getting it done rather than discuss it and share tiny pictures of bits and pieces.If you think this is marketing, I would strongly recommend a great book by Phillip Kotler called Marketing management.So excuse my criticism, but enough is enough, why not keep it shut till the product is final?Sadly as a result of waiting and watching and hearing about glitches of expected realism, I am not looking forward to this product any more.Take that for public relations..Here is a tip for ya1. 3-6 preview large scale images of development2. Beta testing3. Alpha testing4. Advertising5. Release to market.(ENJOY)

  6. Nice pressebriefing, but there is something about waiting that seems to drag on for ever.. I think that all the waiting and sneakpreviews are getting the better of us.So in my case I do not eager to get the NGX anymore, I just have to be that thing that I buy when it comes out, nothing more, nothing less.I would imagine that the scenario would be a lot different, if PMDG just released all preview pictures both exterior and interior along with an estimated release date at the same time.No the pain of waiting has gone over to be just boring and sad as I repete my self when I say, it arrives when it arrives.Nevertheless, when it finally do, it hopefully gives us a new NGX that will be up to standard and easy on the general system resources. I truly hope PMDG has made use of system simulation rather than a crappy plane that just looks good. Well we just have to see now..Anyway, just to be sure on the facts of this message, the underline score is that I truly love PMDG products, just like the next guy. Good luck with the realese, purhaps I'll buy it someday..

  7. Stick to the topic but please feel free to share any opinion regarding this thread, just keep it cival!All of us live in the real world and Microsoft tends to do what ever they feel like, that said we cannot stop caring about certain things relating to the flight simulator on that basis. Communies are unity, and I am more than happy to try to encurage people to show MS that it still a huge marked, if that is wrong, well shame on you for saying so, is it realistic, no but one got to participate to win, only loosers stand on the sideline with their big mount and shabby attitude.The road is both difficult and very long, most certain unrealistic as well, but my agenda will allways be to have somthing to aim for, no matter what the outcome is.So please, keep it cival guys, let us keep enjoying the flightsim community, our passion and love for this game.In any way possible.....

  8. No matter what the outcome will be guys, we do this because we love this game. If we do nothing at all we cannot complain either.My dream is of course that MS will re-consider in the future to upholding the very long tradition of making MSFS, thats my reason!So what if we cannot unite everybody, well TOO BAD!!But at least we did give it a try and we had fun doing it. We made new friends all over the world, and still we managed to share our passion with the world, FS Style!!!

  9. Don't mean to be a wet blanket but this is completey futile. MS either already have plans to develop some form of flight sim or they don't and no amount of public demand will even be noticed by MS, nevermind responded to.Having said that are we even sure we want another flight sim from MS? In my opinion it is perhaps time for someone else to take up the challenge.
    Your opinion is most welcome dear sir, but please try to shift the point of view and ask your self this: Does it hurt to try and what is the harm of trying to make MS re-develop the series.My passion for this game is the same still and personally I would love to see an re-development of this wonderful series, purhaps even a better version as the technology is revealing in the future.RegardsTom Knudsen

  10. Joined it in a heartbeat.
    Excellent Peter, nice to have you on board...--- Thank you Momtchill, thought so my self :)Come on guys, we aim to make this a world wide support group and with tons of members that unite to make Microsoft bring back the Flight Simulator series once again.Let us show that there is in fact a huge marked out there still.Have a nice day guys..

  11. Tom, perhaps get an estimate of when it will be back up, quadruple it and then post that as the expected time for it to be back up. A post of days instead of weeks by Tom A. only provided fuel to fire some of these impatient people's posts (and probably a lot of trolls that already had a beef with Avsim for some reason or another). Heavily overestimating the return would of gave people a pleasant surprise if it came back sooner and the idiots could have been pointed to the post every time they complained.
    I read that post my self, but as many of you all know already, Tom A and his crew have already informed the public that they cannot estimate a time frame of the re-construction of the file library and we all need to respect that with our patients.I too would love to see the file library back online, nothing would please me more to once again get my hads dirty managing the librarywith the best team ever, but as all know, better let the service team to their work so that the library will return more stable than ever and of course ten times as secure..Is that not something to wait for? I have used this library a long time now, both by contributing to the library and assist to manage the library, I love the news and reviews and did prior to my involvement with AVSIM visit the library at least once a day to catch up on those lovely new files for my simulator, I could be I missed a repaint or twohow horrible right :)I know there are many out there that is getting inpatient with the long overdue re-opening, I know how you feel, but the library is of course extremely large in sizeand the re-construction team need to have the time they need to complete their excellent workUntil then, it does not matter to me how long it takes as long as they get there in the end..

  12. Dear AllI will strongly recommend all to stick to the topicThe library will be back when all files are recovered and the library is fully tested and found stable enough to operate 100%With that said, the library will also not be public until we have all related functions at 100% and the library is secure for normal operation. With that said, please discuss the topic at hand, this is a pinned information thread and should not be a place to discuss donations and other things not related to the file library status update.We ask for you patients and understanding!

  13. His music was never really my style, but he was certainly was a musical genius in a way - a pioneer.It's sad to see a guy die so young, but at the same by passing away early his youthful image will be preserved he'll become immortalized in a way like Elvis and Marilyn Monroe.
    My respect to person and his musical achievement through history!A great musician has past away and we can only hope that the world will remember his achievement and respect his accomplishment of providingmusical entertainment to the world..A great legend has fallen, his name, his music and his devotion now belongs to the history of musicRest in peace

  14. Can't you put a seperate link off of the homepage? When someone clicks on the File Libary link (at leat till it's fixed. Have it link right to a page that you can update as you need that says just what you said.That being said, I think I speak on behalf of most Flight Simmers...we anxiously await the File Library's return!----ND6849C
    We did have it some time ago sir, but it seems it has been removed. The information will be posted on the library link once again.
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