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Posts posted by PelicanHazard

  1. Depends. If the altitude has a bar under it (underlined), you must be at or above that altitude when crossing the waypoint. If it has a bar over it, you must be at or below that altitude when crossing the waypoint. If the altitude has a bar both above and below it, you must cross the waypoint at that altitude exactly. SILOW has 15000 listed next to it, so you must be at or above 15000 feet at SILOW.

  2. Hi,I recently downloaded a repaint off of the file library for the Nemeth EC-135. When I went to load it in FSX, I got this:2la92j5.jpgLight bloom is turned on, but it's not a problem for any of my other repaints. Even other repaints for the EC-135. I've tried deleting the files in the texture folder named "*_spec.dds" and copying a texture.cfg file from a repaint that works, but I can't get the problem to go away. Can anyone shed some light on this?

  3. Of all these I find FS9 definitely best with the right balance of offered options, existing addons and in-sim performance. In my personal reception (I deeply respect every different opion) FSX was a huge miss of expectations.Not that it is bad! It's just something very different from what I expected. But I am, and will always be, far from calling any FSX user a moron, or just suggesting he or she is wrong in his decision.
    And for the similar reason of personal expectations, I find FSX to be better than FS9. My computer is able to run FSX well at very high settings (think 80% MyTraffic, road traffic, texture resolution better than 1m, shadowing, light bloom, etc) which all together combine to make it more immersive for me than FS9, even if there's a dearth of add-ons. Truth be told, if the little differences didn't add up to something I liked better than FS9, I'd have uninstalled FSX already.Not that I mind that others don't feel the same. You like what you like, I'm not simming on your computer, and what sim you have doesn't affect my simming at all. So let's enjoy the community and whatever the developers throw at us.tl;dr: Go forth and sim some more.

  4. From AlphaSim's Homepage:

    These products are indeed the original AlphaSim products, re-branded and wrapped with a self-installer...Changing the publisher name on these AlphaSim products to the Virtavia brand was not an attempt to fool anyone, as has been suggested, it is merely the logical thing to do given that the new name will eventually replace the old, so it was a case of 'starting as we mean to go on'. The prices of the Virtavia-branded packages will not differ appreciably from the prices on the AlphaSim site. We emphasise that these are not new versions and there is no need for owners of the corresponding AlphaSim products to be concerned. Please accept our apologies if there was any confusion over this.
    The full post is #1 on their site http://alphasim.co.uk/

  5. Well said! Though I would like to add one thing...I believe many complain because we tend to focus on the negative, and this can be seen in non-flightsim aspects of society. Are the news likely to focus on a successful local business that just broke into the international market, creating new job opportunities in the community, or on a scandal at the local mall involving a rude employee slandering a patron?If something is great on an addon, I say "Great!" and enjoy it, but the bad/buggy parts get a bit more focus. For instance, I find the Captain Sim 757 to be drop-dead gorgeous and admire it in spot view every time I fly it, but I'll still come here and whine about the autopilot suddenly deciding to pull an Immelman. This is because I'm trying to find a solution for the problem, whereas exclaiming "It looks gorgeous!" is nice, but doesn't help fix its ground-bound attitude.Compliments for products do get tossed around fairly frequently from what I see, though, especially in threads where someone asks for a this-versus-that recommendation (This is modelled exquisitely! That has amazing systems! etc etc etc).

  6. I'm just curious, what is the OBSESSION sim pilots have with SIDs and STARs? In real life pilots hate them.
    I wouldn't call it an obsession, and I've bent SIDs to suit my flightplan before, but I find STARs to be quite helpful as I'm usually multitasking while simming and can miss my TOD or end up way too high on final approach (to the dismay of the passengers in the back!)So I use STARs to keep an eye on my vertical profile to ensure an easy descent (and keep multitasking! Approaching San Diego? I'll keep surfing Avsim until I reach the LAX VOR, then pay attention :()

  7. Where do you usually fly?Wherever I have a whim to do so. Right now, I'm focusing on my FsPax airline, which is based at KSAN, so most of my flights are in that region.What plane do you usually fly?Going with the above, Lionheart's Epic Victory, though once I can afford more planes, I'll slowly move on to Aerosoft's Twin Otter, Captain Sim's 757, PMDG's MD-11 and their NGX when it's released.What airline do you fly?Whichever, not too partial, though I do not take airlines outside their regions (I wouldn't fly a US Air 757 in Russia, for instance).Do you go through checklists and mimic all real life procedures or do you play casually?I'll use checklists for the airplane, as well as STARs, SIDs, and IAPs, but I'm fine with not following all regulations. Especially not landing restrictions. Can't count the number of crashes and wild landings I've had because I take RVRs as suggestions.What is the longest flight you have undertaken?In FS9, I went from Kansai either Seoul or Shanghai to Murmansk on the second leg of an unintentional around-the-world flight.In FSX, it was from JFK to Charles de Gaulle in the PMDG 747.What is the coolest place you have flown to?Gibraltar's a cool place now that Aerosoft's put out a scenery for it.What is the most remote destination that you have flown to?Point Barrow, AlaskaDo you play solo free flight or do you play on VATSIM?Solo, my internet connection has a habit of cutting out and...Do you use time accelerator?...I do. But only for long flights. That JFK-Paris flight? Time accelerated. However, I will not accelerate my regular FsPax shuttle run of San Diego-Catalina IslandWhat do you do (in real life) while you are cruising?Surf the internet, listen to music, read a bit, solve Rubik's cubes...Do you have a "home" airport?Right now, KSAN for my FsPax airline, but if I'm testing a new addon plane, I typically go to Hawaii's Dillingham (if it's a small plane) or St. Maarten (for the biggies).

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