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Posts posted by TerrenceK

  1. The FSX/FS9 option applies to some of McPhat's packages, unfortunately the American Eagle repaints are an exception as their a small freeware effort made by request. I posted a thread over on their site requesting an FS9 option. Others have requested the same thing in another thread for American Eagle in which McPhat (or someone on the team) stated the American Eagle repaint for FS9 may be the last FS9 paint they do.The deal with FSX repaints is the files are in '.dds' format. FS9 paints are .'bmp' files. In many cases you can't use FSX repaints in FS9 because of the file type used...
    I am building the installers for the the 1.02 update for the World Airliners 1 and 2. As soon as I am done with that, I'll do the FS9 American Eagle liveries.

  2. Hi Tom,Thanks, I actually had heaps of fun last night, trying to get those textures out, before the event started. Funny thing is : We had no intentions, releasing those American Eagle liveries yesterday. If all ya'll weren't that persistent, we'd probably shut down the lights and closed the office at 18.00. After a while, it started to become a race against the clock (which is a game, and I like games, especially if I 'win').I must admit : usually when people gang up on me like the way you all did yesterday, I tend NOT to do what is requested, but for some reason the more people dropped in, the harder we tried to release them in time. :( It also helped that it was for a twice(?) yearly VATSIM event.I hope you guys had a nice event.

  3. Why do people who've bought the basic version expect to get a reduction on the price of an advanced version when it becomes available?If I buy the basic version of, say, a Ford car, I don't expect Ford to give me a reduction if I later choose to buy a more luxurious model.
    No, but you get to trade your old Ford in, or you can sell your old ford, and use the money towards the new more luxerious model... :(

  4. We actually pulled half our team of the UHDT 757's last week to transfer them to 'ERJ 2.0 detail' to be ready in time. Most of us are still working on them as we speak. So we prioritized the ERJ (stock and expansion) liveries... There must be a reason for that.... :( On the other hand, who knows why I make decisions like this... :(

  5. Yep...the usual replies to those of us who PREFER 2D. S-I-G-H!. I think us 2D'ers could have scripted your response years ago...as we have heard it all before...over and over and over again.Read my lips..."WE DON'T CARE...WE DON'T LIKE VC!". It's that damn simple. I don't care what devices you use, I don't care what you find erotic about VC...we simply don't like to fly that way. ##### is so hard to understand about that? Why do you feel you need to begin a "VC intervention" for those of us who hate it??? Go fly your VC aircraft and STFU. We will continue to state our position, as is our right, that we are not paying for VC only aircraft. Why does that simple statement bother you people so much? Why is it you feel we are not allowed to make our preferences heard?
    We, we, we, we? Who's 'we'? I see just YOU... screaming and yelling.. ;)

  6. Looks great !!! Make sure to filth-up the aft air stair door and the mlg wheel assy's.
    I am actually working on those, thanks for the tip. They were indeed to clean for an otherwise rugged and worn fuselage.
    Good for you, the thousands of people that download my 100%-free liveries from this very website's file library like mine and even more so that I listen and improve my paints based on what they have to say (logical suggestions only, obviously).I think you guys are honestly just lazy and don't see a need to make anything accurate. (Hey it's dirty, about 50% of the people will love that and not care, and the other 50% well, we'll just ignore and ban from our forums for bringing up any suggestions). I still haven't received any response in your novel-like replies about my very simple fix/suggestions to the AA paint. Oh wait, now I remember who I'm dealing with...
    Kyle, I can only respond to you with this : "Envy is a close sister to jealousy. She is an angry little monster that lives in a lot of people. A lot of times, envy and jealousy like to have a monster mash inside our bodies. They torment and drive us to think about things that are unrealistic."Let go of the jalousy Kyle, there is enough attention and admiration in the world for ALL painters and texture artists out there... You'll live a much nicer life, without spending so much time fighting battles on the internet with people who actually do not care who you are, or what you say. Really...I do understand you though, you've been trying to let people know we are really bad at what we do, whenever you had the chance, since day 1. On your Myspace page, on Posky's forums, on IFDG's forum. You even made a repaint really dirty and send it to your MSN buddies so ya'll could have a laugh. When we announced UHDT, you were one of the first to scream to whomever wanted to hear that UHDT would produce oversharpened textures, with the little knowledge you had and have about HDT. Which was clearly not the case..In the mean time, this list gets longer and longer : http://www.mcphatstudios.net/index.php?opt...&Itemid=116 and it ####### you off!You're a great TA Kyle, really. You have talent, and skills and are not afraid to think outside the box, with your see through engine textures. But your attitude!! Boy!! : Let go of that jalousy and envy dude. There WILL be more people with skills. When you get older you'll notice that other people will have that same expensive car you have. Some will even have a more expensive and bigger car than you. Your house will not be the biggest, some people will make more money than you, you will not always be the only one people will admire, you may not be your boss' favorite employee.Chill out Kyle and let us do our thing, as we have always let you do your thing as well..

  7. What bugs me is that they've never noticed how terribly incorrect their previously released Iberia paints are,.. the entire right-side tail logo is incorrect on the ones they already released (Super 80 Classic & Super80 Pro) and it is currently incorrect on the previews of the UHDT version they are working on... but yet they have a "quality control expert" on their staff? :(
    What I don't understand Alex is the following : You used to be a member on our forum, a pretty darn satisfied and happy one member, if I recall it : http://www.mcphatstudios.net/index.php?opt...&id=453#480Then, at some point, you pointed out something you thought we did wrong, to which we replied that we had to work with what was presented to us by feelThere and that we had to choose for what we thought was the least bad solution. You replied that you could fix it. We asked you to show it to us, you never replied and never came back : http://www.mcphatstudios.net/index.php?opt...&id=893#919Three people, spend 2 hours researching your 'suggestion', which was based on an assumption. All we asked was if you -in the future- could check first to be sure, before mentioning it to us.We kinda cornered you there. Our so called 'Quality Control Expert' was one of those persons. Is that why you hold a grudge and rant on other forums about how 'terribly incorrect' our textures are? Cause, like I said, you used to be pretty excited about our work...Look, it's been over a year now. You were wrong about the night lighting, we were right. You tried to make us look bad, by saying you could fix it. We dared you to show it to us, which you didn't. I believe we had a laugh or two, after we had a feeling you would never show us wrong, simply cause you couldn't.What did we win, eventually? Nothing, cause a year later, you still hold a grudge and make fun of that exact same person that kinda made fun of you back then, trying to catch him on every little mistake you can find. So, we made you look like an *ss, now you make us look like an *ss. How about we kiss and make up? :( To go ontopic again : There are many repainters and texture artists out there. 99% of them make clean, glossy textures, which is perfectly okay. We like ours dirty, and so do the thousands of users who download and buy our textures and visit our website. The difference is though : You do not see us give 'well meant advice' to glossy painters how they should dirty up their planes. EVER. It's not up to us to tell another artist how to interpret his or her art. You want to paint glossy, go ahead. You want to paint clean? Go ahead. There's thousands of people who like glossy planes!This topic is not about dirty or clean textures though. It's about HD textures, the first on a tube, and the most detailed (px/m ratio, measured from the fuselage) ever, without losing framesm without oversharpened textures. Something many professionals and want to be professionals did not think was possible. With matching specular, bump and alpha channels on all maps, FOR US it is a milestone, as it is something we have never done before, and is not done before by anybody else yet either.Look, I may be an Audi fan, and I may think that Mercedes makes ugly cars. But if my neigbour comes home with a flying Mercedes that runs on hydrogen, I will not say : Your Mercedes is ugly. No, I'll applaud him for having a flying mercedes that runs on hydrogen.

  8. If you link to your forum people will suck up to you, it's that way everywhere.
    First of all, I did not link to our forum. I linked to pages on our website, where we gathered what reviewers, developers, company owners, fellow artists thought of us, and our work. But let's, for the sake of argument link OTHER forums, see what people think of us (so not our forum, OTHER forums) : FSWFSWFSWFSWFSWFlightsim.comREXREXREXIVAOCoolskyLike I said, the hate or love depends on the forum you go to, or the crew hang out with. We know the majority of the Posky painters/members/visitors think we suck/that our paints are too dirty/that they can do better. We know you, we know Kyle and how he copies our work for fun and sends it around to his MSN buddies so they can all have a laugh, we now Jacob and how he claims he can paint better with his shitstains (that is a quote), we know Demetris who leaves no forum untouched telling people how we do not know how to paint, we know Ron Waite, we know Nick Wilkinson. But you know what is sad Emilio? I don't know your work, your sounds, that is not what I know you for. I know you, cause you always complain.
    Your comment about making it peoples life long goal to bash you guys is comical to say the least.
    You are one of those people Emilio. If I do a search on your own forum, you will leave no chance to say something about 'pulling a McPhat', or making jokes, or stating how you don't like our repaints. You do it here, you do it on your own forum. It's okay though. Like I said : We know who those haters are. It are always the same people. Let it go...We have our style, people like it. Most people like it. But the most important : WE like it. Out of all the comments we've had on the American Airlines, only 2 people had something to complain about the level of dirt: You, and a Coolsky BETA tester, from whom we KNOW he does not like our style. Still, you think you are important enough for us to 'listen to your constructive critism' and change what 98% of our users DO like?Posky does what Posky wants. I'd like Posky to give us FSX, DXT10 ready planes, sporting specs and bumps. I don't get that either? Why? Cause Posky don't want to. Posky wants to make FS9 planes. I could go around, -over and over and over- telling people how much I think Posky is wrong for not following my 'well meant constructive critism' about not building FSX planes.But I don't. You know why?It's Poksy's choice, so I respect that. Now... let it go Emilio. I know you don't like the way we paint. You've said so on many occasion. Thanks, but if you don't mind : We like the way we paint, and so do many other people. Perhaps YOU can respect that as well.

  9. As for McPhat, why do people hate them so much?
    People shouldn't hate, it's so negative! :( It depends on where you go, and which crowd 'you hang with'.I'd say we are not hated, we do pretty alright : http://www.mcphatstudios.net/index.php?opt...&Itemid=116http://www.mcphatstudios.net/index.php?opt...&Itemid=106Yeah, some people 'hate' us. We know who they are, cause it are the same people every single time, making it their life goal to tell everybody how 'everybody hates us', and how much we 'suck'. We try not to waste time on people that hate and focus on the people that appreciate our work. People that don't like us, or our textures, should just not download our textures and focus on the things they DO like..Now, to Soya : I've seen the shots already, but still : Kudos! Although, I must say, I like them better in DXT10. I am not too fond about the way DXT9 handles reflections.

  10. Thats it, i am sold, heading over to Flight 1 now........ B) B) :( :( :( One super 80 pro sir? comin right up!!!!!
    You won't be disappointed! I used to fly with the classic pretty often, but nowadays all my add-ons sit in my virtual hangar, doing nothing but getting painted.. It is nice to see what's up though, who does what, so I tend to buy em all... Captain Sim 757, Captain Sim 767, LDS 767, PMDG 747, PMDG MD11. When FSX came out, I had all these FS9 add-ons doing nothing, so I held off for a while, cautious not to make the same mistake again (buying a lot of add-ons which were going to useless when the new FS would come out), but hey....IT LOOKS LIKE FSX IS THE LAST ONE, SO MIGHT AS WELL BUY EM ALL! ;)Have fun with your Super 80, don't forget to pick up a nice and shiny American Airlines livery from our website.

  11. Actually, I love it. And not only their 767, but also their C-130 and 757. There's always bugs in software. If EA, a multi, MULTI-billion dollar company with thousands of employees on staff, can't prevent from delivering bugless products, I don't expect a Captain Sim, or any other FS related company, employing perhaps 5, to deliver bugfree products.They'll fix it. And if not : Don't act like you just bought a 100 million dollar expensive full motion, Level-D simulator. You bought a piece of software. Downloadable software, worth 40 bucks. A saturday night out in town, and you spend double that amount of money. ;)

  12. McPhat is coming out with Ultra High Def paints for both the Captain Sim 757 and LDS 767, the former as payware. I am looking forward to those. (Although I confess to being confused by McPhat's website, what with all the "coming soons" and various payware and non-payware and WIPs. I know those guys are busy; just look how many Ejet liveries they made!)
    Always, always, always busy Tim... ;) The Super 80's are up first, then the CS757's and then... who will tell? We started work on the LDS767, so I'd say Level-D is up then. But out of the 5 people working on the LDS kit, 3 are on vacation, and one is not starting till the 2nd of August, which leaves just one person working on the kit at the moment. On the other hand, we have a 85% finished PMDG 747 kit and a 75% finished PMDG MD11 kit as well...But, let's talk CS767. I bought it. I am like you. I also bought the LDS767, the Maddog 2006, the Coolsky Super 80 classic AND pro. By the way, I buy those, I do not ask them as a favor from the developers that make them. So even though we signed a deal with CS for their 757, the participating TA's, have a bought/paid for copy. Same with the CS767, it came out and I bought it. So did my fellow TA Nicolas and some others on my team.Why? Cause we like to look at pretty things. I don't care if the center fuel tank does not drain first as long as the real thing works like it is supposed to, when it takes me back from Miami to Amsterdam. I just want to play with pretty stuff, and make pretty stuff for pretty stuff, to make it even prettier. The LDS767 is ageing. Slowly, but she is. I think it is a good thing CS released theirs. There's not much releasin' going on lately, so I for one applaud every developer that does so. I like the CS767. It looks rockin. She's a looker, she's sexy and smoking hot. I never was fan of the 767, I always rooted for the 757, with her long legs, sleek body, big...ehm..engines and cute nose. Until a couple of years ago, when LDS released their 767. I came to love the rather unsexy robust looks, the way she leans backwards, instead of forward, her rather flat nose.. Everything.So thanks to LDS for introducing me to the 767 and thanks to CS for giving me the opportunity to run a good looking 767 for at least another 3 years.Now, go build me a Triple 7!

  13. The diffuse-file , the one on wich actually the main paintwork has to be done ( with it`s alphalayer).The specular-file , wich handles glossy ( colored and dynamic ) effects (with it`s alphalayer).And the normal-file ( the bump-file also with it`s alphalayer)Leen de Jager
    ALmost. The specular does not handle glossy(ness), but reflectivity. Two different things, as the specular handles the amount of light reflected AND the colour it reflects. The Alpha is the one handling glossyness (in the diffuse). In the specular, the alpha regulates the amount of reflectivity.

  14. Here is a little information about how to handle a EPS file.1.Open the EPS file in your paintingprogram and choose for the option to open the file at 1000 DPI *2. Remove the backgroud by using the magic wand. 3 Now use the color-swapper-tool ( color-replacer) to give the text the color disired.4. Resize to the appropriate dimensions to be used on the fuselage-texture. do not save the changed EPS , just save as a copy (PSD or PNG)*= this huge size will result in a very smooth edged texture after reducing its size. (without any traces of the removed background)
    Or just open it using Adobe illest Illustrious Illustrator, select it, either change the colour directly, by double clicking and changing the foreground colour, or select it, and drag and drop it from Illustrator to Photoshop and change the colour there and then. By doing so, Photoshop treats it as a smart object, so you can resize (smaller AND bigger) without a loss in quality. By dragging and dropping, there is no need for magic wands, as Illustrator treats the logo as a seperate 'layer', disconnected from the (transparent) background.Of course you need to be using Adobe's Suite (or at least Photoshop and Illustrator).
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