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Posts posted by GGLurch

  1. Hmm... aren't the NAV radios part of the Garmin GPS in the 207? (VLOC?) I just tried and NAV1 /2  buttons on the audio panel are corresponding to the settings on the VLOC section of the Garmin...

    Edit - Sorry - i misunderstood its only 1 active radio (NAV1) , cant find the second neither...


  2. 32 minutes ago, mryan75 said:

    Despite its flaws I love the ATR. I fly it in the Caribbean quite a lot, where it’s mainly VFR. 


    It is the one I use the most. A lot of real world operators (and real world routes to choose from) with short flights all over the world. The ATR can be a handfull - especially in strong winds... 

  3. Hi,

    2) The LO PR (hydraulics) and ACW electric alarms with running engines and thottles at ground idle is a known problem. The problem is based on change in the MSFS engine in one of the later SUs and was not corrected yet in the ATR (update pending early next year is what i read somewhere). Basically, after start-up, the NP is to low for the pumps and generators to be driven. Increase the throttle slightly (with eg. F3) and the alarms will be off. When loading the plane ready for departure on a runway through the MSFS map, the NP is actually correct with >70% - its the C&D start-up that is a problem. In my case, without hydraulic power and the ACW generators, the brakes and taxi/landing lights are not working . Pretty annoying when e.g. putting the throttles to idle when landing or taxiing. 

    3) Have you set the altimeters correctly? RNAV is using the altimeter reading for the correct glideslope (I think...).

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Zangoose said:

    The hour achievements are on a "single pilot profile" - Does anyone know what that actually means? As I have 2k hours but I haven't reached the 1,000 hours achievement which I assume is related to some sort of profile thing. 

    Yeah - that is one thing. I also do not no if this is counting when in dev mode since flights are not logged in my pilot profile when in dev-mode. Also I have logged over 300h in MSFS on Steam but only 130+Hours flying...


    7 minutes ago, MarcG said:

    Don't forget that it's spread over three platforms, Steam, MS Store and Xbox. So those low numbers don't represent the total number of players playing at any one time, nor the total number who do achieve +100hrs etc

    This is why I included Farming Sim as a comparison since it also is available on XBox and Game Pass... 

  5. 15 hours ago, lwt1971 said:

    Interesting, and good to hear. MS's increased investment is very clear and they are definitely doing it due to 2020's very obvious success. Here's to that success continuing to snowball!

    Can't say enough good things about Seb too, just the right kind of lead dev to be in charge of the sim's core.

    Out of genuine curiosity - how big of a success is MSFS actually?

    I have the MSFS Steam version and not long ago I got the Century Club achievement (100h of flight time) and was surprised that only 6.9% of players on Steam reached that. Actually only 12.6% have flown more than 50h (and just for fun >500h only 0.9%). In the Steam charts, MSFS had an avg of 5120 players over the last 30days. For comparison - Farming Simulator 22 had  an avg. of 16860 players on Steam (and is like MSFS also available on XBOX / Game Pass). We're talking 3x the numbers here....

    This - of course - is assuming that the Steam numbers are representative - but considering the marketplace - I would assume that the 87.4% of players not having flown more the 50h (or 93.1% considering <100h) are not buying a PMDG 737 on the marketplace.... or looking at Steam Charts - there are currently more than 3x as many players that are potential DLC buyers for Farming Simulator 22 than MSFS... 

  6. On this topic - does anybody know if a simple METAR/WX Preset Converter is available somewhere?

    E.g. there is a little software called METAR (by spectrun), generating presets out of METAR information, downloaded based on provided ICAO/IATA airport codes.

    I would rather like to use historic METAR codes (e.g. copy/paste a METAR code directly) which are available from varius web-sites and generate a corresponding preset. That preset then also automatically sets date & time as coded in the METAR itself. 


  7. Same here - updated from a 1080Ti/3600 combination to a 6950XT/5800X3D system. I run MSFS now on a 3440x1440 display and have nothing to complain about. Even though a min. 850W PSU is recommended, the system runs perfectly fine on my existing 750W PSU. This is also my first AMD GPU and everthing went smoothly with the installation - just remember to activate Smart Access Memory / Resizable BAR in your BIOS to get every bit of benefit with your 5xxxx series CPU (the 1080Ti did not support ReBar so there was never the option available). I actually run my GPU on SILENT mode (hardware bios switch at the GPU) and not OC mode but everything runs perfectly. 

    The 6950XT GPU is massive in size. Make sure you got the space and mine needs 3x PCI-E 8-pin connectors.



  8. I am also having these stutters upon approach just recently after a complete reinstallation. Today I took a flight in the ATR from Cairo to Luxor and when i started the flight and got into the flight deck, the FPS were really low (not stuttering though...) I changed to the external view and could not believe my eyes - MSFS had spawned a PDMG 737-800 Cargo in ASL livery and an Aerosoft CRJ as static aircraft. No wonder the frames were low with these models on the ground. I reloaded the scenario several times and could see several diffent aircraft types from my installations. I was not aware of this previously tbh.

    Here is  a screen shot after i reloaded - again a 737-800 Cargo, this time in PMDG colors: https://imgur.com/a/Pq9VEQC

    I've went into General Options - Traffic and set the GROUND AIRCRAFT DENSITY to 0. Furthermore, there is an option USE GENERIC AIRCRAFT MODELS (AI TRAFFIC) - This was OFF in my settings, probably allowing the PDMG and other models to be used in the first place. I can see the additional load when approaching especially bigger airports if these options are active. I just took a flight with GROUND AIRCRAFT DENSITY = 0 and had stable frames when landing at Luxor. Maybe worth checking out...



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  9. Hi,

    Linus Tech Tips has a review out for the 7800X3d with a very good explanation concerning the performance differences in gaming vs. other multithreading applications. The use of only 8 cores in the 7800X3D basically allows for the different physical chiplet design with a direct V-Cache access for all 8 cores. That is not the case for the 79X0X3D. The higher core count of the 7950X3D has its benefits the moment more than 8 cores are used, but gaming usually maxes out at 8 cores - so the extra cores are not utilized. SO - here the better benchmark-results are the result of the different chiplet design of the 7800X3D. (at least that is my understanding here...)


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  10. Hi,

    since the last update, I am experiencing problems with bush trips. I am generating my own bush trips using BushTripInjector and did not have problems as described below prior to the update.

    After each leg (when I exit to the main menu and e.g want to fly the next leg at another time) - the Sim does not remember my parking position anymore, but puts the plane in the middle of the runway (relative to runway length) and a heading that is not the runway heading. Addtionally, the clock is reset between legs and my plane is automatically refulled.

    Now - the SU10 release note stated the following:


    We fixed several systems related to the bush trip activities including save system improvements (cross platform/cloud save + autosave from last waypoint/poi), overall progression system improvements and making sure we refuel after each leg completion.

    So the automatic refuelling seems to be a "feature" - not a bug?

    And for the parking position and clock reset - does anybody else having the same experience? Are these the improvements as stated in the release notes or are these actual bugs? Is there a setting in MSFS or BushTripInjector (version that I am missing or has changed to maybe avoid these issues? Frankly, the clock reset is really annoying because I enjoyed the progress in time on longer, multi-leg bush trips and the corresponding change in lightning over a day. And automatic refuelling is not something I would have chosen neither....


  11. 16 minutes ago, Scottoest said:

    Well for one, Microsoft are getting a percentage cut of any add-ons sold through the in-sim marketplace - so they will be welcoming those expensive study level aircraft with open arms.

    For two, the Xbox division these days is less concerned with sales data of any particular software, than they are about engagement with their services like Game Pass.  Microsoft would be thrilled if, of the over 1 million people who played MSFS, literally ZERO of them actually bought a regular retail copy and instead all played it through a $15/mo Game Pass subscription.

    Microsoft are very interested in making games that provide a strong incentive for ongoing engagement, and thus, an ongoing subscription to Game Pass.  A Flight Simulator is a prime candidate for that, because the genre is built around an always-expanding catalogue of add-on content.  And Asobo themselves could even start selling add-on content at some point.

    Whether MSFS gets the hoped-for 10 years of support, will be down to how strong the engagement is with it.  If it's the preeminent flight sim platform in a couple of years, or if it recedes into the background and XP/P3D re-emerge as the dominant platforms.  My own money is very, very much on the former.

    I get why people who have spent the last five years not caring about Microsoft's Xbox division, and the changing business dynamics within, would be concerned about the "bean counters" abandoning it after a while - but this fundamentally isn't the same company that put out Microsoft Flight any more.

    Fair points! 👍

  12. 8 minutes ago, Biggles2010 said:

    It's clear that Asobo are well intentioned, and as enthusiastic as many of the MSFS users posting here. But people believe what they want to believe, which sometimes avoids reality.

    Asobo are contracted by MS, to work for them, and it is the bean counters at MS who will decide how far MSFS is developed, regardless of any 'Roadmaps' which Asobo may publish.

    I suspect sales for X-Box may be more important to the bean counters than several thousand pc users. And a fully developed SDK may not be as significant for gamers as it is for pc simulator users. We must hope that MS allows Asobo to complete the job, but don't assume anything about MS remaining committed if they don't make the profits they want from this.

    And also, MSFS2020 has to be actively keept alive by MS due to the massive amount of data-streaming involved. FSX was released in 2006 and e.g. the PMDG 737 was released in 2011, 6 years after the FSX release. Thats a lot of years of active support needed for a niche simulator. To be fair here, mainstream support for FSX SP1 by MS ended in 2015 (well, accoding to MS, service pack support ended in 2008), however, we still can use FSX and products were deleveloped after 2015.

    I think that MS/Asobo will jump into the DLC market for sure (they want to make money of it like everybody else) - but imho, there is a very limited market for high-level DLC in the Majestic/PMDG/ORBX price range, especially considering X-Box customers. So, I think the focus will be on lighter aircraft and scenery. But then again, each DLC will be a one-time sale, but the need to provided streaming-data persists. Furthermore, with a release of a full SDK, MS/Asobo will actively invite competition into the DLC market. So developers can release DLC and earn money, while MS has to provide a server infrastructure and the streaming capacity. For years to come... I cannot see this is an valid business model without some sort of a subscription model here, at least not for the next 14 years (like e.g. FSX). So I kind of question the whole "long-term" thing... but I am ready to be proven wrong!

    Another thing - beside the streaming of the satellite data - the AI calculations for the building generation - is that done locally on my PC or is that calculated on a e.g. MS Azure server and part of the streaming data? 


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  13. 12 hours ago, DaveCT2003 said:

    Yeah, that's about it.  Microsoft creates the base sim with improvements over the previous version and third party developers bring it up to a level where guys like me can enjoy it.  It was the same with FS2004 and FSX.

    I can't believe I'm going to actually state the painfully obvious, but MSFS is not a sim for the experienced flight simmer. It's a sim marketed to the masses.  Like it's always been, third party devs will create content that will bring it up to the level experienced flight simmers want.

    Best wishes!


    Hi, I am not posting often here but follow the community here a lot of years now...

    After following the MSFS 2020 launch here in the forums, your comment is the one that is to the point. This is excactly my expression too. Basically, that is alright with me if 3rd party developers bringing the sim to a level I was expecting in the first place when MSFS 2020 was annouced. But the problem with that is - this sim will require access to the MS Bing Maps database constantly. So if I buy MSFS2020 - I never have to pay again to actually stream a lot of data for every flight over a lot of years to come? (hopefully) And looking at the information about the actual data traffic - thats is a lot of data... for every, single user.

    E.g. PMDG launched the 737 in 2011 - that's 5 years after FSX came out. I feel, that was in general the time the high-level sim software for FSX started to really take off. (I know, the MD11 was really nice too - but the 737 was/is truly a masterpiece). That is a long time if this will be similar with MSFS2020 since (in my understanding) the new sim has to be keept actively alive by MS.

    Furthermore, I am concerned about the actual base flight modeling provided with the sim e.g. atmospheric physics, aerodynamic modeling, and so on. Sure MSFS2020 is advertised with an "aerodynamic model with over 1000 control surfaces" - but yet, there does not seem to be a single default plane showing off the full potential of the sim. (don't get me wrong - I have no problems with simplified systems and planes in general, but a single fully modelled plane with complete systems and complete aerodynamics would have been nice at launch) There are no gliders to show off some atmospheric physics like thermals, there are no helicopters,.... I've seen a video showing off the icing on a plane - but I could not actually figure out if there is actual physics involved with added drag and decreasing lift or if the sim simply adds an icing texture when the conditions are right (can you actually crash with excessive icing?). When looking at videos showing of tubulences - it looks like the plane is shaken around the CG with the nose wobbeling up/down, not like actual up-/downdrafts. (this is just my observation, I might be wrong here). So, basically - I am very unsure about the quality of the base simulator - and through all  the hype and hundreds of videos showing off the visuals, it is difficult for me to find out more about this.

    Because the SDK for developers is not actually finished yet (as I understand) - nobody knows the actual sim capabilities (and sim possibilities) a lot of people are talking about when talking about future prospects. Sure, the visuals are amazing - but honestly - it is 2020 - I was kind of expecting that (however, kudos to Asobo for the engine behind that). But right now - except for the visuals, are there actually any other confirmed improvements over FSX? From the XBox MSFS2020 page, it features Higly Detailed Aircraft (which does not seem to be the case at least system depth and flight model wise, when reading the comments here in the forum...), New Day & Night engine (we had that in FSX right?), Dynamic Weather (also in FSX - not very good but availalbe), Aerodynamic Modeling (I yet have to see that as decribed above). TrackIR as "one of the most requested features" was also working in FSX. So that leaves the Detailed Landscapes and the Living World...which is totally relying on MS providing the data for free. And also, and I just want to point that out - nowhere on the MFSF2020 homepage it is stated that 3rd party addons and modding is supported. At least there is talk about the SDK from 3rd party developers - and that is at least a good sign.

    Right now - and that is my personal opinion - MSFS2020 looks more like a tech-demo than the simulator I was hoping for....I hope this will turn out fine and then I will also buy the new simulator and if that takes years - fine by me. But I would prefer that happening rather sooner than later.

    I also do not know how 3rd party software will be distributet for MSFS 2020. Will there be an in-game store for it? Or will MSFS2020 accept an external 3rd party distribution?


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  14. Hi,


    here is the webcam from Stavanger (Sola) ENZV Airport:




    Not that much action compared to EHAM, but is has flightradar24 pictured embedded on the web-page - so following the planes is neat. And you have the occasional rare stuff (right now an ambulance Beach B200 is "unloading" right in front the camera). We have quite often bigger Russian transports coming in to deliver offshore equipment and a couple of weeks ago we got a new Sikorsky S-92 helicopter delivered to Bristow transported by an AN-124. 


    Have Fun!


  15. Basically - I do not think that we will see better CPUs in terms of clock speed in the future. 


    In 2006, when FSX was released one already could buy 3.7GHz CPUs (e.g. Intel Pressler EE 965) - today Intels fastes CPU is still 3.7GHz (e.g. i7-4820K or the Xeon E5-1660 v2). Yes AMD has a 4.5GHz CPU but it has limited overclocking capability. I am talking about stock CPUs - no overclocking or something. Compared to 2006, the CPUs are more efficient and are working on more cores. So they are actually working on several tasks in parallel and the performance increase is not based on actual clock speed. Parallel tasks is not something FSX is actually benefiting from and therefore we still heavily depend on actual clock speeds and we basically got stuck for 7 years with the same clock speed now.


    As for the world outside FSX - the classic PC market is declining rapidly due to mobile devices and new generation consoles. Development of new and faster CPUs is a huge investment into a market which is actually going down. Gaming as a classic driver for innovation is more and more focused on GPUs and just lock how GPUs have developed over the years. Again - not something FSX is really focusing on. 


    As for the "normal user" - nobody needs better CPU for using the internet or writing e-mails or working with Excel in the office. I think we reached the end there CPU wise. Its more interesting now to have more efficient CPUs e.g. energy wise to allow for longer battery load cycles with mobile devices than actual higher clock speeds for the majority of the market in my opinion.



  16. I've been flying the Metroliner and LSH MD-82 an awful lot lately... I think some of you guys are missing out!



    I can see that you are excited - but as I mentioned earlier - I still would like to see something official from RAZBAM except their FB page with pictures taken during development. 4 days now and still no mentioning on the their homepage. No official release images, no videos, no dedicated product page (like for all their other products) - actually the latest news on their webpage is from 04.11.11 concerning their Harrier product. No official release info on AVSIM  (or other flightsim-communities for that matter) - only unofficial forum topics like yours at different places.


    Also - other distributors such as Simmarket do not offer the Metroliner, despite the fact that they are offering other RAZBAM products. Same on The Flightsimstore.


    For a $50 purchase ... what's their plan here? The price is way higher than any other RAZBAM product so I would like them trying to convince me why that's the case. But no - one has to stumble over some unofficial forum topics to even know about the release (if you are not checking their FB regularly, like me - I am not even on FB - I did not even know they had a FB page, found it via Google). I would assume - with a release 4 days before X-Mas - that would be all over the place. Especially with a rather unusual and interesting plane such as the Metroliner. In my opinion - commercial turboprops are totally neglected in the native FSX world and I can imagine a market for that.


    I have to be honest here - smells fishy to me. Maybe I am missing out - but $50 for a blind buy.... no deal. The ones missing out here is RAZBAM. Don't get me wrong - I own some RAZBAM products and I am happy with these purchases...But that's just how I feel about it.



  17. Hmmm... would be interested in this one - kind of strange to me that nothing is stated about the release on their webpage - except when you go to the store. Only release info is on Facebook... They don't even have a dedicated product page or an image gallery and (according to FB) they released it 3 days ago. Bad marketing - especially considering that they obviously put some work into this simulation (at least what I can see from the pictures on FB).


    I'll wait and see...



  18. Hi everyone,


    Kerbal Space Program is on sale (40%off) on STEAM until the 18. Nov. 


    It is not a flight sim in a conventional way and it is still in the early access state - however I really enjoy it and it is already fully playable in sandbox mode and got recently added an early stage career mode. Great community too!


    If you want to check it - there is a demo version available at the kerbal homepage.




    Have a nice day!


  19. Hi,


    I had the same behavior using the PMDG 747. Turned out that A2A AccuFeel is interfering with the flight model in one way or another. If any of you with this problem have AccuFeel installed - tried deactivating it?


    Nico A.

  20. Don't know, I guess some of the A2A physics implemented don't comply with the PMDG model... Maybe AccuFeel is somehow misjudging an overspeed situation or something. Anyhow, I use AccuFeel for GA aircraft only - so at least for me its not really a problem. Just experienced your problem once when i forgot to deactivate Accufeel - took me a while to figure it out.


    Glad I could help! Have a nice day!



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