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  1. Fabo's post in Downloadlink does not work was marked as the answer   
    You will have to post a support ticket for this kind of problem. The forum is almost exclusively user-to-user support, which works great for the usual kinds of problems with how to do this or that, or tips and tricks with some known problems, but not useful for problems with buying, licenses or downloads...
    For that, you need to contact PMDG directly at support.precisionmanuals.com
  2. Fabo's post in FMC window size memory was marked as the answer   
    You can edit panel.cfg
  3. Fabo's post in Origin and destination of the next flight tutorial coming with the SP1 was marked as the answer   
    Tabs wrote that (Ryan Maziarz)
    Since it is supposed to deal with ETOPS in detail, I suppose something like Dubai to JFK? With the NG, Tutorial 2 picked up where Tutorial 1 left, so assuming that, I would say Dubai to the Americas. But it can as well be Anchorage to Kai Tak for all I know... although... may not Kai Tak, as it is closed and we would end up with too much questions of "my FMC does not know VHHX".
    The polar flight has nothing to do with the tutorial, that is just a betatester sharing the luv.
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