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Posts posted by Riah069

  1. I just unpacked mine. and i have watched a few Youtubes about it. Problem i am having is that in MSFS it does not shoe Velocity one Yoke in the title bar in Control setup. It actually shows it as 3 Axis 20 Buttons plus Hat for both devices.

    I have updated the firmware to 1.4.0. It is set to PC.

    Is there something i am missing here? Because all the videos i have watched labels the devices as VelocityOne Flight.



  2. And so begins the "days of our lives". Queue music.

    To add about this plane. Price Wonderful lack of manual yeah theres that. And some other things. TBH i really dont give a word not allowed, its a good plane with bells and whistles and should mature with patches of which i am sure will come about. Jeez have you seen the garbage that is bloating the market place and 3rd party sellers lately? And the prices being asked? LMAO. People need to take a back seat have a beer pop a pill and calm down. That is all.

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  3. Ok MSFS version, all difficulties on. And it seems it is ONLY engine one that has an issue at all with realistic settings on. So i was using Skypark doing a Hop 5 mission. Landed at the airport, did a after landing check list, turned around lined up started the wet takeoff and immediately engine goes into a tissy and then eventually dies. Have i seriously got to goto cold and dark after EVERY landing in order for Engine one not to die on me?

  4. Fair points. But I'm just calling it as i see it as a consumer. Nothing more. Its just the constant digs at ASOBO when ever a statement is posted. And as you said they decided to stick with and continue to use C++ in there aircraft and hence the issues that they are facing. TBH if they worked ground up with not using C++ then yes we properly wouldn't have the 737 atm. But maybe in the long run it might have worked out better. I'm no programmer don't claim to be, I'm a simple man. But at any rate i own the 737 i like the plane. I dont see myself buying any other iteration of the airframe besides the 700. So i wish them the best.

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  5. I find it amusing that nearly all posts from PMDG throws a ASOBO kick in. Oh we cant do this or its difficult because we don't have this and ASOBO needs to make this in order for this to work. TBH its getting quite tiresome. From where i see other developers aren't having half the problems PMDG seem to have. Fenix has released what 3-5 Big patches? They don't seem to have issues. Maybe and i am guessing here that if PMDG wasn't being lazy (Porting old Code. Round peg in square hole?) and made the 737 from scratch to work in the MSFS environment from the get go the might have had a better compatible plane. But that is my humble opinion. I think Fenix is a good standard to which other developers should come to. Great communication, Good pricing, and a overall good product. Hats off to those guys.

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