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Posts posted by avrbifly

  1. I'm unable to get fs2Crew to work with the latest Maddogx.  Have tried reinstalling maddog and fs2crew as well as updating fsuipc to the latest.  The failure mode doesn't seem consistent, but the FO eventually stops performing tasks.  I can move or reset using the control panel and get the FO to respond but he won't perform any of the tasks. P3D v4.4

  2. I think the problem with that approach is that I've only been able to install the MD11 in one or the other, so chose to uninstall from fsx and move the md11 to steam...  So all the panel files are in steam..  Can I copy those to fsx to satisfy the installer,and then copy back to steam?

  3. So, I do have steam and boxed fsx side by side.  I was able to install the MD11 by using the registry tool to change the path to the steam path.  However I can't get fscrew to install because it's looking for panel files in the fsx path.  Is there a way to fake this out so I can get the md11 fs2crew working in steam?

  4. I've also got brakes on my Saitek pedals set with a slope of 5. While I still try to mimimize brake usage on the C90 during taxi, I do find them quite useable with occasional gentle application.


    This plane certainly does make me wish I could set up beta properly on my throttle quadrant, though. I don't like to use reverse too much during taxi, as the sound transition is pretty artificial. Not bad for landing, but going back and forth during taxi grates on my nerves. I've gotten pretty good at anticipating lag with throttles though, and as a consequence my taxi efforts have also improved with the Turbine Duke. About my only complaint is that I expect the techiques that I've developed don't much resemble what would be done IRL.




    I configured fsuipc so that when I pull my Saitek throttle into reverse it hits F1 followed by F2 4 or 5 times. Does a better job of simulating BETA which is what is usually used rather than full reverse.

  5. 2 issues:


    Want to limit the pushback distance before the 90 degree turn. When I decrease the distance number to what I want, it performs that, but then after the 90 degree turn keeps pushing for what seems like forever...


    after pushing last night and setting the parking brake, I could not get it to show released even though it was in the released position. After starting the pmdg ngx pushback, it released.


    Other than that, great so far.

  6. Anybody have any issues with long pauses just after departure at fsdt ( LAS DFW ) airports. I've been trying to trouble shoot an issue where this occurs, but only after flying for an extended period. I get anywhere from a 15 second to 1 minute pause just after takeoff while still over airport. Been flying the 737NGX and don't know if it is specific to that airplane or not.

  7. ALLOW_SHADER_30 simply allows FSX to make use of SM3.0 for Water Effects, because they are the only shaders compiled using SM3.0 everything else is either 2.0 or 1.1 This was a 'compatibility' or design decision I suppose. so, DONT USE if you have old hardware. SM3.0 is DX9c only.AffinityMask=12 yes, reduces thread collisions and FSX scales well up to 3 CPU. after that, you are wasting CPU cycles. There is no performance impact here, so don't worry. And remember, even though affinity mask=12 only makes two cores active (core2 and core3) you'll STILL have activity in CORE0 because the fiber system is NOT bound to the Affinity mask vale, so, even AffinityMask=12 will make use of 3 CORES's for FSXIn the 'BufferPools' section, I included ALL values for all situations, so the ONLY value you want to change there is UsePools (which is an ON/OFF switch)so, that way, you have the choice to either run with no BufferPools OR run with BufferPools, but using the most efficient way of doing so.As for what is RejectThrelshold, you'll need to search the forum for that to see my previous posts. Think of it as the 'Alternative' Holy Grail to BP=0UsePools=0 will IGNORE PoolSize and RejectThresholdUsePools=1 will use a BufferPool with the size you specify in PoolSize
    Been trying to find the thread that discusses RejectThreshold. Can anybody provide the link?Thanks

  8. Hi Rich,I don't run them in SLI, but I do run the GTX260 on PhysX while the 295 runs normally. I have never seen a benefit running SLI or even my configuration with FS. The higher end video card sure does help but really only when cranking out higher resolutions, so not much noticed to most. There is very little (if any) difference when I run just my 260 or just my 295. But it does help when running my resolution in 5040x1050. Other than that I never seen a difference in running the 260.Edit: You wouldn't be able to run them in SLI anyway, not your mentioned configuration anyway. You can't run a 260 in SLI with a 9800 and both need to be the same GPU to run SLI.
    Thanks Dan. Should be getting my 260 tonight. Hoping the extra memory will allow me to smooth things out even more.Rich

  9. Andrew beat me to it but yes, this does sound like your realism settings are set to not detect crashes. Of course this doesn't fix the problem, but being shot up 500' in the air is exactly what is done in that case when a crash is detected. I still cannot find my completed KBOS file which is sad, but trying my posted one above produced a crash (not lock up) on my first attempt flying 33L. Harry may be on to something here, but I can't see where the issue is in ADE. It seems like there's an invisible mdl right before the runway and my MD-11 just crashes 100' above the runway threshold.
    Crash detection is disabled. would I get different resuts with crash detection enabled?

  10. Dan, Rich,Seen this before.There's a common thing about these runways, approach over water and a threshold, right when making land.KJFK 04L qualifies for this scenario as well.IMHO, It's an elevated threshold too close to (underlaying) water that causes this problem.Have seen this in the Queen and MD11 as well.Adapting the default scenery with ADE helped solving this problem on my side for known airpot/rwy situations.Would be even better if the PMDG aircraft could cope with this.Regards,Harry@Dan: working on a signature.
    I think Harry is probably correct. I ran a bunch of tests UT2 off/windows mode/nhancer prerender settings/flap GPWS flap override et al. Didn't change a thing. Always the same leap to runway and jump up 500 feet ( Autoland ). I can only land normally on 04 at LGA. I tried Dan's BGL at BOS and same results for 33L. No problems landing 15R though. No problems at SFO?? Interesting that I can take off at LGA rwy 4 and hold the M D-11 on the ground towards the threshold of 22 and the plane leaps up in the air 500 ft. So must have something to do with the water/land boundery. Then the question is why do I see this and others don't? Is there some CFG setting that can be linked to this issue? video card? anything??Rich

  11. No... It is definately not that. It leaps forward just past the 50 to 100 foot call and is down on the ground spoilers deployed. Wondering if some sort of pre rendering issue?Rich
    So it gets even more interesting. Decided to watch an autoland to rwy 22 LGA. Everything looks good then at 70ft RA the plane leaps onto the runway then jumps suddenly 500 feet in the air. Don't know if it's a clue, but this was accompanied by don't sink don't sink. very odd! The instant replay from the tower shows the same thing. I will try turning Ultimate traffic off to see what happens.Rich

  12. Rich, I am afraid it sounds like you are touching down before you expect to due to a high pitch angle at touchdown and the wheels are way back there much lower than the cabin. Check your playback friend.
    No... It is definately not that. It leaps forward just past the 50 to 100 foot call and is down on the ground spoilers deployed. Wondering if some sort of pre rendering issue?Rich
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