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Posts posted by RudiJG1

  1. Interestingly, I had the Fenix app running already when I first launched MSFS and loaded the A320 for the first time...but I had the initial issue with the EFB as I posted above. Only after a reboot of MSFS did the EFB work properly.

    Since then, I don't have to launch the Fenix app at all; it is automatically launched when I load the A320, and all's well with the aircraft and its EFB.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Zimmerbz said:

    Anyone having issues getting into the EFB?  I am hovering/clicking on the fingerprint button and the apps will flash as though it is going to work then lock back up.  Also, I can't turn on the batteries or connect to external power in cold and dark.  I know it was just released but thought i'd see if anyone else has this issue

    Try exiting MSFS and reloading sim then aircraft. That worked for me. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Antonov22 said:

    No means of getting wind data into/from the sim will make fuel planning for longer flights impossible.

    Previously you would use PFPX/Simbrief + Active Sky for flight planning using the latest weather data and then import your flightplan and do a data request in sim to verify winds/expected fuel.

    See here:


  4. 2 hours ago, Fiorentoni said:

    I am neither, but it's actually a really simple thing that only sounds complicated and dangerous. It does not change the system itself, so it's no overclocking or similar stuff. It does massively improve the smoothness in P3D, so it's worth it.
    It involves 2 steps, but even if you do only 1 of those steps it's really effective. The cfg-edit takes 30 seconds; if you want to try it just say your number of cores and if you have HT on, and me or someone else will give you a cfg-edit to do that already does 80% of the maximum effects you can get here.

    I'll take you up on your generous offer. I've got an i7 8700K with 6 physical cores/12 logical processors and HT is on. I typically use complex airliners in P3D along with ASP3D. What cfg edit would be most advantageous for this system? Thanks!

  5. 4 hours ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

    Hi Wayne,

    NCP Settings shown below. Nothing fancy other than Power Management Mode set to 'Prefer Maximum Performance'.

    I have a variety of aircraft which have different impact on P3D but the most important is very little AA is used because of the very high resolution. FXAA is Off, AA is 4xMSAA and Anisotropic set to 16x.

    Vsync in On plus Triple Buffering and Target Frame Rate at Unlimited.

    Wide-Angle Aspect is On and Mip-Mapping VC is Off.

    Scenery complexity is around medium but varies depending on how demanding the aircraft is. Higher for PC12 and DA62, lower for Learjet 25.


    Thanks, Ray.

  6. 4 hours ago, Rockliffe said:

    Thank you for bringing this scam to everyone's attention Wayne. I have to say, I use both Ebay and PayPal regularly, so I'm grateful for this information that you've shared. :wink:

    Sure, Howard, and I hope this does help you and others avoid such problems.

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, HighBypass said:

    Soften the financial blow and not eliminate it? :unsure:

    Forgive my cynical self, but is this person still making some money and thus still a thief?

    Understood, and he told me he hasn't ever received the item. I have no means to determine what actually happened to it, and given that I shipped it to an address other than the buyer's PayPal address, PayPal has resolved the issue in the buyer's favor. So the financial burden falls on me, and I'm pleased that I've recouped at least some of the value here.

    • Like 2

  8. UPDATE: Luigilizares77, the buyer, has been refunded the initial payment by PayPal, and, he and I have agreed to split the expense of my liability. The item is still missing, apparently. 

    I appreciate his willingness to soften the financial blow. 


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  9. Thanks, guys, and yes, I'm talking with PayPal and I have a tracking number...to the address he gave me, NOT his PayPal registered shipping address. And, Ray, I think you're right about his reason for never posting at AVSIM.

  10. I'm posting this here not to complain but to help other users here avoid a mistake I made in selling flightsim gear on the Classified Ads forum.

    Long story short, I sold a piece of hardware via AVSIM's Classified Ads forum, and a user here, Luigilizares77, bought it via a PayPal transaction. He requested through AVSIM's private message board that I send the item to a Delaware, USA address. The funds were transferred and I shipped the item to DE as he requested.

    Fast forward to a week later, and this user filed a PayPal claim against me, stating that he never received the item. I'm now potentially on the hook for the amount I sold the hardware for, and I've lost the item itself. When I checked his PayPal info, he had an address NOT in DE, USA but in the Philippines.

    This is my mistake, and apparently, I've fallen for a common scam (see #2 on this webpage: https://heimdalsecurity.com/blog/paypal-scams-protect-your-account/amp/ ). PayPal can refuse to honor the transaction and withhold seller protection IF the shipping address doesn't match the buyer's registered address on PayPal itself. And I fell for it.

    So please, be careful selling gear via PayPal and make sure the buyer's shipping address matches their PayPal shipping address, regardless of how they'd like you to ship the item. And it this point, I'm inclined to warn anyone from selling anything to Luigilizares77.


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  11. On 8/30/2020 at 6:09 AM, Colonel X said:

    Now with sharpening off, I was able to reduce the CRT effect strength to 0,5. I'm done! Here's a link to a video of my settings. It's german, but you'll figure.



    Thanks for sharing your settings. I have noticed that, when adding SMAA, I get a nVidia overlay message when returning to the Main menu that states that SMAA requires depth information that isn’t available in this application. Is this particular filter really working in MSFS?

  12. On 8/18/2020 at 6:38 AM, Ricardo41 said:

    The amount of useless posts is increasing exponentially by the minute, as was to be expected.

    I'm still waiting for solid comparisons between low/medium/high/ultra settings across a range of hardware.

    not exactly what you might be looking for, but perhaps a start:


  13. 2 minutes ago, Lenny777 said:

    On the issue of Navigraph and simlink does anyone know where the simlink is installed. I had it in the past for FSX and P3D up to version 4 but removed those sims. Even though Navigraph states it is now compatible with MSFS it has no actual link indication. I'm assuming you would have to direct the link to the location. So for MSFS where exactly should that be pointed to?

    On my machine, Simlink is installed here - C:\Program Files\Navigraph\Simlink

    When you launch it, it'll show which simulators are linked, but MSFS2020 isn't on the list at all. Ignore that and make sure Simlink is running before you launch the sim...it just works regardless, then.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Rockliffe said:

    The other thing that I can't fathom is data being downloaded while you fly or having the data on your HD. So which gives best performance and/or visuals and how do I go about choosing the best way of doing so? I also have no way of starting the sim from the desktop! There's no exe anywhere, or at least nowhere  I can see,  it doesn't even show in the add or remove programs directory so I can't see the best way of uninstalling it. I'm not overly impressed so far, but it's perhaps finger trouble at my end.

    Howard, are you running the sim via Steam? If so, right-click on MSFS in your Steam game library...among the options that appear will be one to create a short-cut on your desktop. If you've purchased the sim from the MS Store, then try to create a shortcut to the FlightSimulator.exe in the directory where you installed the sim.

    If your data plan isn't capped, then try turning the rolling cache off for better performance. The manual cache is best for visuals but will consume a lot of disk space potentially.

  15. 47 minutes ago, RaptyrOne said:

    That's what I am thinking... either a bug or I am missing it. I can go into Windows and manually delete the .ccc file but I hope that does not cause the sim to crash the next time I start it.

    The way I deleted the manual cache was to first set its size to 0 in the menu and then manually delete the manual cache file itself. I had no issues after taking those steps...your mileage may vary. 

    • Like 1

  16. 14 minutes ago, skysurfer said:

    Hi guys. I hope you don't mind me jumping here. 

    I am a bit confused with the process how to install v7. Need some clarification please regarding installation instructions.

    1. "copy the FSUIPC7.exe and FSUIPC7.key files to this folder (or simply move the FSUIPC7 folder created when you unzip to the required location".  What is required location in MSFS2020? 

    2. "If you have previously used FSUIPC, you can also copy and rename your FSUIPC4/5/6.ini file to the FSUIPC7 installation folder as FSUIPC7.ini, and aksi remember to copy any other auxiliary
    files or folders you may use (.mcro, .lua, .dll, Profiles, etc)." I cannot fined ini. files from FSUIPC6 version in P3D (if this is what I need to use to rename it). 

    Thanks for looking. 

    1. you can install version 7 anywhere...simply create a FSUIPC7 folder and extract the contents of the zip file there. You'll have to manually launch FSUIPC7 via its exe file.

    2. You don't need any ini files from the previous version of FSUIPC, but if you want them, look in the Modules folder of P3D or in the \Documents\Prepar3D v5 (or v4) Add-ons folder for them.

  17. I'm running the sim via Steam. Here's what I'm experiencing:

    1 min, 15 seconds until I see the "Press Any Key" prompt

    1 min from that prompt to the GUI.

    2 min, 24 seconds from hitting the Fly button to sitting in the cockpit at KJFK (which wasn't cached on my machine; rural airports seem to load faster).

    No crashes so far, fingers crossed.

    My specs: i7-8700k at 4.5 GHz, 16 GB ram, RTX2070 GPU


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