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  1. Current version in my account in FlightSim.com store is still 2.1. I had this problem again in the past. Why does it take so long for the versions to update? Is there any other location to download the updated version? Thank you Apostolos Metaxas
  2. I have done everything you said but still get the same error. Finally I uninstalled everything, deleted all folders from Appdata as well, cleaned my registry, installed again the program as administrator but nothing. At the initial screen it stops at 10%Done and the I get the "Unable to..." message.
  3. After I upgraded to latest version I get this message. I uninstalled and reinstalled, erased all folders from application data as well but I still get the same message. https://ibb.co/tqMtPvL Finally the program opens. What can I do to eliminate this?
  4. The file is not updated in FlightSim.Com Store. I just downloaded the file and it is still version 2.0.
  5. You are right. It works now. Thank you very much!
  6. I use the latest version of everything. I just updated to airac 2104. I built a new flight plan in Simbrief. LGAV KOR UL53 GARTA UV60 YNN UL604 DIMIS DCT ADDER DCT RETRA DCT GAC DCT TIVNU DCT ZAG DCT PETOV DCT LAMSI L604 RUDNO DCT MAPOX DCT NORKU EHAM I imported it using copy paste importer for Simbrief. The result is the same. RETRA after ADDER and MAPOX after RUDNO are missing. I have uploaded an image https://ibb.co/9hBL7Zk
  7. I import plan from SimBrief. Yesterday I flew from LGAV to EHAM. The flight plan from SimBrief was: LGAV KOR UL53 GARTA UV60 YNN UL604 DIMIS DCT ADDER DCT RETRA DCT GAC DCT TIVNU DCT ZAG DCT PETOV DCT LAMSI L604 RUDNO DCT MAPOX DCT NORKU EHAM When I imported it 2 waypoints were missing, RETRA and MAPOX and I had to insert the manually. Why? Am I doing something wrong?
  8. Satellite image in EHAM does not show well. I need it in order to find a gate to park. Also ground traffic is not loading to many airports when I select it after landing. https://ibb.co/gmPLMq6
  9. Thank you. I will try this. I am not so experienced and familiar with all the procedures.
  10. Great if it had been released for MSFS 2020!
  11. Yes, I know that. Sometimes ATC assigns you to a specific altitude for a specific waypoint: "You have to cross XXXXX at flight level XXX". It is convenient to know the distance from this waypoint in order to start descend on time. Thanks anyway!!!
  12. I didn't mean that. Along the top you see the distance from the NEXT waypoint and on the 4th column the distance from one waypoint to the next. What I mean is the distance between the aircaft and any given waypont in the route not only the next one.
  13. Is there a way to know the exact distance between the aircraft and a specific waypoint during the flight?
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