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Posts posted by 188AHC

  1. Welcome to AVSIM. We have quite a varied and active community here dedicated to Flight Simming and the many different types and aircraft. I invite you to check out all the forums and if you need help don't hesitate to ask.

  2. On 12/26/2023 at 8:53 AM, n4gix said:

    Fantastic, Noel. Happy 90th birthday my dear friend. I turn 75 on January 21st. I celebrated both Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve at the Grand Ave. United Methodist Church, who offer free dinner after a short prayer service. The food was fabulous!

    The Area Agency on Aging arranged for some Christmas gifts of some much needed clothing for me this year. The new tires on my ancient Camry will probably outlive me... 😄

    The same from me, Noel.

    If I miss it, an early birthday salute to you too Bill.  I turned 74 on the first day of this month. As the old saying goes, "If I knew I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself."

    Wish you both the best and many more.


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  3. I enjoyed it for the most part but didn't care for the cliffhanger ending. Oh well. That how sequals and prequals happen. I will check out the next installment but if its the same as this one then I might pass.


  4. I'm  more than a bit leery of all this automation today. 

    In July of this year some guys hacked my phone and stole a bunch of money from my bank account then placed orders on my Amazon account.  I'm still dealing with fallout from this.

    I felt like I was pretty well protected from this but they got through my security and away they went. Also my Amazon was biometrically protected and they were able to still get in.

    There are parts of the world that breeds this activity and its getting worse every day.

    Now I have several more layers of protection but I will bet efforts are being made by these demons to overcome them as we speak.

  5. My father was on Okinawa preparing to invade Japan when Hiroshima was ignited by the first nuclear bomb in history. I guess one could surmise numerically that if there was no bomb there would most likely be no me. It has been estimated that the military death toll for an invasion would have exceeded the loss of 1 million combatants combined.

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