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Posts posted by TerrenceK

  1. Only today is that really changing. FSX no doubt is an advancement over FS9 in the graphic area it just runs like a pig with wings. Today we have some pretty big wings called i7 machines but it shouldn't have took the i7 to come on market 3 years after release for FSX to run decently (actually it still doesn't without tweaks).
    People that really need an i7 to run FSX, should not be given access to a p.c. in the first place, cause they clearly don't know how to use one. I've been running FSX for the past 2,5 years on a Q9300 without any problems whatsoever. Sliders are full open (except for AI and tree stuff and such, I don't care for those), 1900 wide, 26inch, REX, HD textures and what not and don't drop below the 30 fps. REX overcast or no REX overcast. The thing is, I don't use my computer to Skype, MSN, download tons of movies and music. I don't run 200 tasks in the background, I don't have a virus scanner, I don't run Teamspeak, I don't have a gazillion plugins to watch movies online. If I can't watch a movie because I don't have the silverlight plugin or quicktime, I simply don't watch it, instead of cramping my pc with yet another meaningless piece of software. I don't need Deamon, or alcohol or what not. I don't care for maximum compression, so I don't have 7zip or winrar or what not, but simply use the build in windows zip. So stop stuffing your pc full with crap and then complain it doesn't run smoothly.That's like buying a DB-9, hook a trailer to the back, and then complain it doesn't do 0-60 in 4 seconds anymore... You want speed and performance? Get rid of the excess load... You really don't need an i7 to run FSX.
    1. A sim that takes 3+ years to get off the ground to run/look better than it's predecessor.
    Not true. FSX looked better than FS9, from day one. Don't compare an Aerosoft pimped, Flight Environment tricked, Ultimate terrain boosted FS9, with a stock FSX. That is like saying the previous model M-tuned M3 is faster than the current version, strait from the factory BMW 320. Lame comparison. And let's not forget : FS9 wasn't all that 3 years into it's sales cycle either...
    8. If a sim is successful there's no development 3+ years after a new version's release. The market required it for FS9 because FSX 'failed' to corner it (It still hasn't totally captured the whole market and won't before FS11 hits the shelves especially on the freeware end). This is a failure because the new version should always dominate it's predecessor. Even FS2000 was able to do this. A new version should overtake the whole market around it within the first six months to a year of it's release. The marker (should you ask) is a 20 year history where this has been the case with each new version released. Another example of this kind of failure would be Vista's inability to overtake Windows XP.
    Not true. Where do you get this wisdom from? First of all, FS9 was given 3 years to begin with, before FSX hit the market. Where as before FS2004 a new version would usually come out every 12 to 15 months in the beginning and later on up until 2004 once every almost two years. So FS2004 was simply given more time to build a fanbase, a deeper rooted fanbase.You can't compare FS2000 (being able to dominate it's predecessor) with FSX (failed to corner). Different times, different circumstances. The difference between FS2000 and 98 weren't that massive as the difference between FS2004 and FSX.
    5. A sim that splits a whole community built around it. I challenge you to find another version of FS that's done this.
    You talk about FSX as it being a human being. I was and still am perfectly happy with FSX, and to be honest, most FSX users are. It are the FS9 users that do 'the splittin''. The FS9 user is the most vocal user I have come across. 'We should not ignore them', 'Many will buy our products' (they don't), 'We should not forget them' (how can we, they keep screaming), and let's not forget the 'My FS9 is better than your FSX', and the 'FSX sucks', 'FSX is a slideshow' and 'You need 2000 USD to buy a FSX capable computer rants'. FSX doesn't split communities, nor do FSX users, they go about quietely enjoying their sim. It's the FS9 user that splits....

  2. And while we are all debating, speculating and rampagin' about Microsoft Flight, nobody noticed that Ages of Empire is coming back!??! I know all ya'll think the world begins and end with whether or not we will be able to simulate flight, but what about gathering resources? Building armies? What about advancing technology? Building universities, barracks, marketplaces? Setting up trade routes, building towers, walls, harvesting food?Guys!!! AGE OF EMPIRE IS COMING BACK!!Now, all jokes aside (I wasn't kidding, Age of Empire/Empire Earth rocks), MS Flight : Best thing that could happen. A new, fresh breeze, a new start. Out with the old, in with the new. It's about damn time. Flight Simulator, as we know it has been around for decades. Same people, same nagging, same complaining, same developers, same users, same philosophy, same thoughts, ideas, same graphics. If it will be basic flying, arcadish, it will leave more room for 3rd party developers to bring us 'simulation'. Perhaps the fact that it will be marketed for the main stream GAMER, means new main stream developers, main stream ideas, main stream projects, but most of all : main stream money (invested)...And let's be honest, the main stream games industry has advanced faster, and more innovative than what we have done for the past 10 years. And we have achieved a lot with the small crews, little budget...I can't wait for this to lift of, see where it takes us..

  3. The problem is that the money and time budgets are the first priority before the project is even concieved.
    Welcome to the real world kid... I bet you will look differently when it is your money, your time, your mortgage that has to be paid, your kids that have to be fed...
    but 98% of the population of the world will disagree with me -- its ok I'm used to it, but it does not make me wrong.
    That is because you are 'special', you are one of a kind. We are all 'dumb' people, with dumb thoughts and ideas... I applaud you, for thinking you are that special. Now, get of your high horse and come and play with us, down here... on planet earth.
    I hate money.... a successful title to me has no need for a PATCH ....."SERVICE" PACK is named as such to fool people who love money and possesions - it will not fool me because I love when people care about each other even when they are in a company not just at church or a funeral.
    Again, what's with the attitude? Who taught you that things should be flawless, immaculate and perfect? Are YOU flawless? Are you immaculate? Are you perfect? Cause if you think you are : I just told you to get of your high horse, stop getting back on it!, or I will shoot the damn horse myself ;)Listen kid, I know you and your mascara wearing, tree hugging friends (a joke, a joke!) like to talk in lengths about 'The perfect world', the meaning of life and the purpose of being and I know you all think YOU yourself are perfect, special and 'the only ones who see IT', and yes : Wouldn't life be great, if it was not run by the mighty ol' Yankee Dollar? If we could all just live of loving eachother? But that is not the way it works. So either get used to it, or nuke the entire planet, and start a new civilization ..Know this though, if you choose the latter ; You only get one shot, no 'patches' and 'service packs'.....;)

  4. Dillon,We're good to go! The FS9 liveries have been released. What I'd like you to do, is order it on our website, as you did with the FSX version, but when you hit the PayPal page, close your browser. The order will then be in the backend, and I will put it thru. Yes, this means you will have a copy of the FSX version as well. Call me a nice guy....I will see your order pass thru.Terrence

  5. Rushing to get liveries I didn't read the fine print (FSX only, FS9 will be available soon). Knowing developers chock this up as stellar FSX sales I'm a little ticked at myself for this. I won't be diving into FSX until around or after 2012 (if the world is still around by then). I'll keep the liveries but a careless mistake just the same on my part... :(
    How did we 'get you' and how is it 'fine print'? The sentence stating it only works for FSX is partially in bold (to emphasise), in a different font colour (to emphasise) AND boxed (to emphasise), right in the MIDDLE of the page...(guess what? to emphasise)....You just hang it there, I am not going to let you buy the FS9 version again. In the mean time, while you wait, I can hit you up with a few conversions of your favourite 2, 3 liveries.But don't go and tell people, 'we got you', because you failed to read properly.:biggrin:Now, gimme 2....

  6. That's fine in a private mode of communication, this is a public forum, you don't know who is reading what you post. You would be surprised at what information can be garnered with just a name! Especially if some general location info can be obtained. General rule of thumb on the internet from a security stand point is you don't give any personal information about yourself in public. Chief among those is Name, Address, tel# number and of course no financial info. You may trust PMDG with this info, but they may not be the only ones interested. I don't have a problem with first names, but asking for full names in a public forum is not a good idea.
    And that is EXACTLY my point Thomas...I found your fill name, your address, and a picture of you all within 1 minute. Just by googlin' your nickname, finding your .com website, and slammin' that into whois.com. Imagine what someone could do with some real 'power', I'm just a guy that likes photoshoppin'. And that is exactly my point, and what I stated earlier : It doesn't matter how icognitio 007 you THINK you are, those who REALLY want to know who you are, already know... And if not, they have their means of finding out in a whiff, probably without too much effort. And they sure don't even need your first name for that. So you (people in general) might as well get off it (i.e. the whole I-want-to-be-anonymous-and-therefore-guard-my-privacy), cause there's no darn use anyway...That ship has sailed, came back into port and sailed out again....Besides, what is it that people want to hide anyways? You can google me, find a gazillion of hits, things I said, how I look, you can see where I am, where I go to (thanks Foursquare), how long I am there, I don't care, I have nothing to hide. People may read what I post, they may link it to a digital personality, they may make up their minds about me, as I say nothing stupid (or at least, I try not to :()Like I said in my previous post : It's my house, you live by my rules. So if I want you to use your 'real' FIRST name on our forums, that is what will happen. If not : You are not welcome in 'my house', you don't get support, or you don't get your pre-sales question answered. Money does not make me change my ethics about wanting to address people in a polite manner..By the way, support you can always get, if you don't want to use our forum because you don't want to use your first name, there's email, there's a chat functionality, there's private messages, you can tweet me, skype me, facebook me. Hell, if beepers and faxes weren't such a drag....:wink:So people, just sign your your posts with your name when being asked. Those who ask, probably don't care who you are or what you do, and those who don't ask, probably already know who you are and what you do...

  7. Hey Waleed,Funny story : First thing I thought when we were composing the livery listing for the base package was : With the two Royal Jordanian liveries (175 and 195) in the base pack and not in one of the World Airliners boxes, we lost Waleed as a customer... Hahahaha.When you get it, enjoy!

  8. Hi, I made a post on your support forum and was quickly told I had to include my real name in the signature of my avatar etc. I am not a paid customer i was looking for pre sales advice.Can you explain why users are forced to broadcast private inormation in this manner just to be able to post on a semi open forum, where sensitive data and data protection should be paramount?Is this odd rule carried foward when a purchase is made? Thanks,
    Well, basically cause I like to know who I am dealing with. Call me old fashioned, but I'd like to open my reply with 'Hello <insert name here>' and not with Hello AirbusA320-FO-EFFAH-BlTcH3ZZ' or what ever your incognito name is. I don't ask for your social security number, your creditcard number or whatever, not even your full name ; simply your first name, so I can address you properly. I ask the same from the people that work for McPhat, so our users, customers can address US in a real, grown up manner. For all I care you say your name is John, there's no way of checking anyways but at least let me call you by a normal name, instead of some nickname...Call it courtesy and since you're coming to my 'house', I ask you to live by my 'rules' , as I will live by your 'rules' when I come to your 'house'.Don't worry about your privacy by the way, people may still like to believe they can be anonymous, but that ship has sailed long, long time ago...;) Those who really want to know who you are, already know or have simple ways of finding out. I don't care what you look like or what you do, or who you hang out with, what you buy, how much you earn, what shady things you might be up to, I just want to address you and communicate with you as two grown up people...

  9. Wauw. Loads of ranting and upset people 'boycottin' and stuff...'What else can I say?We always fix everything, WITHIN our power, mostly RIGHT away meaning we can't fix things that are model bound OR 'fix' things that you think should be different. To those of you with problems, I have not seen you asking for help even once. We have a forum, we have a community page, you can pm all our TA's including me directly, you can tweet, facebook, hell even my SKYPE AND my email address are on my profile page.You exercise your right to speak volumes, yet you don't exercise your right to contact me via one of the above mentioned means but choose to complain, rant and boycot? That doesn't sound right to me.Act like a grown up, and ask me nicely and I'll fix.Also the FeelThere and previously Wilco/FeelThere models have probably the fewest 3rd party freeware quality painters when compared to the other devs. Until not to long ago, people still put out requests for certain liveries for certain models, without success. We 'gave' you (at the time) ALL (76!) liveries for the E-Jet, even the ones that were not delivered yet at the time (think KLM, Lufti Cityline etc), for a mere 8 bucks, little over 10 cents a pop, giving you -in my opinion- the best bang for your buck (http://www.avsim.com/pages/0808/Wilco/EJets.htm), since there are groups out there there that charge between 15 and 40 bucks PER livery.I will await your email, but know : support is done through OUR channels, and not AVSIM or any other place you expect me to visit daily merely to spot things like this.

  10. It's also hard to find the perfect picture to modify it and put it over the paint kit, so at this point you can admire the work of these artists at McPhat Studios who made the textures without using photoreal ones. I always though that a good combination of photorealism and hand made is perfect, but looking at the work from McPhat Studios, the drawing and painting techniques are the most important.
    I don't think you will see any HD photo-cut-and-paste paints anytime soon. Unless people have access to planes, real up close, to make really large, extremely detailed photos. Good job on the 747!!!

  11. Rui Mesquita uploaded lots of them here but they were yanked for some reason. Perhaps McPhat has exclusivity regarding repaints.John
    Hi, We don't have exclusivity, but we did use 'our' kit for the the release liveries, which means that when Rui rips one the release liveries to make his own : his liveries look like our liveries. And once that starts happening, we might as well close up shop. Rui and every other freeware painter is more than welcome to make liveries, once the official paint kit is released by FeelThere.This should be any moment now by the way.Thanks

  12. I am new to repainting aircraft. I have FS Repaint and have been doing some work with the Cessna 208B. Right now I am just using my mouse and finding it somewhat difficult to maintain any real control. I was wondering whether going to a digital pen and tablet would be a better approach. Any help would be appreciated.
    Our Texture Artists, including myself, all use an Intuos3 A4 (Wacom), one of them uses the new Intuos4. With 1024 (double that on the I4) pressure points there are of course things you can do with a pen you will never be able to do with a mouse (1PP). I've been using tablets (may it be tablet pc's or regular tablets) for over 5 years now, and yes : I could not go without anymore.But before you shell out a couple a 100 bucks on a tablet, I would throw out FSR, and switch to Photoshop (or if you want to go freeware : paint.net or the Gimp). FSR is not really for painting, although Abacus markets it like that. When it comes to aligning it is of course King Dingeling (literately saved me weeks in total so far), but other than that it is no good.As it is not really an editing program, I would indeed say control is not super. Try the Photoshop demo, see if that works out for you better.In case you do want to go for a tablet, make sure your screen size and the size of the tablet are more or less the same. No use in buying a small Bamboo when you have a 26 inch screen. I think I won't have to explain why that won't do your control any good...Good luck.

  13. This product is not DX10 compatible.
    This I don't get. Nearly 2010 and still no DXT10 support? I gain a good 10-12-15 FPS when I select the DXT10 preview.That is like making a car, without powersteering.Nevertheless : Congrats to CLS.

  14. It's FS9 terrenceK. I use Photoshop CS4 but i'm stuck with a number of issues. do i need to paint one side then do a copy paste for the other? it's way more complicated than i tought.
    You could do that. It depends on your workflow, how you like to use the CS4 tools. One way to do it is to create a group, in which you make, place, and create all your layers, shapes for the left side, then copy that group and shift drag it into to place to the right side of the fuselage. Don't forget to horizontally flip your layers where needed.

  15. Problem solved - Program must be installed by Administrator in win7 and files can only be saved when logged in as an Administrator. Duh! Of course, I still have not heard from Abacus on this issue. Just tried so many things that I finally got it right.
    Thanks for sharing the solution. With more and more W7 users, you are not the first, but most certainly won't be the last one bumping into this problem.

  16. I've noiticed that out of the repaint request forum there are 28 pages. Out of those 28 pages I see very few replies to the requests, but a heck of alot views, and I'm am wondering do most of these request go under answered due to lack of interest by the repainters, or is it lack of time?What is generally the average time to complete a repaint? Are the default FSX AC harder to do than FS9? Are Payware AC easier to do?Is eye candy a bad thing in the flight sim world? :( So basically my question would be.....Is it lack of interest by a repainter, lack of time, or AC sim type ?
    I'd say it's a lack of time. Eyecandy is certainly not a bad thing, but it has made the average time for a repaint rocket skyhigh. People are used to more detail, more eyecandy, which means the TA's and painters 'have' to put more time into a repaint.It does depend on the aircraft though. Denis is spewing out freeware high quality liveries for PA's A320 family like mad. Tom Collins does the same for Overland and more recently for Project Opensky's T7.On the HD textures, we spend somewhere between 30 and a 100 hours per livery. This includes the kit building process and research time. As it is FSX only, bump and specular maps are included in the building process. The more liveries we make with a kit, the lower the average hour per livery.Last but not least, 28 pages, not that many granted requests : Perhaps this is not the right place to do requests? I bet ya, you will be able to find a lot of those requests already made and available in the many file libraries on L'internet (starting with AVSIM's).

  17. I just want to make sure as the titles mentions both McPhat and Ariane, but the tread went a little off-topic and perhaps not everybody read the first couple of posts : We have nothing to do with this ...ehm.... 'move' by Ariane.

  18. in my first attempt to repaint an aircraft, I choose a 757 from captain sim. all the tutorials i saw were little hekpful to get everything in place. did any body cross a tutorial on the net specific for captain sim?
    I wouldn't say the CS757 (or any CS kit for that matter) kit is the best (read :easiest) kit to try your luck on. The 4 sided fold out structure makes it a bit more tedious (with better results tho) than a 'normal' 2 sided kit. That being said :I haven't come across a A to Z tutorial for the CS757 kit, but perhaps somebody else has. If not, I'd start by mentioning which FS, cause there is also a big difference between the FS9 and FSX way of texturing CS' 757.
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