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Posts posted by hals1010

  1. The damages for a software house from piracy are high, and we pay for them with an ioncreased price.
    Well, repeating a wrong fact over and over again does not make in correct. Where is the proof that people who use illegal copies would have bought them if there would be a perfect copy protection?RegardsJörn

  2. Hi Dan,thanks for your answer.Although I agree with you that the workaround is trivial and it's always a good idea to switch on the brain during flying :( , I consider this a bug.I've taken some screenshots that you can access here:http://www.dropbox.com/gallery/2632862/1/PMDG_JS41?h=50c086pic #1: The FMC display just before inserting the SID - looks ok for me (incl. the TK092)pic #2: The map display after selecting "From: EDDV To: TK092". As you can see, the (virtual) 600' waypoint is at 198

  3. Dear all,a friend of mine and myself are having problems with the first waypoint of any SID. For example, if you dial in the WRB6G departure in EDDV, it will insert the following waypoints:TK092 DV153 DV156 DLE NORTA TOLTA WRBThe "evil" one is TK092, which is about 60 NM off the runway. Having a quick look at the file EDDV.txt, I found the following line:SID WRB6G RNW 09R TRK 092 UNTIL 600 FIX OVERFLY DV153 FIX DV156 FIX DLE FIX NORTA FIX TOLTA FIX WRBSo I guess TK092 shall mean "track 092" (i.e. runway heading of the 09R).Is this a bug in the AIRAC 1001 or is this a general problem with the JS41? Or am I just missing something?Tried on FSX SP2, Win 7 64 bit english, and FSX Acc, Win 7 64 bit german.Thanks,J

  4. Crosswinds:I've tried to takeoff with the Baron on RW 27 with winds from 0 with 16 knots and noticed that the aircraft tends to turn into the wind. I'm not an aircraft engineer, but I doubt that this is really realistic.ATC:I'd like the simulation to automatically fall back to 1x speed each time ATC contacts me (_not_ AI planes).Gear:Although this has been addressed before: I'd like to have additional commands for "gear up" / "gear down" (using CH yoke).Hope it's not too late for this... ;-)Thanks,J

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