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Posts posted by toelg

  1. Just a question regarding AIC + UT2 at airways :


    I'm using UT2, but I would like to have controlled the AI-traffic also at airways by AIC and not by UT2, as UT2 doesn't show AI-traffic above water. And if I understood it right, there is also some other benefit, like right FL for east-west rules.


    Do I have to leave the settings as default (UT2Compatibility = 0 and AIMaxSpawnDistanceFromSTAR = 200) therefore ?

    And do I have to disengage the UT2-control for AI-traffic at airways somehow ?



  2. Did you turn the Anti-Incursion options on in the Standard Final Approach options? Is is disabled by default.


    Thanks - sorry, I didn't know that. I've now put "Anti-Incursion Threshold Altitude" to 300 ft AGL and "Anti-Incursion Threshold Distance" to 1 nm.(hope that are useful values). Now landing AI-aircrfts no longer crashes into my user-aircraft. (BTW I just noticed they don't go around, as discribed, but they just disapear at me).


    But still, I have the same problem with taxi-in AI-aircrafts They don't detect my user-aircraft during taxiing and don't stop at me. I have "Taxi Collision Detection" enabled (as default), do I have to edit other options for detecting taxiing aircrafts ?

  3. AIC-controlled AI-aircrafts still don't detect the user-aircraft for me. I just tried a simple test ::


    I've placed the user-aircraft on a RWY, waiting for an AI approach. Without running AIC, the FSX-controlled ai-aircraft performs a go-around, as it should. But running AIC, the AIC-controlled AI-aircraft doesn't perform a go-around. Instead of this, it continues the approach with landing - streight crashing into the user-aircraft  :o .



  4. Probably your parking codes for the Lufthansa aircraft .cfg entries specify parking type as cargo and not as gate. Have you installed your own AI or did you use someone's already put together package?


    Yes, I have installed my own AI with UT2, but at earlier versions of AIC, it worked well. Here my data of AI_cfg_data.txt; I think, they should be o.k.,


    AIA 727-200 Lufthansa|Lufthansa|N474DA|727-200|Gate|108.00|93750|0.001|475.0|DLH


    AIA 737-200 Lufthansa|LUFTHANSA|N70724|737-200|GATE|93.00|65250|0.001|500.0|DLH


    Lufthansa B732|Lufthansa|G737BY|737-200|GATE|93.00|65250|0.001|500.0|DLH

  5. Just noticed, some AI are taxiing wrong; iInstead of taxiing to a gate, they are taxiing to a Ramp_Cargo.  It seems only affect to  Lufthansa (DLH) . May be, the cause is, that the Ramp_Cargo is assinged to DLHC at ADE. (EDDL Aerosoft) Seems to happen since a newer HF, but unfortunately I do not know exactly from which newer version. May be You can have a look to that.




  6. What happens if you just run AIC (not AIM) while FSX is running? Any difference?




    I've just tried HF8Test3. The window.dll crash didn'i occur no more. But now it is the atc.dll, which crashes FSX  (it was also reported by "catchman"), . It is caused by AIController.exe (just running AIC) and happens after about 5 min running. Only AIMonitor.exe (without AIcontroller.exe) running, there's no crash.


    Error-Report :


    "Runime Error R6025 - pure virtuell function call"


    Wndows 7 - Event :


    Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: fsx.exe, Version: 10.0.61472.0, Zeitstempel: 0x475e17d3

    Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: atc.dll, Version: 10.0.61472.0, Zeitstempel: 0x475e180e

    Ausnahmecode: 0x40000015

    Fehleroffset: 0x0002957e

    ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0xe74

    Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d09a098ecbf1aa

    Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe

    Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\atc.dll

    Berichtskennung: ea292ec2-05fe-11e5-89b3-902b3437ee28

  7. Have you installed any new video card drivers?



    No, here all event-information :


    Protokollname: Application

    Quelle:        Application Error

    Datum:         28.05.2015 15:49:11

    Ereignis-ID:   1000


    Ebene:         Fehler


    Benutzer:      Nicht zutreffend

    Computer:      dt-PC


    Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: fsx.exe, Version: 10.0.61472.0, Zeitstempel: 0x475e17d3

    Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: window.dll, Version: 10.0.61472.0, Zeitstempel: 0x475e180e

    Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005

    Fehleroffset: 0x0000bef3

    ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x1f30

    Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d0994b9d227b07

    Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe

    Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\window.dll

    Berichtskennung: 51182dfd-0540-11e5-8f42-902b3437ee28


    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">


        <Provider Name="Application Error" />

        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>




        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-05-28T13:49:11.000000000Z" />




        <Security />













        <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe</Data>

        <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\window.dll</Data>



  8. Thanks for sending me your taxi_graph.txt file. I was able to replicate the bug. Turns out a "fix" in HF8 was the problem.



    Glad to help to get a step forward. I've just tried HF8-test, and no aicontroller.exe-crash occured so far.

    But next issue: Now FSX crashes at  "Moduls: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\window.dll"

    Please let me know, if You need more information again, to help finding the bug.




  9. Hi Roland,


    Seems, AIController is not allways aware that the Gate is already occupied, maybe this could also be related to the re-injection of UT2 Traffic.

    It is hard to follow if the gate was occupied BEFORE the assigned AI lands or if the new AI will be assigned though the gate was occupied.


    Same at me, I also use UT2. Apart from this, since "Hot Fix 4" all aircraft taxi to the assingned gates regarding their airline-code, as they should now.

    After a new decompiling, there was also no need to edit the "brake_scalar"; Don't know why; however it works without any overshooting the runway now, even with "toe_brakes_scale = 0.001". Thanks for fixing that, this saves a lot of work !


    But I found another issue, which I hadn't noticed yet : It seems, that FSX-controlled aircraft cannot detect AIC-controlled aircraft on ground. As I have reduced the taxi-speed from 15 to 10 kts for smoother movement, the FSX-controlled aircraft (taxiing out) are a little faster then AIC-controlled aircraft. So they run over them when they are taxiing behind them in some situation.


    Also it seems that approaching AIC-controlled aircraft  don't detect the user-aircraft at ground. Yesterday, I was "Cleared for take-off" alredy lined up on the runway, as there was touched down a 737 just before me. :o


    Thanks and a nice Sunday !


  10. I think I am going to remove this feature though, which I think is causing some of the issues you're seeing. The downside is more chance an AI might end up parking in an oversized gate (e.g., regional AI in a heavy gate), but not that much more (the negatives outweigh the positives I think).




    I would enjoy that too, it if the airline-code would get priority before parking-size.

  11. I just wonder what the min. and max. allowable value should be? Thoughts anyone? I'm leaning 0.5 - 1.



    I think too, that they should be in this range. It is probably dependent on the AI-model, some there was no need to change (0.7 - 1.00), others I've changed from 0.001 to 0.801 - 0.81. Strange is, that FSX-controlled aircrafts have no problems with with the value of 0.001.



    However, AIController still frequently fails to assign a matching gate.


    Same at me, First it worked well; DLH, LTU and BAW were taxiing to their assigned gates. But then there came two AZA and one IBE MD80, which all were taxiing to the GA, althogh there are enough assinged free gates available for them. I also noticed, that often aircrafts are taxiing to occupied gates, so that two aircraft parked in one another.



    Edit : I also noticed at my "AI_cfg_data.txt"., that some aircrafts have strange values behind the airline_code. For example :


    ARNZ A320 TAP|TAP||A320|GATE|94.75|100792|0.885037|TAP










  12. Is 0.001 a right value for "brake_scalar", or do I have to edit that, or should I add a "brake_scalar" to my AI aircraft.cfg ?


     May be that's the cause, why some aircraft overshoot the runway.

    Just found the answer for myself : Yes, I have to edit the brake_scalar. At my AIA 727-200 and 737-200, I've changed it from 0.001 to 0.801, and it seems to work well at a first look.. And yes, that was the cause of overshooting the runway.

    (Sorry for the passengers, they can't no longer take a sight-seeing tour through the city of Düsseldorf  :Just Kidding:  )


    However, may be, I could help as a workaround, to solve this for someone, who has also the same issue,


    Best Regards


  13. The output data format is is: title, atc_airline, atc_id, ui_type, atc_parking_type, wing_span, empty_weight, brake_scalar, and atc_parking_code list.


    Just found, that my AI aircraft.cfg contain no "brake_scalar". The AIC-decompiler reads instead of this "toe_brakes_scale = 0.001". That means "brake_scalar=0.001" is at my  "AI_cfg_data.txt".

    Is 0.001 a right value for "brake_scalar", or do I have to edit that,  or should I add a "brake_scalar" to my AI aircraft.cfg ?


    Edit : May be that's the cause, why some aircraft overshoot the runway.




  14. he reason why i disable enhanced mode is because when planes land, they go until the finish of the runway and are stuck there. they stop and dont move

    Similar at me : At the end of the runway, they retract the flaps and stop for about 5 -10 seconds at the edge of the runway. After that, some are deleted and the other continue  taxiing, but atways not to the assigned gate.


    BTW : I just had a look at my "AI_cfg_data.txt" and found tons of data of other objects like animals, AI-ships and objects of FSDT GSX (baggage-cars, star-trucks etc.). Seems, that they are scanned too by decompling, as they are also at the "SimObjects"-folder.


    Best regards


  15. AIController is only searching the aircraft subfolder for aircraft.cfg files.


    Thanks Roland, You've hit it !


    I've copied my AI-aircratfs into the Airplanes-folder, made a data update and deleted after that the files as Jim has proposed. Now my AI_cfg_data.txt is complete and the aircrafts don't disapear after landing.



    BTW, are you using a AI aircraft package?


    No, I have collected tons of single nice AI-aircrafts by AIA, FSP. PAI, Evolve-AI, TFS, UTT etc., which were kindly provided by the developer.


    However, looking forward, to discover the new features of AIC now.


    Thanks again !


  16. Please check the AI_cfg_data.txt file in the main AIController directory. The file should contain select aircraft.cfg data culled from all the user's installed aircraft, so the file should look fairly comprehensive upon quick inspection (that would be a good result).



    The AI_cfg_data.txt file contains only the FSX installed flyable user-aircraft and no AI-aircraft at me. My AI-aicrafts are in a seperat folder (Flight Sinulator X / SimObjects / AI-Aircraft). May be that's the cause.

  17. This is related to the new parking algorithm used in 1.4B. For example, the 20 free gates might not be seen as available because their radius it too small for the AI's wingspan.


    I'm using EDDL by Aerosoft. I've checked the radius at the gates. They have various size (about 25m to 43m), and it never happened before. To be sure, I have enlarged the radius from 25m to 40m by ADE. But the same result; AI-aircrafts still disapear all after landing.


    Only an idea : Could it be that, that AIC check the stock-AFCAD instead the addon-AFCAD for available gates ?

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