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Posts posted by ludwigkessler

  1. Hi all,

    I've not long been using fs2crew for the fslabs A320, but it was working just fine. Then yesterday I updated the fslabs A320 to the latest version, .169, and since then fs2crew doesnt show up. Should I uninstall it and then reinstall it? I'm not sure if this will happen each time there is an update.  Maybe its because you have to download and install full versions of the fslabs A320 when there is an update.

    Many thanks,


  2. Hi all,


    I have just downloaded and installed the demo version for P3Dv4.2. I have installed it to the default location as suggested. When I try to run the program, I get a message telling me that as its the first run, the language wizard will direct me to where I can download English United States version. I click ok and then nothing else happens.  I have managed to install this language anyway now but when I run MCE I still get the same message and I can't proceed any further.  The sim is not running while I am trying to do this.  I am using Win 10 54 bit.

    Any suggestions?



  3. Hi guys,


    I'm a long time user of RCv4.  I have two copies, one on CD and a download one.  I have been trying to obtain a new key to enable me to install into P3Dv4 but my requests keep getting bounced back telling me I have alpha characters in the request.  I am sending my requests by email and have been entering the long string of letters along with the product id along with the ! marks and I'm pretty sure they are all correct. Just to note, I have not installed into P3D as yet, but been requesting the key by entering the info saved from my earlier installs.

    It couldn't be more simple to do and maybe that's why its going wrong. I am entering like the following example....

    LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL  These being the long string of letters.

    NNNNNNNNN !  Rory ! Hamer !

    One of my product codes has a minus in front and I have put that too.

    I have sent a reply to one of the bounced back emails but not sure if its a monitored address or not.

    Any suggestions?





  4. Hiya Bryan,


    I use several FS2Crew products, the best being for Ifly 737. However, on occaision I like to fly the default B747, and so downloaded FS2Crew for this.  For quite a while I have used Friendly Panels B747 2D panel which is far better than the original default one.


    Simple question, is there any way I can adapt FS2Crew for use with this panel?  I have tried various things but so far been unsuccessful.  I have still been enjoying flying the original panel and FS2Crew but would much prefer to use the Friendly Panels panel.


    Hope you can help.



  5. Ok, thanks Bryan.  Just a thought though, as I've tried this too, I know little about gau files, but I have all updates installed up to version 2.4 but I have put the gau file from version 1.6 back in and it works, but does doing this basically make the updates useless?

  6. Thanks for the input Klamal.  I do not have FSINN installed.  Just been doing some experimenting.  Uninstalled FS2Crew then reinstalled my original version, which was 1.6, the BEX error doesn't happen in this version, and I can use the checklist manager.  The problem starts with update version 2.2,and is still happening in update versions 2.3 and 2.4.  Not sure if I should have installed an earlier update than 2.2 but 2.2 was the next available one I saw to install.



  7. Actually, I have been having this same error before I even bought the checklist manager. It wasn't a problem before, as I said, because it normally does it when closing FSX, or when changing aircraft, and usually I don't change aircraft.


    I'm unsure if it modifies the panel cfg file and will try to find out.  The checklist manager program is loaded via the learning centre,  and it just opens the 737-800 with the normal panel first but as to why, I don't know but it does tell you that when starting the program and says to load the aircraft of your choice once the program has loaded up.  I am not loading any saved situations either.


    If its unfixable then I'll just stick with FS2Crew as I really like it!  I will try uninstalling then reinstalling the FS2Crew version I originally bought and see what happens, I can't remember if this problem started after upgrading to version 2.2 or not.





  8. Hiya all,



    I have been getting this error for a while - not usually a problem because it normally happens when I attempt to shut down FSX, but it also occurs when I change the aircraft, ie from the iFly 737 to another aircraft type.


    However, I have recently purchased SEA's Checklist Manager for the iFly, and the way of loading this means I have to select the ifly of my choice - the 737-800 widescreen version - after already loading the iFly 737-800 normal screen version which the checklist opens by default.  When I select the widescreen version, I then get the error which causes FSX to crash.  The error is as follows:-



    Faulting Application Path:   E:\Program Files\fsx.exe


    Problem Signature

    Problem Event Name     BEX

    Application Name         fsx.exe

    Application version         10.0.61637.0

    Application Timestamp   46fadb14

    Fault Module Name        FS2CrewIFly737.GAU_unloaded

    Fault Module Version

    Fault Module Timestamp  52ddee79

    Exception Offset              60f3e1f0

    Exception Code               c0000005

    Exception Date                00000008

    OS Version                      6.1.7601.

    Locale ID                         2057


    Extra information about the problem

    LCID                                2057


    So, at the moment I am unable to use the checklist program.  Is there anything I can try that will fix this?  The reason I bought the checklist is for those times when I wish to do the whole startup and button switching myself instead of the FO doing it all the time in FS2Crew.





  9. Hi all,


    Although I use FS2Crew with the Wilco A320, I have only recently started using it with the iFly 737-800. These are only minor things really but was wondering if its just how it is or if I'm not pressing something.


    3 things, all to do with announcements. 1, " Lets start setting up " gets no reply, and the same for " Out for the walkaround " and " Back from the walkaround" non of these gets a reply.  Only minor I know but would have thought at least the back from walkaround would have got a response.


    I am on version 2.2 and have just installed but not yet run, version 2.3.


    Any thoughts?





  10. Hiya guys,I did try a search on this forum - altering call signs, and changing call signs, but it came up with nothing! I'd like to change one of the call signs in RCv4, from Emerald harbor Air to just Emerald Air, which is the VA I've started flying for. Please can someone tell me which files to edit?Many thanksRory Hamer

  11. Hi,I have recently now bought the Airbus special edition and evolution upgrade (reluctantly, as only bought the airbus A320 fs2crew version last oct!). However, I read on here a post about increasing the cab volume slider in the FS2Crew main?? I am unable to find this "main". I only seem to have the FS2Crew start centre and cant find anything on that. I've looked in the FS2Crew folder in FSX and gone through it all and cant find it. So, please can you tell me where it should be?Many thanks,Rory

  12. I dont really like jumping into another persons topic, but I bought the evo series 1 for FSX about 4 days ago and have issues which I want to share and see if either anyone else has similar or if there's any fix. I was more than happy with the original Airbus vol 1 and am about to go back to it. With the Evo, at least for me there are several issues. first the weather radar doesnt seem to work, I turn in on and it does a sort of scan for about 3 secs then winks off and thats it, nothing else, I can no longer hear the APU powering up, the seatbelt and no smoking signs dont make a ding sound anymore when being turned on, finally, more troubling is that there is no "minimums" annunciated, nor any altitude callouts on approach to the threshold, ie, 50...40...30 etc, and finally there is no "retard, retard" annunciated. I have done four flights and these issues are present in all of them. Any thoughts on this? Sorry, just realised this is a post for FS9 and not FSX, so please feel free to move it!Rory

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