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  1. 3-2-1-Now's post in 777LR saved as Default Flight - FSX crashes every time was marked as the answer   
    The startup flight is seriously bugged in its own right. Either disable the "Fly Now" screen or change the start up flight to something else. I use the Cessna, and select the 777 from the Fly Now screen after FSX loads.
    Instead of telling you to RTFM, I'll explain the problem. There is a bug in FSX whereby loading the SAME ENGINE VARIENT causes memory corruption within FSX. It may result in a crash, systems freeze, or if it appears to be working normally, instability later on leading to a crash.
    If you launch the saved flight directly from the FSX saved flight folder in My Documents by clicking on the *.FSSAVE file, FSX will load the aircraft directly.
    Best regards,
  2. 3-2-1-Now's post in Landing Lights and Taxi Light not Illuminating Ground from VC View was marked as the answer   
    Check "Advanced Animations" is enabled.
    If you load the Cessna, how does the throttle react there?
    Best regards,
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