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Posts posted by whitav8

  1. I was going to suggest that you might have a CPU frame limit set in NVCP or Riva Tuner or OXRTK (OpenXR Toolkit) or ...

    I suggest starting in a high performance scenery area like the Mt. Everest Discovery Flight (First row, third one over) in 2D and see if you get about 120 to 130 FPS (in 2D). I have a 9700K@5Ghz and a 3080ti +Quest2@72Hz. Then go to VR and start locked at 45Hz just to check, and then turn ASW off (Disabled) with ODT and see if you don't jump up. I get about 70 to 73Hz with my 3080ti. Yes, I think the encoding of the image takes maybe 5->7 milliseconds (I run 3648 encode width with 200mbps encode rate) but I believe that just adds to latency and not to frame rate loss. With your 4090 and 5ghz CPU, you might get 80->90fps in that limited scenery (if you are running the Quest2 at 90Hz). Of course, the reality is that with more substantial scenery and airliners, you will drop to 50->60 and maybe still be better off with 45fps ASW. I hope that you are using the OXRTK to try out various options - even just the realtime HUD info with appCPU and appGPU times are valuable to me. I use OculusDebugCLI.exe scripts to try various options and use VoiceAttack to execute the BAT files so that I don't need to take off the Quest2 headset.

     I'm sure you will enjoy the 4090

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  2. This is from the Varjo evaluation above by OPwebpage:

    Varjo said its full-frame “bionic display” features human-eye resolution. In the focus area, the resolution is 1,920 pixels x 1,920 pixels per eye, while the peripheral area has a resolution of 2,880 x 2,720. The images refresh at a rate of 90 times per second, or 90 hertz, and the field of view is 115 degrees.

    As above by OP: https://venturebeat.com/2020/12/01/varjo-launches-new-generation-of-human-eye-resolution-vr-headsets/

    Maybe there is some sort of way to optically blend the highres area into the lowres area - because otherwise you would need a pair of display screens inside the headset that have the 1920x1920 res for the whole FOV -  highres area = 30 degrees  times 4 to get full FOV = 8K??

  3. @Spit40,

         Thanks for the through-the-lens footage. From my testing with Reverb G1 and G2, one of the the best tests for image clarity is the crispness of the First Officer's Nav and PFD displays when I am sitting in the Captain's seat at his normal Eye Reference Point. I should be able to read the FO Nav display fairly clearly and probably will have some difficulty with the FO PFD except for the FO's large font Speed and maybe Altitude. If you get a chance to do another through-the-lens video (unless you already had to return it) that maybe with some sort of setup to hold the position fairly still - would be great. Also, in the same fixed direction at the First Officer's displays if you can show the edges of the FOV, we can get an idea of the size of sweet spot for off center of FOV viewing. When you show a closeup of a given display ( maybe a little leaning in ), it's not too helpful in that we already have that close of a view being clear with today's VR headsets. One question: if you use a camera instead of an eyeball, how does the pupil tracking work? I don't have a good idea how to do a through-the-lens clarity test for the outside scene - maybe the runway at a given weather/lighting setup of 5 miles or so - something that is just barely beginning to be clear in a Reverb G2 or equivalent. Another question, what is the resolution of your video camera - and what resolution does Microsoft flight simulator say for the VR render scaling.

       Looks great! Thanks again.

    P.S. It would seem that you would need to have a 6 or 8K display screen per eye in the headset where you would blend the focus area/foveal view (at 1X) with the lower resolution surrounds which would do hardware 2x or 3X upscaling?? Not sure how this works really

  4. Kassu62 makes the point that only about 20 to 30 degrees (foveal area) of a VR Field of View of maybe 120 degrees needs 60 pixels per degree if you pupil track. So that would be 1800 x 1800 pixels inside that 30x30 degrees which is about 2K resolution superimposed over a full FOV background area of maybe 2160x2160 (Reverb G2 resolution) that has 20 pixels per degree. Those requirements seem like an approximate doubling of performance of today's video cards. I just wonder how fast you can pupil track. 


  5. Not every laptop will supply a Display Port 1.3/1.4 which is needed for Reverb G2. Some laptops do not have HDMI which is required fr some VR HMDs. Finally, USB 3.1 might be required. Then, does it have enough USB ports for HOTAS joysticks, etc... Get a laptop with 1Gbit WIFI performance if you want Quest 2 wireless.

    You might need a cooling fan laptop pad - it will definitely get hot during VR

    Make sure you do a little research.

  6. There are quite a few steps for Virtual Desktop (VD):

    1) Did you purchase the app on the Quest2 (and not on the PC - they are two different apps)

    2) On the Q2 after the install, make sure you answer Deny then Allow for the permissions. The Virtual Desktop Streamer ( https://www.vrdesktop.net/ ) needs to be installed on the PC ( it will connect between the Q2 and the PC

    3) SteamVR can either be started by the user and make sure the settings are correct (start at a resolution of about 2000x2000) or you can start it using VD

    4) Make sure you have a HOTAS/joystick button assignment for at least the VR-Camera Reset (and maybe the VR-Toolbar Toggle) in MSFS2020 and start with VR Render Scaling at 70%. Also, make sure to set the OpenXR runtime to SteamVR ( if you are trying to run wirelessly with Virtual Desktop). There is a pushbutton on the Developer section of SteamVR settings that allows you to easily set SteamVR as the OpenXR Runtime.

    5) Start MSFS2020 (you actually can do this at Step 1 to save time), setup your flight - get to the takeoff position with at least 70FPS in nonVR (just a quick test that you have enough framerate in general ) and then you can use CTRL+TAB to enter/exit VR (Or Switch to VR on the VD Menu)  . I use the left controller Oculus pushbutton (sometimes long hold) to bring up the Virtual Desktop options ( while I am inside VR ) for Streaming and adjust them and then hit "Switch to VR"

  7. I haven't read all 42 pages in this thread so maybe I missed it but I have a couple of issues running this in VR:

    1) The HUD image doesn't have a near-infinity depth so it doesn't "overlay" the outside scene - it appears to be about a foot away. Hope this can be fixed soon.

    2) The knobs and switches are hard to activate - I have to close my right eye to get the 3D cursor in the correct spot.

    Still, I am willing to treat this as early access and fund some more development. Flying it seems fine, especially in VR, but getting it to slow down is tricky.



  8. I bought the Quest2 as my backup VR headset to add to my HP Reverb G1. I really enjoy using it with Virtual Desktop wirelessly connected to my desktop (CPU=9700K+RTX2070). I can fly MSFS2020 about as well (similar clarity and FPS) with either headset and with the Q2, you can bounce back and forth between a SteamVR and an Oculus environment. Since I expect to only have maybe 10 or so games/apps actually running locally (no need for your PC or laptop) on the Quest2 (there is a great WWI flight sim now called Warplanes:WWI on Sidequest ($10) ), I will do well with only 64gb - so far I have 40gb or so left - and you can always temporarily uninstall an app to the Oculus cloud anyway. The side to side clarity is really nice for me and my glasses, plus it's fun with the comfortable VR cover and a third party rigid head band ( like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08NX5QTHB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ) and the Link cable ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084H46RHC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ) if desired.

    It's a great and fairly inexpensive system! If you order from Amazon, you can easily return it.

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  9. @Nick and @Michael and others,

          Here we go for the chance to first test out MSFS2020 VR!!!! I am glad you guys are along for the ride because I see you on the P3D and FS2 forums and value your opinions. I have a 9700K@5Ghz+RTZ2070+32gb RAM with the Reverb G1 and 32gb RAM. I have great  (almost 90 fps) performance with FS2 (777 at KSFO) and almost OK (45 FPS with SteamVR reprojection=motionvector) performance with P3Dv5HF2 using the DD Seattle and the F-35B. I have tested MSFS2020 tring to find performance on a single HD monitor that is above 100FPS so that I can get reasonable 45FPS performance in VR mode. What I have seen is that we need to use MEDIUM settings (maybe some adjustments) along with simple aircraft (the C152 for example) and simpler airports (LOWI (Innsbruck)) for example.

          Let's stay in touch and report on this forum - easier than using the Microsoft forum which has way too many comments on things other than VR.  I hope this works reasonably well.


    Dave W.

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