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  1. delta one,you fixed it! I tried your view lines in my panel.cfg file and it works perfect. Thank you very much for sharing this much needed lines. I tried emailing Carenado two times about this problem. They did respond, but not with this kind of fix.Thank YouSteve
  2. Peter, Thanks for looking into this Panel problem. Yes I am talking about the new C152 II. Somehow I feel they want you to use the VC panel only for this plane. If you look in the panel folder, there is only 1 Bipmap file for the 2D panel. In other Carenado planes (example the Cessna 182RQ) there are 3. This means you have different views you can select within the 2D panel. I Can't belive they would design it different this time around. I would call the default 2D view for the C152 II, a IFR View. If you enjoy using only the VC panel, then this plane is fine. But I guess I still enjoy the 2D panel view. One funny note is that I tried using Shift Enter keys a few to many times. Then when I look left then right I was now viewing the world from the top of the wing.Steve
  3. I decided to email Carenado about the problem and they said to go to the
  4. Just a quick question for anyone that has purchased the new C152 from Carenado. When I start FSX with this plane in the 2D panel, I see everything just fine except for the runway. It's like Im setting to low in the seat and can't see anything but the clouds and blue sky. I've never had this problem with anything before. I have SP1 and 2 installed. Maybe Im doing something wrong! Anyone else having this problem? Thanks in Advance...Steve
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